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path: root/tools/conf
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/conf')
3 files changed, 114 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/tools/conf/srv/gitolite/deploy-web.sh b/tools/conf/srv/gitolite/deploy-web.sh
index 702f110..fcefa97 100644
--- a/tools/conf/srv/gitolite/deploy-web.sh
+++ b/tools/conf/srv/gitolite/deploy-web.sh
@@ -31,11 +31,12 @@ fi
 # first backup all data
 if [[ ! $(ls ${pkg_www} | grep -v "backup_deploy") = "" ]]; then
     if [ ! -d ${pkg_back} ]; then
-        sudo -u ${www_user} mkdir -p ${pkg_back}
+    	mkdir -p ${pkg_back}
     backup_file="${pkg_back}/${pkg_name}-$(date '+%Y-%j-%H-%M-%S').tar.gz"
     echo "Deploy web: making backup ${backup_file}"
-    sudo -u ${www_user} tar --exclude ${pkg_back} --xattrs -zcpf ${backup_file} ${pkg_www}
+    tar --exclude ${pkg_back} --xattrs -zcpf ${backup_file} ${pkg_www}
+    chown -R ${www_user}:${www_group} ${pkg_back}
 # remove files and directories that have been deleted
@@ -65,7 +66,8 @@ fi
 # copy new files to destination
 if [ -d ${pkg_files} ]; then
     echo "Deploy web: cp from ${pkg_files} to ${pkg_www}"
-    sudo -u ${www_user} cp -r ${pkg_files}/* ${pkg_www}
+    cp -r ${pkg_files}/* ${pkg_www}
+    chown -R ${www_user}:${www_group} ${pkg_www} 
 echo ${pkg_new} > ${pkg_last}
diff --git a/tools/conf/srv/gitolite/deploy.sh b/tools/conf/srv/gitolite/deploy.sh
index 1091ea9..0c15798 100755
--- a/tools/conf/srv/gitolite/deploy.sh
+++ b/tools/conf/srv/gitolite/deploy.sh
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
 # origin package directory
 # temporary work directory
 # scripts to deploy packages
-function get_script(){
-    # receives package path return script to call
-    local pkg_path=$1
-    echo $(head -2 ${pkg_path}/project | tail -1)
+	# receives package path return script to call
+	local pkg_path=$1
+	echo $(head -2 ${pkg_path}/project | tail -1)
-function get_new(){
-    # receives package path return commit hash (new)
-    local pkg_path=$1
-    echo $(head -3 ${pkg_path}/project | tail -1)
+	# receives package path return commit hash (new)
+	local pkg_path=$1
+	echo $(head -3 ${pkg_path}/project | tail -1)
-function get_dep(){
-    # receives package path return previews commit hash (old)
-    local pkg_path=$1
+	# receives package path return previews commit hash (old)
+	local pkg_path=$1
-    new=$(head -3 ${pkg_path}/project | tail -1)
-    old=$(head -4 ${pkg_path}/project | tail -1)
+	new=$(head -3 ${pkg_path}/project | tail -1)
+	old=$(head -4 ${pkg_path}/project | tail -1)
-    if [[ ! ${new} = ${old} ]]; then
-        echo ${old} | cut -c1-7
-    fi
+	if [[ ! ${new} = ${old} ]]; then
+		echo ${old} | cut -c1-7
+	fi
-function project_extract(){
     # project directory containing extracted packages
     local prj_dir=$1
@@ -50,55 +50,62 @@ function project_extract(){
     local y=0
     # array with all the news hashes
-    local pkg_news=($(ls ${prj_dir}))
+    #local pkg_news=($(ls ${prj_dir}))
+    local pkg_news=$(ls ${prj_dir})
     # total new packages
-    local total=${#pkg_news[@]}
+    local total=${#pkg_news[*]}
     echo "Deploy: $(basename ${prj_dir}) extracting packages ${pkg_news[*]}"
     # find first package
-    for pkg_new in ${pkg_news[@]}
+    for pkg_new in ${pkg_news[*]}
-        # get package dependency
