* DokuWiki XHTML Form
* @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die('meh.');
* Class for creating simple HTML forms.
* The forms is built from a list of pseudo-tags (arrays with expected keys).
* Every pseudo-tag must have the key '_elem' set to the name of the element.
* When printed, the form class calls functions named 'form_$type' for each
* element it contains.
* Standard practice is for non-attribute keys in a pseudo-element to start
* with '_'. Other keys are HTML attributes that will be included in the element
* tag. That way, the element output functions can pass the pseudo-element
* directly to buildAttributes.
* See the form_make* functions later in this file.
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
class Doku_Form {
// Form id attribute
public $params = array();
// Draw a border around form fields.
// Adds <fieldset></fieldset> around the elements
public $_infieldset = false;
// Hidden form fields.
public $_hidden = array();
// Array of pseudo-tags
public $_content = array();
* Constructor
* Sets parameters and autoadds a security token. The old calling convention
* with up to four parameters is deprecated, instead the first parameter
* should be an array with parameters.
* @param mixed $params Parameters for the HTML form element; Using the deprecated
* calling convention this is the ID attribute of the form
* @param bool|string $action (optional, deprecated) submit URL, defaults to current page
* @param bool|string $method (optional, deprecated) 'POST' or 'GET', default is POST
* @param bool|string $enctype (optional, deprecated) Encoding type of the data
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
function __construct($params, $action=false, $method=false, $enctype=false) {
if(!is_array($params)) {
$this->params = array('id' => $params);
if ($action !== false) $this->params['action'] = $action;
if ($method !== false) $this->params['method'] = strtolower($method);
if ($enctype !== false) $this->params['enctype'] = $enctype;
} else {
$this->params = $params;
if (!isset($this->params['method'])) {
$this->params['method'] = 'post';
} else {
$this->params['method'] = strtolower($this->params['method']);
if (!isset($this->params['action'])) {
$this->params['action'] = '';
$this->addHidden('sectok', getSecurityToken());
* startFieldset
* Add <fieldset></fieldset> tags around fields.
* Usually results in a border drawn around the form.
* @param string $legend Label that will be printed with the border.
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
function startFieldset($legend) {
if ($this->_infieldset) {
$this->addElement(array('_elem'=>'openfieldset', '_legend'=>$legend));
$this->_infieldset = true;
* endFieldset
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
function endFieldset() {
if ($this->_infieldset) {
$this->_infieldset = false;
* addHidden
* Adds a name/value pair as a hidden field.
* The value of the field (but not the name) will be passed to
* formText() before printing.
* @param string $name Field name.
* @param string $value Field value. If null, remove a previously added field.
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
function addHidden($name, $value) {
if (is_null($value))
$this->_hidden[$name] = $value;
* addElement
* Appends a content element to the form.
* The element can be either a pseudo-tag or string.
* If string, it is printed without escaping special chars. *
* @param string|array $elem Pseudo-tag or string to add to the form.
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
function addElement($elem) {
$this->_content[] = $elem;
* insertElement
* Inserts a content element at a position.
* @param string $pos 0-based index where the element will be inserted.
* @param string|array $elem Pseudo-tag or string to add to the form.
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
function insertElement($pos, $elem) {
array_splice($this->_content, $pos, 0, array($elem));
* replaceElement
* Replace with NULL to remove an element.
* @param int $pos 0-based index the element will be placed at.
* @param string|array $elem Pseudo-tag or string to add to the form.
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
function replaceElement($pos, $elem) {
$rep = array();
if (!is_null($elem)) $rep[] = $elem;
array_splice($this->_content, $pos, 1, $rep);
* findElementByType
* Gets the position of the first of a type of element.
* @param string $type Element type to look for.
* @return int|false position of element if found, otherwise false
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
function findElementByType($type) {
foreach ($this->_content as $pos=>$elem) {
if (is_array($elem) && $elem['_elem'] == $type)
return $pos;
return false;
* findElementById
* Gets the position of the element with an ID attribute.
* @param string $id ID of the element to find.
