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path: root/core
diff options
authorSilvino Silva <silvino@bk.ru>2019-03-04 16:46:25 +0000
committerSilvino Silva <silvino@bk.ru>2019-03-04 16:46:25 +0000
commite0a5c6deb7ca4845763083ae7b4f6901e36deefc (patch)
treebaf772a443f48c3dfa6e7c88adc4f68cd82b1e4b /core
parentfed632cea589a4fc730dc852538cb40ca6f559fa (diff)
parent947ffc14fd8f0987d094210659bbacc38c1637f5 (diff)
release 0.4.3
Diffstat (limited to 'core')
9 files changed, 201 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/core/conf/iptables/ipt-bridge.sh b/core/conf/iptables/ipt-bridge.sh
index 6ad26fa..fa987a5 100644
--- a/core/conf/iptables/ipt-bridge.sh
+++ b/core/conf/iptables/ipt-bridge.sh
@@ -109,9 +109,11 @@ $IPT -A INPUT -i ${WIFI_IF} -p udp  --sport 137 --dport 137 -j DROP
 $IPT -A INPUT -i ${WIFI_IF} -p udp  --sport 138 --dport 138 -j DROP
 $IPT -A INPUT -i ${BR_IF} -d ${PUB_IP} -s ${BR_NET} -j srv_icmp
+$IPT -A INPUT -i ${BR_IF} -d ${WIFI_NET} -s ${BR_NET} -j srv_icmp
 $IPT -A INPUT -i ${BR_IF} -d ${PUB_IP} -s ${BR_NET} -j srv_dns_in
 $IPT -A INPUT -i ${WIFI_IF} -d ${PUB_IP} -s ${WIFI_NET} -j srv_dns_in
+$IPT -A INPUT -i ${WIFI_IF} -s ${WIFI_NET} -d ${WIFI_NET} -j srv_dns_in
 $IPT -A INPUT -i ${BR_IF} -j srv_dhcp
 $IPT -A INPUT -i ${BR_IF} -s ${GW} -d ${PUB_IP}  -j srv_dhcp
@@ -129,6 +131,11 @@ $IPT -A INPUT -i ${WIFI_IF} -j cli_http_in
 $IPT -A INPUT -i ${WIFI_IF} -j cli_git_in
 $IPT -A INPUT -i ${WIFI_IF} -j cli_ssh_in
+# c2.ank /iso -> c9.ank /srv/qemu/iso
+$IPT -A INPUT -i ${BR_IF} -m physdev --physdev-in tap2 -d ${PUB_IP} -j srv_http_in
+# hyperbola servers
+$IPT -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 1024:65535 --sport 50100 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
 ####### Output Chain ######
 $IPT -A OUTPUT -j blocker
@@ -139,6 +146,7 @@ $IPT -A OUTPUT -o ${BR_IF} -s ${PUB_IP} -d ${DNS} -j cli_dns_out
 $IPT -A OUTPUT -o ${BR_IF} -s ${PUB_IP} -d ${BR_NET} -j srv_dns_out
 $IPT -A OUTPUT -o ${BR_IF} -s ${PUB_IP} -d ${BR_NET} -j srv_ssh_out
 $IPT -A OUTPUT -o ${BR_IF} -s ${PUB_IP} -d ${BR_NET} -j srv_icmp
+$IPT -A OUTPUT -o ${BR_IF} -s ${WIFI_NET} -d ${BR_NET} -j srv_icmp
 $IPT -A OUTPUT -o ${BR_IF} -s ${PUB_IP} -d ${BR_NET} -j cli_ssh_out
 $IPT -A OUTPUT -o ${BR_IF} -s ${PUB_IP} -d ${BR_NET} -j cli_git_out
@@ -149,7 +157,6 @@ $IPT -A OUTPUT -o ${BR_IF} -s ${PUB_IP} -j cli_https_out
 $IPT -A OUTPUT -o ${BR_IF} -s ${PUB_IP} -j cli_http_out
 $IPT -A OUTPUT -o ${BR_IF} -s ${PUB_IP} -j cli_git_out
 $IPT -A OUTPUT -o ${WIFI_IF} -d ${DNS} -j cli_dns_out
 $IPT -A OUTPUT -o ${WIFI_IF} -d ${WIFI_NET} -j srv_dns_out
 $IPT -A OUTPUT -o ${WIFI_IF} -j srv_dns_out
@@ -159,7 +166,10 @@ $IPT -A OUTPUT -o ${WIFI_IF} -j cli_git_out
 $IPT -A OUTPUT -o ${WIFI_IF} -j cli_https_out
 $IPT -A OUTPUT -o ${WIFI_IF} -j cli_http_out
-#$IPT -A OUTPUT -o ${BR_IF} -s ${PUB_IP} -j cli_ssh_out
+# Hyperbola servers
+$IPT -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 1024:65535 --dport 50100 -m state --state NEW,RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