-        pkg_dir="${prj_dir}/${pkg_new}"
-        pkg_old=$(get_dep ${pkg_dir})
-        if [[ ! " ${pkg_news[@]} " =~ " ${pkg_old} " ]]; then
-            # pkg_news don't contain package
-            # we found initial package
-            pkg_temp=${pkg_news[0]}
-            pkg_news[0]=${pkg_new}
-            pkg_news[${x}]=${pkg_temp}
-            break
-        fi
-        x=$((${x}+1))
+	    # get package dependency
+	    pkg_dir="${prj_dir}/${pkg_new}"
+	    pkg_old=$(get_dep ${pkg_dir})
+	    #if [[ ! " $pkg_news[@] " =~ " ${pkg_old} " ]]; then
+	    if [[ `echo $pkg_news[@] | grep -c \'${pkg_old}\'` -eq 1 ]]; then 
+		    # pkg_news don't contain package
+		    # we found initial package
+		    pkg_temp=${pkg_news[0]}
+		    pkg_news[0]=${pkg_new}
+		    pkg_news[${x}]=${pkg_temp}
+		    break
+	    fi
+	    x=$((${x}+1))
     # Order packages by dependency start with first package
-    for (( y=0; y<${total}; y++ ))
+    #for (( y=0; y<${total}; y++ ))
+    y=0
+    while [ $y -lt $total ]
-        pkg_next=$(($y+1))
-        if [[ ${pkg_next} = ${total} ]]; then
-            ## we are in the last one
-            break
-        fi
-        pkg_new=${pkg_news[$y]}
-        for (( x=pkg_next; x<${total}; x++ ))
-        do
-            pkg_dir="${prj_dir}/${pkg_news[${x}]}"
-            pkg_old=$(get_dep ${pkg_dir})
-            # is dependent on current
-            if [[ ${pkg_old} = ${pkg_new} ]]; then
-                pkg_temp=${pkg_news[${pkg_next}]}
-                pkg_news[${pkg_next}]=${pkg_news[${x}]}
-                pkg_news[${x}]=${pkg_temp}
-                # we can break and pass next one
-                break
-            fi
-        done
+	    pkg_next=$(($y+1))
+	    if [[ ${pkg_next} = ${total} ]]; then
+		    ## we are in the last one
+		    break
+	    fi
+	    pkg_new=${pkg_news[$y]}
+	    #for (( x=pkg_next; x<${total}; x++ ))
+	    x=$pkg_next;
+	    while [ $x -lt $total ]
+	    do
+		    pkg_dir="${prj_dir}/${pkg_news[${x}]}"
+		    pkg_old=$(get_dep ${pkg_dir})
+		    # is dependent on current
+		    if [[ ${pkg_old} = ${pkg_new} ]]; then
+			    pkg_temp=${pkg_news[${pkg_next}]}
+			    pkg_news[${pkg_next}]=${pkg_news[${x}]}
+			    pkg_news[${x}]=${pkg_temp}
+			    # we can break and pass next one
+			    break
+		    fi
+		    x=$x+1
+	    done
+	    y=$y+1
     # create project final package directory
     mkdir -p ${prj_pkg}/files
@@ -108,68 +115,67 @@ function project_extract(){
     # now that packages are ordered we can start creating files
     for pkg_new in ${pkg_news[@]}
-        pkg_dir=${prj_dir}/${pkg_new}
-        tar xf ${pkg_dir}/files.tar.xz \
-            --directory ${prj_pkg}/files
-        # if deleted files exists
-        if [ -f "${pkg_dir}/deleted" ]; then
-            # first collect all files/directories don't exist
-            while read pkg_del; do
-                # if file don't exist add entry to project deleted file
-                pkg_temp="${prj_pkg}/files/${pkg_del}"
-                if [ ! -f ${pkg_temp} ]; then
-                    if [ ! -d ${pkg_temp} ]; then
-                        # is not a file or directory from previous packages
-                        echo ${pkg_del} >> ${prj_pkg}/deleted
-                    fi
-                fi
-            done <${prj_dir}/${pkg_new}/deleted