* @return int|false position of element if found, otherwise false
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
function findElementById($id) {
foreach ($this->_content as $pos=>$elem) {
if (is_array($elem) && isset($elem['id']) && $elem['id'] == $id)
return $pos;
return false;
* findElementByAttribute
* Gets the position of the first element with a matching attribute value.
* @param string $name Attribute name.
* @param string $value Attribute value.
* @return int|false position of element if found, otherwise false
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
function findElementByAttribute($name, $value) {
foreach ($this->_content as $pos=>$elem) {
if (is_array($elem) && isset($elem[$name]) && $elem[$name] == $value)
return $pos;
return false;
* getElementAt
* Returns a reference to the element at a position.
* A position out-of-bounds will return either the
* first (underflow) or last (overflow) element.
* @param int $pos 0-based index
* @return array reference pseudo-element
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
function &getElementAt($pos) {
if ($pos < 0) $pos = count($this->_content) + $pos;
if ($pos < 0) $pos = 0;
if ($pos >= count($this->_content)) $pos = count($this->_content) - 1;
return $this->_content[$pos];
* Return the assembled HTML for the form.
* Each element in the form will be passed to a function named
* 'form_$type'. The function should return the HTML to be printed.
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @return string html of the form
function getForm() {
global $lang;
$form = '';
$this->params['accept-charset'] = $lang['encoding'];
$form .= '<form ' . buildAttributes($this->params,false) . '><div class="no">' . DOKU_LF;
if (!empty($this->_hidden)) {
foreach ($this->_hidden as $name=>$value)
$form .= form_hidden(array('name'=>$name, 'value'=>$value));
foreach ($this->_content as $element) {
if (is_array($element)) {
$elem_type = $element['_elem'];
if (function_exists('form_'.$elem_type)) {
$form .= call_user_func('form_'.$elem_type, $element).DOKU_LF;
} else {
$form .= $element;
if ($this->_infieldset) $form .= form_closefieldset().DOKU_LF;
$form .= '</div></form>'.DOKU_LF;
return $form;
* Print the assembled form
* wraps around getForm()
function printForm(){
echo $this->getForm();
* Add a radio set
* This function adds a set of radio buttons to the form. If $_POST[$name]
* is set, this radio is preselected, else the first radio button.
* @param string $name The HTML field name
* @param array $entries An array of entries $value => $caption
* @author Adrian Lang <lang@cosmocode.de>
function addRadioSet($name, $entries) {
global $INPUT;
$value = (array_key_exists($INPUT->post->str($name), $entries)) ?
$INPUT->str($name) : key($entries);
foreach($entries as $val => $cap) {
$data = ($value === $val) ? array('checked' => 'checked') : array();
$this->addElement(form_makeRadioField($name, $val, $cap, '', '', $data));
* form_makeTag
* Create a form element for a non-specific empty tag.
* @param string $tag Tag name.
* @param array $attrs Optional attributes.
* @return array pseudo-tag
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
function form_makeTag($tag, $attrs=array()) {
$elem = array('_elem'=>'tag', '_tag'=>$tag);
return array_merge($elem, $attrs);
* form_makeOpenTag
* Create a form element for a non-specific opening tag.
* Remember to put a matching close tag after this as well.
* @param string $tag Tag name.
* @param array $attrs Optional attributes.
* @return array pseudo-tag
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
function form_makeOpenTag($tag, $attrs=array()) {
$elem = array('_elem'=>'opentag', '_tag'=>$tag);
return array_merge($elem, $attrs);
* form_makeCloseTag
* Create a form element for a non-specific closing tag.
* Careless use of this will result in invalid XHTML.
* @param string $tag Tag name.
* @return array pseudo-tag
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
function form_makeCloseTag($tag) {
return array('_elem'=>'closetag', '_tag'=>$tag);
* form_makeWikiText
* Create a form element for a textarea containing wiki text.
* Only one wikitext element is allowed on a page. It will have
* a name of 'wikitext' and id 'wiki__text'. The text will
* be passed to formText() before printing.