+# c2.ank /iso -> c9.ank /srv/qemu/iso
+$IPT -A OUTPUT -o ${BR_IF} -s ${PUB_IP} -d  -j srv_http_out
 ####### PostRouting Chain ######
 #Less noise
diff --git a/core/conf/iptables/ipt-conf.sh b/core/conf/iptables/ipt-conf.sh
index eef0b52..52669dc 100644
--- a/core/conf/iptables/ipt-conf.sh
+++ b/core/conf/iptables/ipt-conf.sh
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ GW=""
diff --git a/core/conf/iptables/ipt-firewall.sh b/core/conf/iptables/ipt-firewall.sh
index 4697de0..6ea613a 100644
--- a/core/conf/iptables/ipt-firewall.sh
+++ b/core/conf/iptables/ipt-firewall.sh
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ ipt_tables () {
     $IPT -A cli_ftp_in -j RETURN
     $IPT -A cli_ftp_out -p tcp --dport 21 --sport 1024:65535 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
     $IPT -A cli_ftp_out -p tcp --dport 20 --sport 1024:65535 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
-    $IPT -A cli_ftp_out -p tcp --sport 1024:65535 --dport 1024:65535 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED,NEW -j ACCEPT
+    $IPT -A cli_ftp_out -p tcp --sport 1024:65535 --dport 1024:65535 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
     $IPT -A cli_ftp_out -j RETURN
     ######## GIT client
diff --git a/core/conf/rc.d/iptables b/core/conf/rc.d/iptables
index 26a48b4..9471f99 100644
--- a/core/conf/rc.d/iptables
+++ b/core/conf/rc.d/iptables
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ case $1 in
 			## log everything else and drop
-			iptables-save > /etc/iptables/net.v4
+			iptables-save > /etc/iptables/bridge.v4
 			source /etc/iptables/iptables-conf.sh
 			## log everything else and drop
-			iptables_log
+			ipt_log
 			iptables-save > /etc/iptables/net.v4
diff --git a/core/conf/skel/.tmux.conf b/core/conf/skel/.tmux.conf
index 4feb9a4..ee127e8 100644
--- a/core/conf/skel/.tmux.conf
+++ b/core/conf/skel/.tmux.conf
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'y' send-keys -X copy-selection-and-cancel
 # copy tmux's selection buffer into the primary X selection with PREFIX+CTRL+Y
 bind-key u run "tmux save-buffer - | xsel -ib"
 # copy primary X selection into tmux's selection buffer with PREFIX+CTRL+P
-bind-key e run "xsel -o | tmux load-buffer -"
+bind-key e run "xsel -ob | tmux load-buffer -"
 set-option -g set-titles on
 set-option -g set-titles-string '#S> #I.#P #W'
diff --git a/core/scripts/backup-ports.sh b/core/scripts/backup-ports.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5667e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/scripts/backup-ports.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#PRT_GET_FLAGS="-fr -if -is"
+# Build Name = R1 (System number) D1 (Droid/Machine number)
+#echo "Give build NAME;"
+#echo "${DEST_ARC}/NAME-0.0.0.targ.gz"
+echo "Give build CRUX_RELEASE.VERSION (3.4.X);"
+echo "${DEST_ARC}/${BUILD_NAME}-VERSION.tar.gz"
+mkdir -p ${DEST_SYS}
+mkdir -p ${DEST_ARC}
+backup_collections() {
+    # backup collection packages
+    while read COLL_VERSION; do
+        COLL_NAME=$(echo $COLL_VERSION | cut -d "-" -f 1)
