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path: root/misc/pkglist.txt
blob: fcbb2f20b9690a9f9f79643f0cca39cd29e4938b (plain) (tree)

alpine-2.21p0       UW e-mail client
angband-3.3.2p2-no_x11 rogue-like game
asciidoc-8.6.9p1    text document format for writing documents and man pages
autoconf-2.69p2     automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
automake-1.16.1     GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
autossh-1.4f        SSH monitoring
bash-4.4.23         GNU Bourne Again Shell
cmake-3.10.2p0v0    portable build system
colorls-6.3         ls(1) that can use color to display file attributes
coreutils-8.30      file, shell and text manipulation utilities
cowsay-3.03p0       speaking ascii cow
dash-       Debian Almquist shell, POSIX-compliant
dungeon-2.7sp0      text adventure game
elvish-0.12         cross-platform, friendly, and expressive shell
emacs-26.1p2-no_x11 GNU editor: extensible, customizable, self-documenting
figlet-2.2.5        generates ASCII banner art
fish-2.7.1p0        friendly interactive shell
gcc-4.9.4p12        GNU compiler collection: core C compiler
ghc-8.2.2p2         compiler for the functional language Haskell
git-2.19.1          GIT - Tree History Storage Tool
gmake-4.2.1         GNU make
gnupg-2.2.10        GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
go-1.11             Go programming language
gophernicus-2.5p0   modern gopher server
inotify-tools-3.14pl0 programs providing a simple interface to inotify
intel-firmware-20180807p0v0 microcode update binaries for Intel CPUs
ircII-20170704p1    Internet Relay Chat client
irssi-1.1.1p0       modular IRC client with many features (ipv6,socks,proxy)
joe-4.6             Joe's Own Editor
kcgi-0.10.7         minimal CGI library for web applications
ksql-0.3.2          yet another SQLite wrapper
kwebapp-0.5.6       web application source generator
libident-0.32p1     library to interface the ident protocol server (rfc1413)
links-1.03p0        text browser, displays while downloading
lowdown-0.4.1       simple markdown translator
lynx-2.8.9rel1      text web browser
mariadb-server-10.0.36p0v1 multithreaded SQL database (server)
mercurial-4.5.3p1   fast, lightweight source control management
mongodb-3.2.13p2    scalable, high-performance document-oriented database
mosh-1.3.2p1        mobile shell
mutt-1.10.1v3-gpgme-sasl tty-based e-mail client
nano-3.1            Pico editor clone with enhancements
nasm-2.13.03        general-purpose multi-platform x86 assembler
ncdu-1.13           ncurses-based du(1)
neomutt-20180716-gpgme-sasl tty-based e-mail client, Mutt with patches
nethack-3.6.0p0-no_x11 dungeon explorin', hackin', game.  Piece of cake
node-8.12.0         V8 JavaScript for clients and servers
password-store-1.7.3 simple password store
pear-1.10.1p0       base classes for common PHP tasks
php-7.0.32p1        server-side HTML-embedded scripting language
php-7.2.10          server-side HTML-embedded scripting language
php-awl-0.59        Andrews web libraries for PHP
php-bz2-7.0.32p1    bzip2 compression extensions for php
php-cgi-7.0.32p1    php CGI binary
php-curl-7.0.32p1   curl URL library extensions for php
php-dba-7.0.32p1    dba GDBM access extensions for php
php-dbg-7.0.32p1    interactive php debugger
php-gmp-7.0.32p1    gmp math library support for php
php-imap-7.0.32p1   imap, pop3 and nntp extensions for php
php-intl-7.0.32p1   intl library support for php
php-ldap-7.0.32p1   ldap protocol extensions for php
php-librdf- Redland librdf PHP Bindings
php-markdown-1.6.0p0 Markdown implementation for PHP
php-mcrypt-7.0.32p1 mcrypt encryption/decryption extensions for php
php-mysql-5.6.38    mysql database access extensions for php5
php-mysqli-7.0.32p1 mysql database access extensions for php
php-mysqli-7.2.10   mysql database access extensions for php
php-odbc-7.0.32p1   odbc database access extensions for php
php-openid-2.1.2p7  OpenID authentication for PHP
php-pcntl-7.0.32p1  PCNTL extensions for php
php-pdo_mysql-7.0.32p1 PDO mysql database access extensions for php
php-pgsql-7.0.32p1  pgsql database access extensions for php
php-pspell-7.0.32p1 pspell library extensions for php
php-shmop-7.0.32p1  shared memory extensions for php
php-snmp-7.0.32p1   snmp protocol extensions for php
php-soap-7.0.32p1   SOAP functions for php
php-sqlite3-7.0.32p1 sqlite3 database access extension for php
php-tidy-7.0.32p1   tidy HTML cleaner bindings
php-xmlrpc-7.0.32p1 XML RPC functions for php
php-xsl-7.0.32p1    XSL functions for php
php-zip-7.0.32p1    zip functions for php
pico-5.09           UW text editor
portslist-6.8       full list of pkgpaths in ports
pwgen-2.08          simple password generator
py-pip-9.0.3        Python easy_install replacement
py3-click-6.7       command line library for Python
py3-click-log-0.3.2 logging integration for Python click
py3-click-plugins-1.0.2 register CLI commands via setuptools entry-points
py3-click-threading-0.4.3 multithreading in Python click
py3-pip-9.0.3       Python easy_install replacement
quirks-3.16         exceptions to pkg_add rules
ranger-1.9.2        minimalistic console file manager
rlwrap-0.43         generic readline wrapper for various programs
ruby-2.5.1          object oriented script language with threads
rust-1.29.2         compiler for Rust Language
screen-4.0.3p6      multi-screen window manager
sl-5.02             Steam Locomotive
stow-2.2.2          manages software package installations with symlinks
subversion-1.10.2   subversion revision control system
tcsh-6.20.00p1      extended C-shell with many useful features
tintin-2.01.3       client program for playing muds with advanced features
tinyfugue-4.0s1p4   programmable MUD client, with macro support and more
ttyrec-1.0.8p3      tty recorder
unzip-6.0p11        extract, list & test files in a ZIP archive
uucp-1.07p4         UUCP suite
uucpd-1.0           UUCP inetd program
vim-8.1.0438-no_x11 vi clone, many additional features
weechat-2.2         fast, light and extensible chat client
wget-1.19.5         retrieve files from the web via HTTP, HTTPS and FTP
yasm-1.3.0p1        complete rewrite of the NASM assembler
ytalk-3.1.1p3-no_x11 enhanced talk that allows for multiple parties
zsh-5.6.2           Z shell, Bourne shell-compatible