* @param string $text Text to fill the field with.
* @param array $attrs Optional attributes.
* @return array pseudo-tag
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
function form_makeWikiText($text, $attrs=array()) {
$elem = array('_elem'=>'wikitext', '_text'=>$text,
'class'=>'edit', 'cols'=>'80', 'rows'=>'10');
return array_merge($elem, $attrs);
* form_makeButton
* Create a form element for an action button.
* A title will automatically be generated using the value and
* accesskey attributes, unless you provide one.
* @param string $type Type attribute. 'submit' or 'cancel'
* @param string $act Wiki action of the button, will be used as the do= parameter
* @param string $value (optional) Displayed label. Uses $act if not provided.
* @param array $attrs Optional attributes.
* @return array pseudo-tag
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
function form_makeButton($type, $act, $value='', $attrs=array()) {
if ($value == '') $value = $act;
$elem = array('_elem'=>'button', 'type'=>$type, '_action'=>$act,
if (!empty($attrs['accesskey']) && empty($attrs['title'])) {
$attrs['title'] = $value . ' ['.strtoupper($attrs['accesskey']).']';
return array_merge($elem, $attrs);
* form_makeField
* Create a form element for a labelled input element.
* The label text will be printed before the input.
* @param string $type Type attribute of input.
* @param string $name Name attribute of the input.
* @param string $value (optional) Default value.
* @param string $class Class attribute of the label. If this is 'block',
* then a line break will be added after the field.
* @param string $label Label that will be printed before the input.
* @param string $id ID attribute of the input. If set, the label will
* reference it with a 'for' attribute.
* @param array $attrs Optional attributes.
* @return array pseudo-tag
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
function form_makeField($type, $name, $value='', $label=null, $id='', $class='', $attrs=array()) {
if (is_null($label)) $label = $name;
$elem = array('_elem'=>'field', '_text'=>$label, '_class'=>$class,
'type'=>$type, 'id'=>$id, 'name'=>$name, 'value'=>$value);
return array_merge($elem, $attrs);
* form_makeFieldRight
* Create a form element for a labelled input element.
* The label text will be printed after the input.
* @see form_makeField
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param string $type
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
* @param null|string $label
* @param string $id
* @param string $class
* @param array $attrs
* @return array
function form_makeFieldRight($type, $name, $value='', $label=null, $id='', $class='', $attrs=array()) {
if (is_null($label)) $label = $name;
$elem = array('_elem'=>'fieldright', '_text'=>$label, '_class'=>$class,
'type'=>$type, 'id'=>$id, 'name'=>$name, 'value'=>$value);
return array_merge($elem, $attrs);
* form_makeTextField
* Create a form element for a text input element with label.
* @see form_makeField
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
* @param null|string $label
* @param string $id
* @param string $class
* @param array $attrs
* @return array
function form_makeTextField($name, $value='', $label=null, $id='', $class='', $attrs=array()) {
if (is_null($label)) $label = $name;
$elem = array('_elem'=>'textfield', '_text'=>$label, '_class'=>$class,
'id'=>$id, 'name'=>$name, 'value'=>$value, 'class'=>'edit');
return array_merge($elem, $attrs);
* form_makePasswordField
* Create a form element for a password input element with label.
* Password elements have no default value, for obvious reasons.
* @see form_makeField
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param string $name
* @param null|string $label
* @param string $id
* @param string $class
* @param array $attrs
* @return array
function form_makePasswordField($name, $label=null, $id='', $class='', $attrs=array()) {
if (is_null($label)) $label = $name;
$elem = array('_elem'=>'passwordfield', '_text'=>$label, '_class'=>$class,
'id'=>$id, 'name'=>$name, 'class'=>'edit');
return array_merge($elem, $attrs);
* form_makeFileField
* Create a form element for a file input element with label
* @see form_makeField
* @author Michael Klier <chi@chimeric.de>
* @param string $name
* @param null|string $label
* @param string $id
* @param string $class
* @param array $attrs
* @return array
function form_makeFileField($name, $label=null, $id='', $class='', $attrs=array()) {
if (is_null($label)) $label = $name;
$elem = array('_elem'=>'filefield', '_text'=>$label, '_class'=>$class,
'id'=>$id, 'name'=>$name, 'class'=>'edit');
return array_merge($elem, $attrs);
* form_makeCheckboxField
* Create a form element for a checkbox input element with label.