+        COLL_RELEASE=$(echo $COLL_VERSION | cut -d "-" -f 2)
+        while read PORT_NAME; do
+            # get installed version not version on ports
+            PACKAGE=$(grep "^${PORT_NAME}#" ${DEST_SYS}/all-installed.pkg)
+            echo "Backing up package:	${PACKAGE}"
+            # check if binary package exist
+            if [ ! -f /usr/ports/packages/${PACKAGE} ]; then
+                echo "Building package: ${PACKAGE};"
+                sudo prt-get update ${PRT_GET_FLAGS} ${PORT_NAME}
+            fi
+            if [ -f /usr/ports/packages/${PACKAGE} ]; then
+                echo ${PACKAGE} >> ${DEST_SYS}/${COLL_NAME}-backup.pkg
+                tar rvf ${DEST_SYS}/${COLL_NAME}-${COLL_RELEASE}.tar --directory=/usr/ports/packages ${PACKAGE}
+            else
+                echo "Package ${PACKAGE} from ${PORT_NAME} port not found."
+                echo ${PACKAGE} >> ${DEST_SYS}/${COLL_NAME}-${COLL_RELEASE}-notfound.pkg
+            fi
+        done < ${DEST_SYS}/${COLL_NAME}-installed.pkg
+    done < ${DEST_SYS}/ports_versions.pkg
+create_metadata() {
+    echo "${BUILD_NAME}-${BUILD_VERSION}" >> ${DEST_SYS}/build_version
+    # archive pkgutils data
+    tar --xattrs -zcpf ${DEST_SYS}/pkg-db.tar.gz /var/lib/pkg/db .
+    # archive ports data
+    tar --xattrs -zcpf ${DEST_SYS}/etc_ports.tar.gz --directory=/etc/ports .
+    # must be using gwak instead of sed
+    prt-get listinst -v | sed 's/ /#/g' | sed 's/$/.pkg.tar.gz/g' > ${DEST_SYS}/all-installed.pkg 
+    if [ -f ${DEST_SYS}/ports_versions ]; then
+        rm ${DEST_SYS}/ports_versions.pkg
+    fi
+    for filename in /etc/ports/*.git; do
+        source $filename
+        echo "${NAME} port collection release (exp; ${BUILD_VERSION}):"
+        read RELEASE
+        echo ${NAME}-${RELEASE} >> ${DEST_SYS}/ports_versions.pkg
+        # backup ports collection
+        echo "Backing up collection: 	${NAME}"
+        tar --xattrs -zcpf ${DEST_SYS}/${NAME}-ports-${RELEASE}.tar.gz \
+            --directory=/usr/ports/${NAME} \
+            --exclude=.git/ \
+            .
+        # create list of installed packages 
+        prt-get printf "%i %p %n\n" | grep "yes /usr/ports/${NAME}" | cut -d " " -f 3 > ${DEST_SYS}/${NAME}-installed.pkg
+    done
+create_archive() {
+    echo "Creating  ${DEST_ARC}/${BUILD_NAME}-${BUILD_VERSION}.tar.gz ..."
+    tar --xattrs -zcpf ${DEST_ARC}/${BUILD_NAME}-${BUILD_VERSION}.tar.gz --directory=${DEST_SYS} .
+update_host() {
+    echo "Creating links to /usr/ports/installed"
+    rm -r /usr/ports/installed
+    pkg_installed
+    echo "Creating ports page"
+    portspage --title=${BUILD_NAME}-${BUILD_VERSION} /usr/ports/installed > /usr/ports/installed/index.html
diff --git a/core/scripts/backup-system.sh b/core/scripts/backup-system.sh
index 7faf676..17c8c6a 100644
--- a/core/scripts/backup-system.sh
+++ b/core/scripts/backup-system.sh
@@ -193,77 +193,3 @@ do
         *) echo "Please enter only y or n"
-# Port System
-while true
-    echo "Backup Port System ?" 
