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path: root/dev/git/index.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'dev/git/index.html')
1 files changed, 343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev/git/index.html b/dev/git/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40ae49d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/git/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+<htmldir="ltr" lang="en">
+    <meta charset='utf-8'>
+    <title>Git</title>
+    <a href="../index.html">Development Index</a>
+    <h1>Git</h1>
+    <p>First configure your global identity, configuration
+    file resides on ~/.gitconfig ;</p>
+    <pre>
+       $ git config --global user.name "User Name"
+       $ git config --global user.email user@devbox
+    </pre>
+    <p>Assumptions of this document;</p>
+    <ul>
+        <li>Correct
+            <a href="../tools/gitolite.html#adminusers">user account</a>
+            exists on git server or is public readable.
+        </li>
+        <li>Repository exists or
+            <a href="../tools/gitolite.html#adminrep">create one</a>
+            if you have permissions. This document uses atom as example.
+        </li>
+        <li>Correct
+            <a href="../tools/openssh.html#sshid">ssh identities</a>,
+            and profile alias have been setup. This document uses devbox as example.
+        </li>
+    </ul>
+    <pre>
+       $ git clone devbox:atom
+       $ git remote -v
+    </pre>
+    <h2 id="teamwork">1. Team WorkFlow</h2>
+    <p>This work flow is based on
+    <a href="http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/">Vicent Driessen</a>
+    development model, it defines rules how branches are forked,
+    merged and tagged. By having well defined set of branches,
+    the project structure is used as a communication tool,
+    allowing to work simultaneously on different stages
+    of the development.</p>
+    <p>Main Branches;</p>
+    <dl>
+        <dt>master</dt>
+        <dd>Current official stable release history.</dd>
+        <dt>develop</dt>
+        <dd>Integration branch for features.</dd>
+    </dl>
+    <p>Add-on Branches;</p>
+    <dl>
+        <dt>feature (f-)</dt>
+        <dd>New features, improvement proposal, tests, etc...</dd>
+        <dd>Only fork and merge from/to develop.
+        <dt>release (r-)</dt>
+        <dd>Next release, new features not allowed.</dd>
+        <dd>Fork from develop, merges to master and develop.</dd>
+        <dt>hotfix (h-)</dt>
+        <dd>Hotfix only contain isolated bugfixes.</dd>
+        <dd>Only fork from master, merges back to master and develop.</dd>
+    </dl>
+    <p>
+    <h3 id="feature">1.1. Feature</h3>
+    <p>Create a branch featurex from develop and checkout;</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git checkout -b featurex develop
+    </pre>
+    <p>Push new branch to server</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git push -u origin featurex
+    </pre>
+    <p>Rename a branch, if all feature branches start by "f-" is easy
+    and quick to type and easy to spot;</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git branch -m featurex f-xpto
+    </pre>
+    <p>Rename remote branch;</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git push origin :featurex f-xpto
+    $ git push origin -u f-xpto
+    </pre>
+    <p>Merge branch feature into develop;</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git checkout develop
+    Switched to branch 'develop'
+    $ git merge --no-ff f-xpto
+    Updating ea1b82a..05e9557
+    (Summary of changes)
+    $ git push origin develop
+    </pre>
+    <p>Delete Local;</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git branch -D f-xpto
+    </pre>
+    <p>Delete Remote</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git push origin :f-xpto
+    </pre>
+    <h3 id="release">1.2. Release</h3>
+    <p>Software release numbers follow <a href="http://semver.org/">Tom Preston-Werner</a>
+    description;</p>
+    <pre>
+    software-name-X.Y.Z.tar.xz
+    </pre>
+    <dl>
+        <dt>X</dt>
+        <dd>Major version, backwards incompatible API changes.</dd>
+        <dt>Y</dt>
+        <dd>Minor version, backwards-compatible changes.</dd>
+        <dt>Z</dt>
+        <dd>Patch version, backwards-compatible bug fixes.</dd>
+    </dl>
+    <pre>
+    $ git checkout -b r-1.2.1 develop
+    Switched to a new branch "release-1.2.1"
+    $ ./bump-version.sh 1.2.1
+    Files modified successfully, version bumped to 1.2.1.
+    $ git commit -a -m "Bumped version number to 1.2.1"
+    [release-1.2 74d9424] Bumped version number to 1.2.1
+    1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
+    </pre>
+    <p>Only documentation or bugfixes are allowed in this
+    branch. When release is ready for production merge
+    and push to master;</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git checkout master
+    Switched to branch 'master'
+    $ git merge --no-ff r-1.2.1
+    Merge made by recursive.