* If $value is an array, a hidden field with the same name and the value
* $value[1] is constructed as well.
* @see form_makeFieldRight
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
* @param null|string $label
* @param string $id
* @param string $class
* @param array $attrs
* @return array
function form_makeCheckboxField($name, $value='1', $label=null, $id='', $class='', $attrs=array()) {
if (is_null($label)) $label = $name;
if (is_null($value) || $value=='') $value='0';
$elem = array('_elem'=>'checkboxfield', '_text'=>$label, '_class'=>$class,
'id'=>$id, 'name'=>$name, 'value'=>$value);
return array_merge($elem, $attrs);
* form_makeRadioField
* Create a form element for a radio button input element with label.
* @see form_makeFieldRight
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
* @param null|string $label
* @param string $id
* @param string $class
* @param array $attrs
* @return array
function form_makeRadioField($name, $value='1', $label=null, $id='', $class='', $attrs=array()) {
if (is_null($label)) $label = $name;
if (is_null($value) || $value=='') $value='0';
$elem = array('_elem'=>'radiofield', '_text'=>$label, '_class'=>$class,
'id'=>$id, 'name'=>$name, 'value'=>$value);
return array_merge($elem, $attrs);
* form_makeMenuField
* Create a form element for a drop-down menu with label.
* The list of values can be strings, arrays of (value,text),
* or an associative array with the values as keys and labels as values.
* An item is selected by supplying its value or integer index.
* If the list of values is an associative array, the selected item must be
* a string.
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param string $name Name attribute of the input.
* @param string[]|array[] $values The list of values can be strings, arrays of (value,text),
* or an associative array with the values as keys and labels as values.
* @param string|int $selected default selected value, string or index number
* @param string $class Class attribute of the label. If this is 'block',
* then a line break will be added after the field.
* @param string $label Label that will be printed before the input.
* @param string $id ID attribute of the input. If set, the label will
* reference it with a 'for' attribute.
* @param array $attrs Optional attributes.
* @return array pseudo-tag
function form_makeMenuField($name, $values, $selected='', $label=null, $id='', $class='', $attrs=array()) {
if (is_null($label)) $label = $name;
$options = array();
// FIXME: php doesn't know the difference between a string and an integer
if (is_string(key($values))) {
foreach ($values as $val=>$text) {
$options[] = array($val,$text, (!is_null($selected) && $val==$selected));
} else {
if (is_integer($selected)) $selected = $values[$selected];
foreach ($values as $val) {
if (is_array($val))
@list($val,$text) = $val;
$text = null;
$options[] = array($val,$text,$val===$selected);
$elem = array('_elem'=>'menufield', '_options'=>$options, '_text'=>$label, '_class'=>$class,
'id'=>$id, 'name'=>$name);
return array_merge($elem, $attrs);
* form_makeListboxField
* Create a form element for a list box with label.
* The list of values can be strings, arrays of (value,text),
* or an associative array with the values as keys and labels as values.
* Items are selected by supplying its value or an array of values.
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param string $name Name attribute of the input.
* @param string[]|array[] $values The list of values can be strings, arrays of (value,text),
* or an associative array with the values as keys and labels as values.
* @param array|string $selected value or array of values of the items that need to be selected
* @param string $class Class attribute of the label. If this is 'block',
* then a line break will be added after the field.
* @param string $label Label that will be printed before the input.
* @param string $id ID attribute of the input. If set, the label will
* reference it with a 'for' attribute.
* @param array $attrs Optional attributes.
