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+<TITLE>Lisp Operating System</TITLE>
+<LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../mm.css">
+<H1>Lisp Operating System</H1>
+  A Lisp Operating System (LispOS for short) is not just another
+  operating system that happens to be written in Lisp (although that
+  would be a good thing in itself).  A LispOS is also an operating
+  system that uses the Lisp interactive environment as an inspiration
+  for the interface between the user and the system, and between
+  applications and the system.
+  Below, we give some ideas on what a LispOS might contain, how it
+  would be different from existing operating systems, and how such a
+  system might be created.
+<H2>The problem with existing systems</H2>
+<H3>The concept of a <i>process</i></H3>
+  Most popular existing operating systems are derived from Unix which
+  was written in the 1970s.  The computers for which Unix was intended
+  has a very small address space; too small for most usable end-user
+  applications.  To solve this problem, the creators of Unix used the
+  concept of a <i>process</i>.  A large application was written so
+  that it consisted of several smaller programs, each of which ran in
+  its own address space.  These smaller programs would communicate by
+  having one application write text to its output stream for another
+  application to read.  This method of communication was called
+  a <i>pipe</i> and a sequence of small applications was called
+  a <i>pipeline</i>.  As a typical example of a chain of applications,
+  consider the pipeline for producing a typeset document (one of the
+  main applications for which Unix was designed).  This chain had a
+  program for creating tables (called <tt>tbl</tt>), a program for
+  generating pictures (called <tt>pic</tt>), a program for generating
+  equations (called <tt>eqn</tt>), and of course the typesetting program
+  itself (called <tt>troff</tt>).
+  Using pipes to communicate between different components of an
+  application has several disadvantages:
+  <ul>
+    <li>
+      To communicate complex data structures (such as trees or
+      graphs), they must be converted to a stream of bytes by the
+      creating component, and it must be analyzed and parsed into an
+      equivalent data structure by the using component.  Not only is
+      this unparsing/parsing inefficient in terms of computing
+      resources, but it is also problematic from a
+      software-engineering point of view, because the external format
+      must be specified and maintained as a separate aspect of each
+      component.
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      An artificial <i>order</i> between the different components is
+      imposed, so that components can not work as libraries that other
+      components can use in any order.  Sometimes (as in the example
+      of the <tt>troff</tt> chain) the end result of a computation
+      depends in subtle ways on the order between the components of
+      the chain.  Introducing a new component may require other
+      components to be modified.  
+    </li>
+  </ul>
+  It is an interesting observation that in most text books on
+  operating systems, the concept of a process is presented as playing
+  a central role in operating-system design, whereas it ought to be
+  presented as an unfortunate necessity due to the limited address
+  space of existing minicomputers in the 1970s.  It is also presented
+  as <i>the</i> method for obtaining some kind of <i>security</i>,
+  preventing one application from intentionally or accidentally
+  modifying the data of some other application.  In reality, there are
+  several ways of obtaining such security, and separate address spaces
+  should be considered to be a method with too many disadvantages. 
+  Nowadays, computers have addresses that are 64 bit wide, making it
+  possible to address almost 20 exabytes of data.  To get an idea of
+  the order of magnitude of such a number, consider a fairly large
+  disc that can hold a terabyte of data.  Then 20 million such discs
+  can be directly addressed by the processor.  We can thus consider
+  the problem of too small an address space to be solved.  
+<H3>Hierarchical file systems</H3>
+  Existing operating system come with a <i>hierarchical file
+  system</i>.  There are two significant problems,
+  namely <i>hierarchical</i> and <i>file</i>.
+  The <i> hierarchy</i> is also a concept that dates back to the
+  1970s, and it was considered a vast improvement on flat file
+  systems.  However,
+  as <a href="">this
+  article</a> clearly explains, most things are not naturally
+  hierarchical.  A hierarchical organization imposes an artificial
+  order between names.  Whether a document is called
+  Lisp/Programs/2013/stuff, Programs/Lisp/2013/stuff,
+  2013/Programs/Lisp/stuff, etc, is usually not important.
+  The problem with a <i>file</i> is that it is only a sequence of
+  bytes with no structure.  This lack of structure fits the Unix pipe
+  model very well, because intermediate steps between individual
+  software components can be saved to a file without changing the
+  result.  But it also means that in order for complex data structures
+  to be stored in the file system, they have to be transformed into a
+  sequence of bytes.  And whenever such a structure needs to be
+  modified by some application, it must again be parsed and
+  transformed into an in-memory structure.
+<H3>Distinction between primary and secondary memory</H3>
+  Current system (at least for desktop computers) make a very clear
+  distinction between primary and secondary memory.  Not only are the
+  two not the same, but they also have totally different semantics:
+  <ul>
+    <li> Primary memory is <i>volatile</i>.  When power is turned off,
+      whatever was in primary memory is lost.