-    echo "Please confirm (y or n) :"
-    read CONFIRM
-    case $CONFIRM in
-        n|N|no|NO|No) break ;;
-        y|Y|YES|yes|Yes)
-            echo "Accept - you entered $CONFIRM"
-	    # archive pkgutils data
-	    tar --xattrs -zcpf $DEST_SYS/pkg-db.tar.gz \
-		/var/lib/pkg/db
-	    # archive ports data
-	    tar --xattrs -zcpf $DEST_SYS/etc_ports.tar.gz \
-		    --directory=/etc/ports \
-		    .	
-	    METADATA=${DEST_SYS}/meta-data
-	    mkdir -p $METADATA
-	    # must be using gwak instead of sed
- 	    prt-get listinst -v | sed 's/ /#/g' | sed 's/$/.pkg.tar.gz/g' > ${METADATA}/all-installed.pkg 
-	    for filename in /etc/ports/*.git; do
-	    	source $filename
-		# backup ports collection
-		echo "Backing up collection: $NAME"
-		tar --xattrs -zcpf $PORT_PRT/${NAME}-ports.tar.gz \
-		--directory=$ROOT_DIR/usr/ports/${NAME} \
-		--exclude=.git/ \
-		.
-		# create list of installed packages 
-		prt-get printf "%i %p %n\n" | grep "yes /usr/ports/${NAME}" | cut -d " " -f 3 > ${METADATA}/${NAME}-installed.pkg
-		# backup collection packages
-		while read line; do
-			echo "Backing up package: ${NAME}/${line}"
-			# get installed version not version on ports
-			PACKAGE="$(cat ${METADATA}/all-installed.pkg | grep "^${line}#")"
-			if [ ! -f /usr/ports/packages/${PACKAGE} ]; then
-				echo "Building package: ${PACKAGE};\n"
-				sudo prt-get update -fr -if -is ${line}
-				(cd /usr/ports/${NAME}/${line} \
-				       	&& sudo pkgmk -uf)
-			fi
-			if [ -f /usr/ports/packages/${PACKAGE} ]; then
-				echo ${PACKAGE} >> ${METADATA}/${NAME}-backup.pkg
-				#cp /usr/ports/packages/${PACKAGE} ${PORT_PKG}/${NAME}/
-				tar rvf ${PORT_PKG}/${NAME}.tar \
-					--directory=/usr/ports/packages \
-					${PACKAGE}
-			else
-				echo "Package $PORT_NAME not found: ${line}"
-				echo ${PACKAGE} >> ${METADATA}/${NAME}-notfound.pkg
-			fi
-		done < ${METADATA}/${NAME}-installed.pkg
-	    done
-            break
-            ;;
-        *) echo "Please enter only y or n"
-    esac
-RELEASE_NAME=$(basename ${DEST_DIR})
-cd $(dirname ${DEST_DIR}) && tar -zcpf  ${RELEASE_NAME}.tar.gz ${RELEASE_NAME}/
-rm -rf ${DEST_DIR}
diff --git a/core/scripts/portspage.patch b/core/scripts/portspage.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c94ea4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/scripts/portspage.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+< 	print "  <h2>$options{title}</h2>\n";
+> 	print "  <h2><a href=\"https://hive.gnu.systems/wiki/mirror\">Mirror</a> | <a href=\"https://hive.gnu.systems/wiki/crux\">Crux</a> | <a href=\"https://hive.gnu.systems/git/\">Git</a> | <a href=\"https://hive.gnu.systems/mirror/bugs/\">Build errors</a> | <a href=\"https://hive.gnu.systems/mirror/distfiles/\">Distfiles</a> | <a href=\"https://hive.gnu.systems/mirror/releases/archives/$options{title}.tar.gz\">$options{title}.tar.gz</a> | <a href=\"https://hive.gnu.systems/mirror/archive/\">Archive</a></h2>\n";
+< 	print "   <tr class=\"header\"><td><b>Port</b></td><td><b>Version</b></td><td><b>Description</b></td>";