* @return array pseudo-tag
function form_makeListboxField($name, $values, $selected='', $label=null, $id='', $class='', $attrs=array()) {
if (is_null($label)) $label = $name;
$options = array();
if (is_null($selected) || $selected == '') {
$selected = array();
} elseif (!is_array($selected)) {
$selected = array($selected);
// FIXME: php doesn't know the difference between a string and an integer
if (is_string(key($values))) {
foreach ($values as $val=>$text) {
$options[] = array($val,$text,in_array($val,$selected));
} else {
foreach ($values as $val) {
$disabled = false;
if (is_array($val)) {
@list($val,$text,$disabled) = $val;
} else {
$text = null;
$options[] = array($val,$text,in_array($val,$selected),$disabled);
$elem = array('_elem'=>'listboxfield', '_options'=>$options, '_text'=>$label, '_class'=>$class,
'id'=>$id, 'name'=>$name);
return array_merge($elem, $attrs);
* form_tag
* Print the HTML for a generic empty tag.
* Requires '_tag' key with name of the tag.
* Attributes are passed to buildAttributes()
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param array $attrs attributes
* @return string html of tag
function form_tag($attrs) {
return '<'.$attrs['_tag'].' '.buildAttributes($attrs,true).'/>';
* form_opentag
* Print the HTML for a generic opening tag.
* Requires '_tag' key with name of the tag.
* Attributes are passed to buildAttributes()
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param array $attrs attributes
* @return string html of tag
function form_opentag($attrs) {
return '<'.$attrs['_tag'].' '.buildAttributes($attrs,true).'>';
* form_closetag
* Print the HTML for a generic closing tag.
* Requires '_tag' key with name of the tag.
* There are no attributes.
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param array $attrs attributes
* @return string html of tag
function form_closetag($attrs) {
return '</'.$attrs['_tag'].'>';
* form_openfieldset
* Print the HTML for an opening fieldset tag.
* Uses the '_legend' key.
* Attributes are passed to buildAttributes()
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param array $attrs attributes
* @return string html
function form_openfieldset($attrs) {
$s = '<fieldset '.buildAttributes($attrs,true).'>';
if (!is_null($attrs['_legend'])) $s .= '<legend>'.$attrs['_legend'].'</legend>';
return $s;
* form_closefieldset
* Print the HTML for a closing fieldset tag.
* There are no attributes.
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @return string html
function form_closefieldset() {
return '</fieldset>';
* form_hidden
* Print the HTML for a hidden input element.
* Uses only 'name' and 'value' attributes.
* Value is passed to formText()
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param array $attrs attributes
* @return string html
function form_hidden($attrs) {
return '<input type="hidden" name="'.$attrs['name'].'" value="'.formText($attrs['value']).'" />';
* form_wikitext
* Print the HTML for the wiki textarea.
* Requires '_text' with default text of the field.
* Text will be passed to formText(), attributes to buildAttributes()
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param array $attrs attributes
* @return string html
function form_wikitext($attrs) {
// mandatory attributes
return '<textarea name="wikitext" id="wiki__text" dir="auto" '
* form_button
* Print the HTML for a form button.
* If '_action' is set, the button name will be "do[_action]".
* Other attributes are passed to buildAttributes()
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param array $attrs attributes
* @return string html
function form_button($attrs) {
$p = (!empty($attrs['_action'])) ? 'name="do['.$attrs['_action'].']" ' : '';
$value = $attrs['value'];
return '<button '.$p.buildAttributes($attrs,true).'>'.$value.'</button>';
* form_field
* Print the HTML for a form input field.
* _class : class attribute used on the label tag
* _text : Text to display before the input. Not escaped.
* Other attributes are passed to buildAttributes() for the input tag.
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param array $attrs attributes
* @return string html
function form_field($attrs) {
$s = '<label';
if ($attrs['_class']) $s .= ' class="'.$attrs['_class'].'"';
if (!empty($attrs['id'])) $s .= ' for="'.$attrs['id'].'"';
$s .= '><span>'.$attrs['_text'].'</span>';
$s .= ' <input '.buildAttributes($attrs,true).' /></label>';
if (preg_match('/(^| )block($| )/', $attrs['_class']))
$s .= '<br />';
return $s;
* form_fieldright
* Print the HTML for a form input field. (right-aligned)
* _class : class attribute used on the label tag
* _text : Text to display after the input. Not escaped.