+    </pre>
+    <p>Tag new release with software-name-version, this
+    allows meaningful ports
+    <a href="../core/ports.html">distfiles</a> when
+    downloading releases from git archives;</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git tag -a software-name-1.2.1
+    $ git push --follow-tags
+    </pre>
+    <p>Update branch develop with bugfixes from last release,
+    conflict will happen in next step</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git checkout develop
+    Switched to branch 'develop'
+    $ git merge --no-ff r-1.2.1
+    Merge made by recursive.
+    (Summary of changes)
+    $ git push
+    </pre>
+    <h3 id="tags">1.3. Tags</h3>
+    <p>There are two main types of tags, lightweight and
+    annotated. Lightweight tag is a pointer to a specific commit,
+    much like cheap branches. Annotated tags are stored as full objects
+    and allow to sign with <a href="gnupg.html">gnupg</a>, making it ideal
+    for distributing releases.</p>
+    <p>Delete local and remote last end of life version;</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git tag -d software-name-0.0.12
+    $ git push origin :refs/tags/software-name-0.8
+    </pre>
+    <p>Checkout master commit you want to start long term support and then;</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git tag -m "this commit is tagged" -a "software-name-1.1.8"
+    $ git push --follow-tags
+    </pre>
+    <h3 id="hotfix">1.4. Hotfix</h3>
+    <p>This branch should never exist, ;)</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git checkout -b h-1.2.2 master
+    $ ./bump-version.sh 1.2.2
+    Files modified successfully, version bumped to 1.2.2
+    $ git commit -a -m "Bumped version number to 1.2.2"
+    </pre>
+    <pre>
+    $ git merge --no-ff b-error-xpto
+    ...
+    $ git merge --no-ff b-error-xpto
+    ...
+    $ git commit -m "Commit severe fix"
+    ...
+    $ git commit -m "Commit severe fix"
+    ...
+    </pre>
+    <pre>
+    $ git checkout master
+    Switched to branch 'master'
+    $ git merge --no-ff h-1.2.2
+    Merge made by recursive.
+    (Summary of changes)
+    $ git tag -a software-name-1.2.2
+    </pre>
+    <p>Conflict will happen in next step</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git checkout develop
+    Switched to branch 'develop'
+    $ git merge --no-ff h-1.2.2
+    Merge made by recursive.
+    (Summary of changes)
+    </pre>
+    <pre>
+    $ git -D h-1.2.2
+    </pre>
+    <h2 id="local">2. Local Workflow</h2>
+    <h3 id="working">2.1. Working area</h3>
+    <p>Mark all deleted to commit;</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git ls-files --deleted -z | xargs -0 git rm
+    </pre>
+    <p>Mark all deleted to commit;</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git ls-files --deleted -z | xargs -0 git rm
+    </pre>
+    <h3 id="logdiff">2.2. Logs and commits</h3>
+    <p>Create patch files to target branch/tag/ref;</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git format-patch --no-prefix software-v0.0.1
+    </pre>
+    <p>Last commit that affected current path</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git rev-list -n 1 HEAD -- .
+    $ git show f000 path/to/file
+    $ git diff --name-status f000 path/to/file
+    </pre>
+    <p>Undo a file to specific commit</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git checkout f000^ -- path/to/file
+    </pre>
+    <h3 id="remote">2.3. Working with remotes</h3>
+    <p>Adding a new remote;</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git remote add newremotename https://github.com/user/repo.git
+    </pre>
+    <p>Update all branches with remote;</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git fetch --all
+    $ git pull --all
+    </pre>
+    <p>If you want to track all remotes run this line
+    and then the commands mentioned above;</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ for remote in `git branch -r`; do git branch --track ${remote#origin/} $remote; done
+    </pre>
+    <p>Future updates;</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git fetch --all
+    $ git pull --all
+    </pre>
+    <p>Update local branches removed on remote set;</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git config --global fetch.prune true
+    </pre>
+    <p>This will prune on fetch or you can keep it manually;</p>
+    <pre>
+    $ git remote prune origin
+    </pre>
+    <a href="../index.html">Development Index</a>
+    <p>This is part of the c9-doc Manual.
+    Copyright (C) 2016
+    c9 Team.
+    See the file <a href="../../fdl-1.3-standalone.html">Gnu Free Documentation License</a>
+    for copying conditions.</p>
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