+    </li>
+    <li> Secondary memory is <i>permanent</i>.  Stored data will not
+      disappear when power is turned off.
+  </ul>
+  This distinction coupled with the semantics of the two memories
+  creates a permanent conundrum for the user of most applications, in
+  that if current application data is <i>not</i> saved, then it will
+  be lost in case of power loss, and if it <i>is</i> saved, then
+  previously saved data is forever lost. 
+  Techniques were developed as early in the 1960s for presenting
+  primary and secondary memory as a single abstraction to the user.
+  For example, the Multics system had a single hierarchy of fixed-size
+  byte arrays (called segments) that served as permanent storage, but
+  that could also be treated as any in-memory array by applications.
+  As operating systems derived from Unix became widespread, these
+  techniques were largely forgotten. 
+<H3>The concept of a kernel</H3>
+  The <i>kernel</i> of an operating system is a fairly large,
+  monolithic program that is started when the computer is powered on.
+  The kernel is not an ordinary program of the computer.  It executes
+  in a privileged state so that it has direct access to devices and to
+  data structures that must be protected from direct use by user-level
+  programs.
+  The very existence of a kernel is problematic because the computer
+  needs to be restarted whenever the kernel is updated, and then all
+  existing state is lost, including open files and data structures
+  that reside in volatile memory.  Some programs, such as web
+  browsers, compensate somewhat for this problem by remembering the
+  open windows and the links that were associated with each window.
+  The fact that the kernel is monolithic poses a problem because when
+  code needs to be added to the kernel in the form of <i>a kernel
+  module</i>, such code has full access to the entire computer
+  system.  This universal access represents a security risk, of
+  course, but more commonly, it can be <i>defective</i> and then it
+  will <i>fail</i> often by crashing the entire computer.
+  We have had solutions to this problem for many decades.  The Multics
+  system, for example, did not have a kernel at all.  An interrupt or
+  a system call was executed by the user-level process that issued the
+  system call or that happened to be executing when the interrupt
+  arrived.  The code that executed then was not part of a monolithic
+  kernel, but existed as independent programs that could be added or
+  replaced without restarting the system.  The system could still
+  crash, of course, if some essential system-wide data structure was
+  corrupted, but most of the time, only the user-level process that
+  issued the request would crash.
+<H3>Monolithic applications</H3>
+  Applications in current operating systems are written in low-level
+  languages such as C or C++.  An application is built using
+  techniques from more than half a century ago where source code is
+  compiled to <i>object code</i> and then <i>linked</i> to produce
+  an <i>executable file</i> meant to run in its own
+  dedicated <i>address space</i>.
+  Aside from system calls, all code in an application is run in one
+  single address space.  Together with the fact that low-level
+  languages are used, this organization makes the application
+  vulnerable to <i>viruses</i> and other security-related attacks.  A
+  typical attack exploits the vulnerability to <i>buffer overflow</i>
+  which is due to the fact that the programming language used to write
+  the application does not insert boundary checks for arrays,
+  requiring the programmer to do that with explicit code, which is
+  therefore frequently not done.
+  A buffer overflow in such an application can be exploited in order
+  to modify the execution of the program so that code that was not
+  intended by the application writer is executed in place of the
+  intended application code.  Such modification is possible because
+  the execution stack is part of the application address space, and
+  the execution stack contains addresses of code to be executed later,
+  so that the application has direct access to these code addresses.
+  In a Lisp operating system, the stack is not accessible to
+  application code.  It is therefore not possible to alter addresses
+  on the stack representing code to be executed later.  Furthermore,
+  the programming language automatically checks boundaries of arrays,
+  so that buffer overflows are not possible.
+  An application in a Lisp operating system is not built as a
+  monolithic executable meant to execute in its own address space.
+  Instead, an application consists of a large number of objects whose
+  addresses are protected by the system and not directly accessible to
+  application code.  The most common techniques for security attacks
+  are therefore not possible in such a system.
+<H2>Objectives for a Lisp operating system</H2>
+  The three main objectives of a Lisp operating system correspond to
+  solutions to the two main problems with exiting systems as indicated
+  in the previous section.
+<H3>Single address space</H3>
+  Instead of each application having its own address space, we propose
+  that all applications share a single large address space.  This way,
+  applications can share data simply by passing pointers around,
+  because a pointer is globally valid, unlike pointers in current
+  operating systems.