* Other attributes are passed to buildAttributes() for the input tag.
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param array $attrs attributes
* @return string html
function form_fieldright($attrs) {
$s = '<label';
if ($attrs['_class']) $s .= ' class="'.$attrs['_class'].'"';
if (!empty($attrs['id'])) $s .= ' for="'.$attrs['id'].'"';
$s .= '><input '.buildAttributes($attrs,true).' />';
$s .= ' <span>'.$attrs['_text'].'</span></label>';
if (preg_match('/(^| )block($| )/', $attrs['_class']))
$s .= '<br />';
return $s;
* form_textfield
* Print the HTML for a text input field.
* _class : class attribute used on the label tag
* _text : Text to display before the input. Not escaped.
* Other attributes are passed to buildAttributes() for the input tag.
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param array $attrs attributes
* @return string html
function form_textfield($attrs) {
// mandatory attributes
$s = '<label';
if ($attrs['_class']) $s .= ' class="'.$attrs['_class'].'"';
if (!empty($attrs['id'])) $s .= ' for="'.$attrs['id'].'"';
$s .= '><span>'.$attrs['_text'].'</span> ';
$s .= '<input type="text" '.buildAttributes($attrs,true).' /></label>';
if (preg_match('/(^| )block($| )/', $attrs['_class']))
$s .= '<br />';
return $s;
* form_passwordfield
* Print the HTML for a password input field.
* _class : class attribute used on the label tag
* _text : Text to display before the input. Not escaped.
* Other attributes are passed to buildAttributes() for the input tag.
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param array $attrs attributes
* @return string html
function form_passwordfield($attrs) {
// mandatory attributes
$s = '<label';
if ($attrs['_class']) $s .= ' class="'.$attrs['_class'].'"';
if (!empty($attrs['id'])) $s .= ' for="'.$attrs['id'].'"';
$s .= '><span>'.$attrs['_text'].'</span> ';
$s .= '<input type="password" '.buildAttributes($attrs,true).' /></label>';
if (preg_match('/(^| )block($| )/', $attrs['_class']))
$s .= '<br />';
return $s;
* form_filefield
* Print the HTML for a file input field.
* _class : class attribute used on the label tag
* _text : Text to display before the input. Not escaped
* _maxlength : Allowed size in byte
* _accept : Accepted mime-type
* Other attributes are passed to buildAttributes() for the input tag
* @author Michael Klier <chi@chimeric.de>
* @param array $attrs attributes
* @return string html
function form_filefield($attrs) {
$s = '<label';
if ($attrs['_class']) $s .= ' class="'.$attrs['_class'].'"';
if (!empty($attrs['id'])) $s .= ' for="'.$attrs['id'].'"';
$s .= '><span>'.$attrs['_text'].'</span> ';
$s .= '<input type="file" '.buildAttributes($attrs,true);
if (!empty($attrs['_maxlength'])) $s .= ' maxlength="'.$attrs['_maxlength'].'"';
if (!empty($attrs['_accept'])) $s .= ' accept="'.$attrs['_accept'].'"';
$s .= ' /></label>';
if (preg_match('/(^| )block($| )/', $attrs['_class']))
$s .= '<br />';
return $s;
* form_checkboxfield
* Print the HTML for a checkbox input field.
* _class : class attribute used on the label tag
* _text : Text to display after the input. Not escaped.
* Other attributes are passed to buildAttributes() for the input tag.
* If value is an array, a hidden field with the same name and the value
* $attrs['value'][1] is constructed as well.
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param array $attrs attributes
* @return string html
function form_checkboxfield($attrs) {
// mandatory attributes
$s = '<label';
if ($attrs['_class']) $s .= ' class="'.$attrs['_class'].'"';
if (!empty($attrs['id'])) $s .= ' for="'.$attrs['id'].'"';
$s .= '>';
if (is_array($attrs['value'])) {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . hsc($attrs['name']) .'"'