+> 	print "   <tr class=\"header\">
+> 	<td><b>Project page</b></td>
+> 	<td><b>Port</b></td>
+> 	<td><b>Package</b></td>
+> 	<td><b>Description</b></td>";
+< 		print "   <tr class=\"$odd\"><td>";
+< 		$db{$port}{URL} ? print "<a href=\"$db{$port}{URL}\">$port</a>" : print "$port";
+< 		print "</td><td><a href=\"$options{directory}/$port/\">$db{$port}{version}-$db{$port}{release}</a></td><td>";
+< 		print $db{$port}{Description} if $db{$port}{Description};
+< 		print "</td>";
+> 		my $port_collection=`prt-get info $port | grep "Path:" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | xargs basename`;
+> 		print "   <tr class=\"$odd\">";
+> 		$db{$port}{URL} ? print "<td><a href=\"$db{$port}{URL}\">$port</a></td>" : print "<td>$port</td>";
+> 		#print "</td><td><a href=\"$options{directory}/$port/\">$db{$port}{version}-$db{$port}{release}</a></td><td>";
+> 		print "<td><a href=\"https://hive.gnu.systems/git/$port_collection.git/tree/refs/heads/master\:/$port\">$db{$port}{version}-$db{$port}{release}</a></td>";
+> 		print "<td><a href=\"https://hive.gnu.systems/mirror/packages/$port%23$db{$port}{version}-$db{$port}{release}.pkg.tar.gz\">$port#$db{$port}{version}-$db{$port}{release}.pkg.tar.gz</a></td>";
+> 		print "<td>$db{$port}{Description}</td>" if $db{$port}{Description};
diff --git a/core/scripts/restore-ports.sh b/core/scripts/restore-ports.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39f5178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/scripts/restore-ports.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+prepare_archive() {
+    mkdir -p ${WORK_DIR}
+    wget --directory-prefix=${WORK_DIR} https://hive.gnu.systems/mirror/releases/archives/${BUILD_NAME}-${BUILD_VERSION}.tar.gz
+    echo "extracting ${WORK_DIR}/${BUILD_NAME}-${BUILD_VERSION}.tar.gz..."
+    tar -C ${WORK_DIR} -xf ${WORK_DIR}/${BUILD_NAME}-${BUILD_VERSION}.tar.gz
+    rm ${WORK_DIR}/${BUILD_NAME}-${BUILD_VERSION}.tar.gz
+extract_archives() {
+    while read COLL_VERSION; do
+        COLL_NAME=$(echo $COLL_VERSION | cut -d "-" -f 1)
+        COLL_RELEASE=$(echo $COLL_VERSION | cut -d "-" -f 2)
+        echo "extracting ${COLL_VERSION}.tar to /usr/ports/packages"
+        tar -C /usr/ports/packages -xf ${WORK_DIR}/${COLL_VERSION}.tar
+        rm ${WORK_DIR}/${COLL_VERSION}.tar
+    done < ${WORK_DIR}/ports_versions.pkg
+update_system() {
+    mkdir -p ${WORK_DIR}/etc/ports
+    tar -C ${WORK_DIR}/etc/ports -xf ${WORK_DIR}/etc_ports.tar.gz
+    cp ${WORK_DIR}/etc/ports/*.git /etc/ports/
+    while read COLL_VERSION; do
+        COLL_NAME=$(echo $COLL_VERSION | cut -d "-" -f 1)
+        ports -u $COLL_NAME
+    done < ${WORK_DIR}/ports_versions.pkg
+    # first update with prt-get
+    prt-get sysup
+    prt-get --pre-install --post-install update $(prt-get listinst)
+    prt-get depinst $(prt-get printf "%p %n\n" | grep "/usr/ports/core" | cut -d " " -f 2)
+    prt-get update $(revdep)
+    rejmerge
+install_distro() {
+    while read PACKAGE; do
+        prt-get depinst $(echo $PACKAGE | cut -d "#" -f 1);
+    done < ${WORK_DIR}/all-installed.pkg