+  Clearly, if there is a single address space shared by all
+  applications, there needs to be a different mechanism to
+  ensure <i>protection</i> between them so that one application can
+  not intentionally or accidentally destroy the data of another
+  application.  Most high-level programming languages (in particular
+  Lisp, but also Java, and many more) propose a solution to this
+  problem by simply not allowing users to execute arbitrary machine
+  code.  Instead, they allow only code that has been produced from the
+  high-level notation of the language and which excludes arbitrary
+  pointer arithmetic so that the application can only address its own
+  data.  This technique is sometimes called "trusted compiler".  
+  It might sometimes be desirable to write an application in a
+  low-level language like C or even assembler, or it might be
+  necessary to run applications that have been written for other
+  systems.  Such applications could co-exist with the normal ones, but
+  they would have to work in their own address space as with current
+  operating systems, and with the same difficulties of communicating
+  with other applications.  
+<H3>Object store based on tags</H3>
+  Instead of a hierarchical file system, we propose an <i>object
+    store</i> which can contain any objects.  If a file (i.e. a
+  sequence of bytes) is desired, it would be stored as an array of
+  bytes.
+  Instead of organizing the objects into a hierarchy, objects in the
+  store can optionally be associated with an arbitrary number
+  of <i>tags</i>.  These tags are <i>key/value</i> pairs, such as for
+  example the date of creation of the archive entry, the creator (a
+  user) of the archive entry, and the <i>access permissions</i> for
+  the entry.  Notice that tags are not properties of the objects
+  themselves, but only of the archive entry that allows an object to
+  be accessed.  Some tags might be derived from the contents of the
+  object being stored such as the <i>sender</i> or the <i>date</i> of
+  an email message.  It should be possible to accomplish most searches
+  of the store without accessing the objects themselves, but only the
+  tags.  Occasionally, contents must be accessed such as when a raw
+  search of the contents of a text is wanted. 
+  It is sometimes desirable to group related objects together as
+  with <i>directories</i> of current operating systems.  Should a user
+  want such a group, it would simply be another object (say instances
+  of the class <tt>directory</tt>) in the store.  Users who can not
+  adapt to a non-hierarchical organization can even store such
+  directories as one of the objects inside another directory.
+<p>Here are some examples of possible keyword/value pairs, how they
+  might be used, and what kinds of values are permitted:</p>
+<table border="1">
+  <tr>
+    <td>
+      Keyword
+    </td>
+    <td>
+      Possible values
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>
+      <b>category</b>
+    </td>
+    <td>
+      The nature of the object such
+      as <b>movie</b>, <b>music</b>, <b>article</b>, <b>book</b>, <b>user
+      manual</b>, <b>dictionary</b>, <b>course</b>, <b>lecture</b>,
+      <b>recipe</b>, <b>program</b>, <b>bank statement</b>,
+      <b>email</b>.  These would be chosen from an
+      editable set that is defined per user.
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>
+      <b>name</b>
+    </td>
+    <td>
+      A string that is displayed with the object, such as "A Dramatic
+      Turn of Events", "Three seasons", "Alternative energy".
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>
+      <b>author</b>
+    </td>
+    <td>
+      An object identifying a person, an organization, a company,
+      etc. 
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>
+      <b>genre</b>.  Can be used for movies, music albums, programs,
+      articles, etc. 
+    </td>
+    <td>
+      <b>progressive
+      metal</b>, <b>science</b>, <b>algorithms</b>, <b>garbage
+      collection</b>, <b>game</b>, <b>programming language
+      implementation</b>, <b>operating system</b>.  These would be
+      chosen from an editable set that is defined per user.
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>
+      <b>format</b>
+    </td>
+    <td>
+      This tag can be used to identify the file type of documents such
+      as <b>PDF</b>, <b>ogg/vorbis</b>, <b>MPEG4</b> <b>PNG</b>, in
+      which case the tag can be assigned automatically, but also to
+      identify the source format of files in a directory containing
+      things like articles or user manuals, for
+      example <b>LaTeX</b>, <b>Texinfo</b>, <b>HTML</b>.  These would
+      be chosen from an editable set that is defined per user.
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>
+      <b>date of creation</b>
+    </td>
+    <td>
+      A date interval.
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>
+      <b>composer</b>.  Used for music.
+    </td>
+    <td>
+      An object representing a person.  On a compilation album there
+      can be more than one tag of this kind.
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>
+      <b>language</b>.
+    </td>
+    <td>
+      An object representing a natural language such
+      as <b>English</b>, <b>Vietnamese</b>, or a programming languages
+      such as <b>Lisp</b>, <b>Python</b>. These would
+      be chosen from an editable set that is defined per user.  If
+      appropriate, a document can have several of these tags, for
+      instance if some program uses multiple programming languages, or
+      if a document is written using several languages, such as a
+      dictionary. 
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>
+      <b>duration</b>. Can be used for things like movies or music
+      albums. 
