//: Phase 1 of running mu code: load it from a textual representation.

:(scenarios load)
:(scenario first_recipe)
recipe main [
  1:number <- copy 23:literal
+parse: instruction: copy
+parse:   ingredient: {name: "23", properties: ["23": "literal"]}
+parse:   product: {name: "1", properties: ["1": "number"]}

vector<recipe_number> load(string form) {
  istringstream in(form);
  in >> std::noskipws;
  return load(in);

vector<recipe_number> load(istream& in) {
  vector<recipe_number> result;
  while (!in.eof()) {
    if (in.eof()) break;
    string command = next_word(in);
    // Command Handlers
    if (command == "recipe") {
      string recipe_name = next_word(in);
      if (recipe_name.empty())
        raise << "empty recipe name\n"
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span class="Delimiter">); trace("parse") << "label: " << curr->label; return !in.eof(); } vector<string>::iterator p = words.begin(); if (find(words.begin(), words.end(), "<-") != words.end()) { for (; *p != "<-"; ++p) { if (*p == ",") continue; curr->products.push_back(reagent(*p)); } ++p; // skip <- } curr->name = *p; if (Recipe_number.find(*p) == Recipe_number.end()) { Recipe_number[*p] = Next_recipe_number++; //? cout << "AAA: " << *p << " is now " << Recipe_number[*p] << '\n'; //? 1 } if (Recipe_number[*p] == 0) { raise << "Recipe " << *p << " has number 0, which is reserved for IDLE.\n" << die(); } curr->operation = Recipe_number[*p]; ++p; for (; p != words.end(); ++p) { if (*p == ",") continue; curr->ingredients.push_back(reagent(*p)); } trace("parse") << "instruction: " << curr->name; for (vector<reagent>::iterator p = curr->ingredients.begin(); p != curr->ingredients.end(); ++p) { trace("parse") << " ingredient: " << p->to_string(); } for (vector<reagent>::iterator p = curr->products.begin(); p != curr->products.end(); ++p) { trace("parse") << " product: " << p->to_string(); } return !in.eof(); } string next_word(istream& in) { //? cout << "AAA next_word\n"; //? 1 ostringstream out; skip_whitespace(in); slurp_word(in, out); skip_whitespace(in); skip_comment(in); return out.str(); } void slurp_word(istream& in, ostream& out) { //? cout << "AAA slurp_word\n"; //? 1 char c; if (in.peek() == ',') { in >> c; out << c; return; } while (in >> c) { //? cout << c << '\n'; //? 1 if (isspace(c) || c == ',') { in.putback(c); break; } out << c; } } void skip_whitespace(istream& in) { while (isspace(in.peek()) && in.peek() != '\n') { in.get(); } } void skip_whitespace_and_comments(istream& in) { while (true) { if (isspace(in.peek())) in.get(); else if (in.peek() == '#') skip_comment(in); else break; } } void skip_comment(istream& in) { if (in.peek() == '#') { in.get(); while (in.peek() != '\n') in.get(); } } void skip_comma(istream& in) { skip_whitespace(in); if (in.peek() == ',') in.get(); skip_whitespace(in); } // for debugging :(before "End Globals") bool Show_rest_of_stream = false; :(code) void show_rest_of_stream(istream& in) { if (!Show_rest_of_stream) return; cerr << '^'; char c; while (in >> c) { cerr << c; } cerr << "$\n"; exit(0); } //: Have tests clean up any recipes they added. :(before "End Globals") vector<recipe_number> recently_added_recipes; :(before "End Setup") for (long long int i = 0; i < SIZE(recently_added_recipes); ++i) { //? cout << "AAA clearing " << Recipe[recently_added_recipes.at(i)].name << '\n'; //? 2 Recipe_number.erase(Recipe[recently_added_recipes.at(i)].name); Recipe.erase(recently_added_recipes.at(i)); } // Clear Other State For recently_added_recipes recently_added_recipes.clear(); :(scenario parse_comment_outside_recipe) # this comment will be dropped by the tangler, so we need a dummy recipe to stop that recipe f1 [ ] # this comment will go through to 'load' recipe main [ 1:number <- copy 23:literal ] +parse: instruction: copy +parse: ingredient: {name: "23", properties: ["23": "literal"]} +parse: product: {name: "1", properties: ["1": "number"]} :(scenario parse_comment_amongst_instruction) recipe main [ # comment 1:number <- copy 23:literal ] +parse: instruction: copy +parse: ingredient: {name: "23", properties: ["23": "literal"]} +parse: product: {name: "1", properties: ["1": "number"]} :(scenario parse_comment_amongst_instruction2) recipe main [ # comment 1:number <- copy 23:literal # comment ] +parse: instruction: copy +parse: ingredient: {name: "23", properties: ["23": "literal"]} +parse: product: {name: "1", properties: ["1": "number"]} :(scenario parse_comment_amongst_instruction3) recipe main [ 1:number <- copy 23:literal # comment 2:number <- copy 23:literal ] +parse: instruction: copy +parse: ingredient: {name: "23", properties: ["23": "literal"]} +parse: product: {name: "1", properties: ["1": "number"]} +parse: instruction: copy +parse: ingredient: {name: "23", properties: ["23": "literal"]} +parse: product: {name: "2", properties: ["2": "number"]} :(scenario parse_comment_after_instruction) recipe main [ 1:number <- copy 23:literal # comment ] +parse: instruction: copy +parse: ingredient: {name: "23", properties: ["23": "literal"]} +parse: product: {name: "1", properties: ["1": "number"]} :(scenario parse_label) recipe main [ +foo ] +parse: label: +foo :(scenario parse_dollar_as_recipe_name) recipe main [ $foo ] +parse: instruction: $foo :(scenario parse_multiple_properties) recipe main [ 1:number <- copy 23:literal/foo:bar:baz ] +parse: instruction: copy +parse: ingredient: {name: "23", properties: ["23": "literal", "foo": "bar":"baz"]} +parse: product: {name: "1", properties: ["1": "number"]} :(scenario parse_multiple_products) recipe main [ 1:number, 2:number <- copy 23:literal ] +parse: instruction: copy +parse: ingredient: {name: "23", properties: ["23": "literal"]} +parse: product: {name: "1", properties: ["1": "number"]} +parse: product: {name: "2", properties: ["2": "number"]} :(scenario parse_multiple_ingredients) recipe main [ 1:number, 2:number <- copy 23:literal, 4:number ] +parse: instruction: copy +parse: ingredient: {name: "23", properties: ["23": "literal"]} +parse: ingredient: {name: "4", properties: ["4": "number"]} +parse: product: {name: "1", properties: ["1": "number"]} +parse: product: {name: "2", properties: ["2": "number"]} :(scenario parse_multiple_types) recipe main [ 1:number, 2:address:number <- copy 23:literal, 4:number ] +parse: instruction: copy +parse: ingredient: {name: "23", properties: ["23": "literal"]} +parse: ingredient: {name: "4", properties: ["4": "number"]} +parse: product: {name: "1", properties: ["1": "number"]} +parse: product: {name: "2", properties: ["2": "address":"number"]} :(scenario parse_properties) recipe main [ 1:number:address/deref <- copy 23:literal ] +parse: product: {name: "1", properties: ["1": "number":"address", "deref": ]}