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path: root/index.html
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authorAndrew Yu <>2021-12-25 00:37:43 +0800
committerAndrew Yu <>2021-12-25 00:37:43 +0800
commit80cff73fc8924147634990bede67e6b3ec8656fd (patch)
treebb737e91b8f4fa40f51dcb39835f02859158e453 /index.html
parentec622bc404fddd3df2bd36800fc4f4364feefee1 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'index.html')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index fbd42df..c622eea 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -54,6 +54,12 @@
 				<p>Caution: This server is quite new, and it seems to be in some dnsbl lists.  I'll try to get to you by other means if my email gets blocked.  Seems to be an issue with my reverse DNS, which I recently fixed.  We'll see.  Writing to me won't be affected though.</p>
+		<div id="outlink">
+			<h2>Random Links</h2>
+			<ul>
+				<li><a href="!/Converted/Idiot!.html">Trojan.JS.YouAreAnIdiot</a> is a nasty fork bomb.  I am not responsible for the trouble you get in there.</li>
+			</ul>
+		</div>
 		<div id="footer">
 			<p>This site is designed to be viewable with plain text, only a few typographic and web design conventions are followed. Do you agree that max-width: 75ex makes sense?  I do that since people have a hard time scanning scross lines.  Also, I use a monospace font because that's what I'm used to.  I prefer the Airbus B612Mono font, but I respect your preference by just saying font-family: monospace.  If you read this on a plain text browser like me, this won't matter, of course.  I'm also looking for a high-contrast colorful stylesheet.  As you can see, I did use some flexboxes in here.  They don't seem to respect min-width and max-width properly, especially min-wdith.  Tell me if you have a solution, thanks.</p>
 			<p>This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.  Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.  In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this software under copyright law.  THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.  IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.  For more information, please refer to <a href=""></a></p>