+    </td>
+    <td>
+      An object representing a duration. 
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>
+      <b>source control</b>.  Can be used for any documents that use
+      source control such a programs, etc.
+    </td>
+    <td>
+      <b>GIT</b>, <b>SVN</b>, <b>CVS</b>, <b>darks</b>, etc.  These
+      would be chosen from an editable set that is defined per user.
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+  </tr>
+  When (a pointer to) an object is returned to a user as a result of a
+  search of the object store, it is actually similar to what is called
+  a "capability" in the operating-system literature.  Such a
+  capability is essentially only a pointer with a few bits indicating
+  what <i>access rights</i> the user has to the objects.  Each creator
+  may interpret the contents of those bits as he or she likes, but
+  typically they would be used to restrict access, so that for
+  instance executing a <i>reader</i> method is allowed, but executing
+  a <i>writer</i> method is not.
+<H3>Single memory abstraction</H3>
+  Instead of two different memory abstractions (primary and
+  secondary), the Lisp operating system would contain a single
+  abstraction which looks like any interactive Lisp system, except
+  that data is permanent.
+  Since data is permanent, application writers are encouraged to
+  provide a sophisticated <i>undo</i> facility.  
+  The physical main (semiconductor) memory of the computer simply acts
+  as a <i>cache</i> for the disk(s), so that the address of an object
+  uniquely determines where on the disk it is stored.  The cache is
+  managed as an ordinary <i>virtual memory</i> with existing
+  algorithms. 
+<H3>Other features</H3>
+<H4>Crash proof (maybe)</H4>
+  There is extensive work on crash-proof systems, be it operating
+  systems or data base systems.  In our opinion, this work is
+  confusing in that the objective is not clearly stated.
+  Sometimes the objective is stated as the desire that no data be lost
+  when power is lost.  But the solution to that problem already exists
+  in every laptop computer; it simply provides a <i>battery</i> that
+  allow the system to continue to work, or to be <i>shut down</i> in a
+  controlled way. 
+  Other times, the objective is stated as a protection against
+  defective software, so that data is stored at regular intervals
+  (checkpointing) perhaps combined with a <i>transaction log</i> so
+  that the state of the system immediately before a crash can always
+  be recovered.  But it is very hard to protect oneself against
+  defective software.  There can be defects in the checkpointing code
+  or in the code for logging transactions, and there can be defects in
+  the underlying file system.  We believe that it is a better use of
+  developer time to find and eliminate defects than to aim for a
+  recovery as a result of existing defects.
+<H4>Multiple simultaneous environments</H4>
+  To allow for a user to add methods to standard generic functions
+  (such as <tt>print-object</tt>) without interfering with other
+  users, we suggest that each user gets a different <i>global
+  environment</i>.  The environment maps <i>names</i>
+  to <i>objects</i> such as functions, classes, types, packages, and
+  more.  Immutable objects (such as the <tt>common-lisp</tt> package)
+  can exist in several different environments simultaneously, but
+  objects (such as the generic function <tt>print-object</tt> would be
+  different in different environments.
+  Multiple environments would also provide more safety for users in
+  that if a user inadvertently removes some system feature, then it
+  can be recovered from a default environment, and in the worst case a
+  fresh default environment could be installed for a user who
+  inadvertently destroyed large parts of his or her environment. 
+  Finally, multiple environments would simplify experimentation with
+  new features without running the risk of destroying the entire
+  system.  Different versions of a single package could exist in
+  different environments. 
+<H2>How to accomplish it</H2>
+  The most important aspect of a Lisp operating system is not that all
+  the code be written in Lisp, but rather to present a Lisp-like
+  interface between users and the system and between applications and
+  the system.  It is therefore legitimate to take advantage of some
+  existing system (probably Linux or some BSD version) in order to
+  provide services such as device drivers, network communication,
+  thread scheduling, etc. 
+<H3>Create a Lisp system to be used as basis</H3>
+  The first step is to create a Common Lisp system that can be used as
+  a basis for the Lisp operating system.  It should already allow for
+  multiple environments, and it should be available on 64-bit
+  platforms.  Preferably, this system should use as little C code as
+  possible and interact directly with the system calls of the
+  underlying kernel.
+<H3>Create a single-user system as a Unix process</H3>
+  The next step is to transform the Common Lisp system into an
+  operating system in the sense of the API for users and
+  applications.  This system would contain the object store, but
+  perhaps not access control functionality.
+  When this step is accomplished, it is possible to write or adapt
+  applications such as text editors, inspectors, debuggers, GUI
+  interface libraries, etc. for the system.
+<H3>Create device drivers</H3>
+  The final step is to replace the temporary Unix kernel with native
+  device drivers for the new system and to turn the system into a full
+  multi-user operating system.