-            # delete directories and files
-            while read pkg_del; do
-                pkg_temp="${prj_pkg}/files/${pkg_del}"
-                if [ -d ${pkg_temp} ]; then
-                    rm -r ${pkg_temp}
-                elif [ -f ${pkg_temp} ]; then
-                    rm ${pkg_temp}
-                fi
-            done <${prj_dir}/${pkg_new}/deleted
-        fi
-        #remove temporary directory
-        rm -r ${prj_dir}/${pkg_new}
-    done
+	    pkg_dir=${prj_dir}/${pkg_new}
+	    tar -C ${prj_pkg}/files -xf ${pkg_dir}/files.tar.xz
+	    # if deleted files exists
+	    if [ -f "${pkg_dir}/deleted" ]; then
+		    # first collect all files/directories don't exist
+		    while read pkg_del; do
+			    # if file don't exist add entry to project deleted file
+			    pkg_temp="${prj_pkg}/files/${pkg_del}"
+			    if [ ! -f ${pkg_temp} ]; then
+				    if [ ! -d ${pkg_temp} ]; then
+					    # is not a file or directory from previous packages
+					    echo ${pkg_del} >> ${prj_pkg}/deleted
+				    fi
+			    fi
+		    done <${prj_dir}/${pkg_new}/deleted
+	    # delete directories and files
+	    while read pkg_del; do
+		    pkg_temp="${prj_pkg}/files/${pkg_del}"
+		    if [ -d ${pkg_temp} ]; then
+			    rm -r ${pkg_temp}
+		    elif [ -f ${pkg_temp} ]; then
+			    rm ${pkg_temp}
+		    fi
+	    done <${prj_dir}/${pkg_new}/deleted
+	    fi
+	#remove temporary directory
+	rm -r ${prj_dir}/${pkg_new}
     # call project deploy script
     call_script=${deploy_scripts}/$(get_script $prj_pkg)
     echo "Deploy: calling deploy script: ${call_script}"
-    /bin/bash ${call_script} ${prj_pkg}
+    /bin/sh ${call_script} ${prj_pkg}
 if [[ ! $(ls ${deploy_dir}) = "" ]]; then
-    rm -r ${deploy_dir}/*
+	echo "removing deploy dir"
+	rm -r ${deploy_dir}/*
 # first extract all packages from origin directory
 for pkg_path in `find ${packages_dir} -type f -name "*.tar.gz"`
-    if [ -f ${pkg_path} ]; then
-        pkg_name=$(basename ${pkg_path})
-        pkg_proj=$(echo ${pkg_name} | cut -d "_" -f 1)
-        pkg_new7=$(echo ${pkg_name} | tail -c -15 | cut -c -7)
-        pkg_temp=${deploy_dir}/${pkg_proj}/${pkg_new7}
-        mkdir -p ${pkg_temp}
-        tar xf ${pkg_path} --directory ${pkg_temp}
-        rm ${pkg_path}
-    fi
+	if [ -f ${pkg_path} ]; then
+		pkg_name=$(basename ${pkg_path})
+		pkg_proj=$(echo ${pkg_name} | cut -d "_" -f 1)
+		pkg_new7=$(echo ${pkg_name} | tail -c -15 | cut -c -7)
+		pkg_temp=${deploy_dir}/${pkg_proj}/${pkg_new7}
+		mkdir -p ${pkg_temp}
+		tar -C ${pkg_temp} -zxf ${pkg_path} 
+		rm ${pkg_path}
+	fi
 # loop for all projects and deploy them
 for prj_dir in `find ${deploy_dir} -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d`
-    # order index of hashes based on old commit
-    echo "prj_dir $prj_dir"
-    project_extract ${prj_dir}
+	# order index of hashes based on old commit
+	echo "Deploy: prj_dir=$prj_dir"
+	project_extract ${prj_dir}
diff --git a/tools/conf/srv/gitolite/hook.sh b/tools/conf/srv/gitolite/hook.sh
index 7a98a8c..be6a696 100644
--- a/tools/conf/srv/gitolite/hook.sh
+++ b/tools/conf/srv/gitolite/hook.sh
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ create_package(){
-    tar -zcpf ${pkg_tar} --directory=${pkg_dir} .
+    tar -zcpf ${pkg_tar} -C ${pkg_dir} .
     echo "Deploy: package ${pkg_tar} ready !"
     rm -r ${pkg_dir}