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Use the package manager of your operating system to install ranger.

To install ranger manually, use either:
sudo ./setup.py install --optimize=1 --record=install_log.txt

or for short:
sudo make install


Again, use your package manager to uninstall ranger.  No other way for
automatically removing ranger is supported!

However, if you installed ranger with the command above, all installed files
have been recorded to "install_log.txt".  This information can be used to remove
ranger by hand, e.g.:

cat install_log.txt | sed s/\^/\\// | xargs -d "\n" sudo rm --
'n198' href='#n198'>198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="ltr" lang="en">
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        <title>2.2.4. Samhain</title>

        <a href="index.html">Core OS Index</a>

        <h1 id="samhain">2.2.4. Samhain</h1>

        <a href="http://www.la-samhna.de/samhain/manual/">Samhain Manual</a>,
        samhain is a file and host integrity and intrusion alert system 
        suitable for single hosts as well as for large, UNIX-based networks. 
        samhain offers advanced features to support and facilitate 
        centralized monitoring.</p>

        <p>The client (or standalone) part is called samhain, while the 
        server is referred to as yule. Both can run as daemon processes.</p>

        <p>Most of the options require being defined at compile time, is
        easy to start with basic and then compile as more features are

        $ sudo prt-get depinst samhain

            <dd>signature database</dd>
            <dd>configuration file</dd>
            <dd>log file</dd>

        <h2 id="conf"> Configure</h2>

        <p>For more information on configuration check 
        <a href="http://www.la-samhna.de/samhain/manual/filedef.htm">Monitoring Policies</a>.
        Description of section headings;</p>


            <dd>All modifications except access times will be 
            reported for these files.</dd>
            <dd>Checked: owner, group, permissions, file type, device number,
            hardlinks, links, inode, checksum, size, mtime, ctime.</dd>


            <dd>Modifications of timestamps, file size, and signature will be
            <dd>Checked: owner, group, permissions, file type, device number,
            hardlinks, links, inode.<dd>


            <dd>Modifications of timestamps, and signature will be ignored.
            Modification of the file size will only be ignored if the file size
            has increased.</dd>
            <dd>Checked: owner, group, permissions, file type, device number,
            hardlinks, links, inode, size >= previous_size, checksum(file start
            up to previous size) equals previous checksum.</dd>


            <dd>Only modifications of ownership, access permissions, and device
            number will be checked.</dd>
            <dd>Checked: owner, group, permissions, file type, device number.</dd>


            <dd>No modifications will be reported. However, the existence of the
            specified file or directory will still be checked.</dd>


            <dd>All modifications, including access time, but excluding ctime, will
            be reported - checking atime and ctime would require to play with
            the system clock.</dd>
            <dd>Checked: owner, group, permissions, file type, device number,
            hardlinks, links, inode, checksum, size, mtime, atime.</dd>


        $ vim /etc/samhainrc

        <p>This is just a resume, there is a complete template
        on crux ports?.</p>


        dir = 0/

        file = /tmp
        file = /dev
        file = /media
        file = /proc
        file = /sys

        dir = 99/etc

        file = /etc/mtab
        file = /etc/adjtime
        file = /etc/motd
        file = /etc/fstab

        file = /etc

        dir = 99/boot

        dir = 99/bin
        dir = 99/sbin

        dir = 99/lib

        dir = 99/dev

        dir = -1/dev/pts

        dir = 99/usr

        dir = -1/usr/ports/core
        dir = -1/usr/ports/opt
        dir = -1/usr/ports/contrib
        dir = -1/usr/ports/work
        dir = -1/usr/ports/distfiles

        dir = 99/var

        dir = -1/var/cache
        dir = -1/var/lock
        dir = -1/var/mail
        dir = -1/var/run
        dir = -1/var/spool
        dir = -1/var/tmp


        file = /var/lib/mlocate
        file = /var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db
        file = /var/lib/urandom
        file = /var/lib/urandom/seed

        dir = 99/var/log

        file = /var/log/samhain.log.lock

        file = /var/log/old/*.[0-9].gz

        IgnoreAdded = /var/log/.*\.[0-9]+$
        IgnoreAdded = /var/log/.*\.[0-9]+\.gz$
        IgnoreAdded = /var/log/.*\.[0-9]+\.log$
        IgnoreAdded = /var/log/[[:alnum:]]+/.*\.[0-9]+$
        IgnoreAdded = /var/log/[[:alnum:]]+/.*\.[0-9]+\.gz$
        IgnoreAdded = /var/log/[[:alnum:]]+/.*\.[0-9]+\.log$
        IgnoreAdded = /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db.tmp
        IgnoreMissing = /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db.tmp







        Daemon = yes
        SetNiceLevel = 19
        SetIOLimit = 500
        SetLoopTime = 600
        SetFileCheckTime = 7200
        ReportOnlyOnce = True
        SetMailTime = 86400
        SetMailNum = 10


        <p>Initialize database;</p>

        # samhain -t init -p notice

        <p>If you want to "restart" remove samhain_file and run again 
        the command above. If daemon is set on config file you just 
        need to run;</p>

        # samhain -t check -p notice

        <p>To control daemon;</p>

        # samhain stop
        # samhain start
        # samhain restart
        # samhain reload or force-reload
        # samhain status

        <h2 id="updatedb"> Update database</h2>

        <p><a href="http://www.la-samhna.de/samhain/manual/updating-the-file-signature-database.html">Manual</a>,
        You can update the database while the daemon is running, as long
        as you don't interfere with its logging. Using flag -l like this
        samhain -t update -l none make sure the log file is not accessed.</p>

        # samhain -t update -l none --interactive

        <p>Interactive update are supported with the command line flag
        --interactive. A file with a list of good files, absolute path, 
        one per line, can be passed with flag --listfile. Example;</p>

        # samhain -t update -l none --listfile=/root/list_of_files

        <a href="index.html">Core OS Index</a>
        This is part of the c9-doc Manual.
        Copyright (C) 2017
        c9 team.
        See the file <a href="../fdl-1.3-standalone.html">Gnu Free Documentation License</a>
        for copying conditions.</p>