. ' value="' . hsc($attrs['value'][1]) . '" />';
$attrs['value'] = $attrs['value'][0];
$s .= '<input type="checkbox" '.buildAttributes($attrs,true).' />';
$s .= ' <span>'.$attrs['_text'].'</span></label>';
if (preg_match('/(^| )block($| )/', $attrs['_class']))
$s .= '<br />';
return $s;
* form_radiofield
* Print the HTML for a radio button input field.
* _class : class attribute used on the label tag
* _text : Text to display after the input. Not escaped.
* Other attributes are passed to buildAttributes() for the input tag.
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param array $attrs attributes
* @return string html
function form_radiofield($attrs) {
// mandatory attributes
$s = '<label';
if ($attrs['_class']) $s .= ' class="'.$attrs['_class'].'"';
if (!empty($attrs['id'])) $s .= ' for="'.$attrs['id'].'"';
$s .= '><input type="radio" '.buildAttributes($attrs,true).' />';
$s .= ' <span>'.$attrs['_text'].'</span></label>';
if (preg_match('/(^| )block($| )/', $attrs['_class']))
$s .= '<br />';
return $s;
* form_menufield
* Print the HTML for a drop-down menu.
* _options : Array of (value,text,selected) for the menu.
* Text can be omitted. Text and value are passed to formText()
* Only one item can be selected.
* _class : class attribute used on the label tag
* _text : Text to display before the menu. Not escaped.
* Other attributes are passed to buildAttributes() for the input tag.
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param array $attrs attributes
* @return string html
function form_menufield($attrs) {
$attrs['size'] = '1';
$s = '<label';
if ($attrs['_class']) $s .= ' class="'.$attrs['_class'].'"';
if (!empty($attrs['id'])) $s .= ' for="'.$attrs['id'].'"';
$s .= '><span>'.$attrs['_text'].'</span>';
$s .= ' <select '.buildAttributes($attrs,true).'>'.DOKU_LF;
if (!empty($attrs['_options'])) {
$selected = false;
$cnt = count($attrs['_options']);
for($n=0; $n < $cnt; $n++){
@list($value,$text,$select) = $attrs['_options'][$n];
$p = '';
if (!is_null($text))
$p .= ' value="'.formText($value).'"';
$text = $value;
if (!empty($select) && !$selected) {
$p .= ' selected="selected"';
$selected = true;
$s .= '<option'.$p.'>'.formText($text).'</option>';
} else {
$s .= '<option></option>';
$s .= DOKU_LF.'</select></label>';
if (preg_match('/(^| )block($| )/', $attrs['_class']))
$s .= '<br />';
return $s;
* form_listboxfield
* Print the HTML for a list box.
* _options : Array of (value,text,selected) for the list.
* Text can be omitted. Text and value are passed to formText()
* _class : class attribute used on the label tag
* _text : Text to display before the menu. Not escaped.
* Other attributes are passed to buildAttributes() for the input tag.
* @author Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
* @param array $attrs attributes
* @return string html
function form_listboxfield($attrs) {
$s = '<label';
if ($attrs['_class']) $s .= ' class="'.$attrs['_class'].'"';
if (!empty($attrs['id'])) $s .= ' for="'.$attrs['id'].'"';
$s .= '><span>'.$attrs['_text'].'</span> ';
$s .= '<select '.buildAttributes($attrs,true).'>'.DOKU_LF;
if (!empty($attrs['_options'])) {
foreach ($attrs['_options'] as $opt) {
@list($value,$text,$select,$disabled) = $opt;
$p = '';
if(is_null($text)) $text = $value;
$p .= ' value="'.formText($value).'"';
if (!empty($select)) $p .= ' selected="selected"';
if ($disabled) $p .= ' disabled="disabled"';
$s .= '<option'.$p.'>'.formText($text).'</option>';
} else {
$s .= '<option></option>';
$s .= DOKU_LF.'</select></label>';
if (preg_match('/(^| )block($| )/', $attrs['_class']))
$s .= '<br />';
return $s;