* DokuWiki Plugin extension (Helper Component)
* @license GPL 2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* @author Michael Hamann <michael@content-space.de>
// must be run within Dokuwiki
if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die();
* Class helper_plugin_extension_list takes care of creating a HTML list of extensions
class helper_plugin_extension_list extends DokuWiki_Plugin {
protected $form = '';
/** @var helper_plugin_extension_gui */
protected $gui;
* Constructor
* loads additional helpers
public function __construct(){
$this->gui = plugin_load('helper', 'extension_gui');
function start_form() {
$this->form .= '<form id="extension__list" accept-charset="utf-8" method="post" action="">';
$hidden = array(
$this->form .= '<ul class="extensionList">';
* Build single row of extension table
* @param helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension that shall be added
* @param bool $showinfo Show the info area
function add_row(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension, $showinfo = false) {
$this->populate_column('legend', $this->make_legend($extension, $showinfo));
$this->populate_column('actions', $this->make_actions($extension));
* Adds a header to the form
* @param string $id The id of the header
* @param string $header The content of the header
* @param int $level The level of the header
function add_header($id, $header, $level = 2) {
$this->form .='<h'.$level.' id="'.$id.'">'.hsc($header).'</h'.$level.'>'.DOKU_LF;
* Adds a paragraph to the form
* @param string $data The content
function add_p($data) {
$this->form .= '<p>'.hsc($data).'</p>'.DOKU_LF;
* Add hidden fields to the form with the given data
* @param array $array
function add_hidden(array $array) {
$this->form .= '<div class="no">';
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
$this->form .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.hsc($key).'" value="'.hsc($value).'" />';
$this->form .= '</div>'.DOKU_LF;
* Add closing tags
function end_form() {
$this->form .= '</ul>';
$this->form .= '</form>'.DOKU_LF;
* Show message when no results are found
function nothing_found() {
global $lang;
$this->form .= '<li class="notfound">'.$lang['nothingfound'].'</li>';
* Print the form
function render() {
echo $this->form;
* Start the HTML for the row for the extension
* @param helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension
private function start_row(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension) {
$this->form .= '<li id="extensionplugin__'.hsc($extension->getID()).'" class="'.$this->make_class($extension).'">';
* Add a column with the given class and content
* @param string $class The class name
* @param string $html The content
private function populate_column($class, $html) {
$this->form .= '<div class="'.$class.' col">'.$html.'</div>'.DOKU_LF;
* End the row
private function end_row() {
$this->form .= '</li>'.DOKU_LF;
* Generate the link to the plugin homepage
* @param helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension
* @return string The HTML code
function make_homepagelink(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension) {
$text = $this->getLang('homepage_link');
$url = hsc($extension->getURL());
return '<a href="'.$url.'" title="'.$url.'" class ="urlextern">'.$text.'</a> ';
* Generate the class name for the row of the extensio
* @param helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension object
* @return string The class name
function make_class(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension) {
$class = ($extension->isTemplate()) ? 'template' : 'plugin';
if($extension->isInstalled()) {
$class.=' installed';
$class.= ($extension->isEnabled()) ? ' enabled':' disabled';
if($extension->updateAvailable()) $class .= ' updatable';
if(!$extension->canModify()) $class.= ' notselect';
if($extension->isProtected()) $class.= ' protected';
//if($this->showinfo) $class.= ' showinfo';
return $class;
* Generate a link to the author of the extension
* @param helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension object
* @return string The HTML code of the link
function make_author(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension) {
global $ID;
if($extension->getAuthor()) {
$mailid = $extension->getEmailID();
$url = $this->gui->tabURL('search', array('q' => 'authorid:'.$mailid));
return '<bdi><a href="'.$url.'" class="author" title="'.$this->getLang('author_hint').'" ><img src="//www.gravatar.com/avatar/'.$mailid.'?s=20&d=mm" width="20" height="20" alt="" /> '.hsc($extension->getAuthor()).'</a></bdi>';
return '<bdi><span class="author">'.hsc($extension->getAuthor()).'</span></bdi>';
return "<em class=\"author\">".$this->getLang('unknown_author')."</em>".DOKU_LF;
* Get the link and image tag for the screenshot/thumbnail
* @param helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension object
* @return string The HTML code
function make_screenshot(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension) {
$screen = $extension->getScreenshotURL();
$thumb = $extension->getThumbnailURL();
if($screen) {
// use protocol independent URLs for images coming from us #595
$screen = str_replace('http://www.dokuwiki.org', '//www.dokuwiki.org', $screen);
$thumb = str_replace('http://www.dokuwiki.org', '//www.dokuwiki.org', $thumb);
$title = sprintf($this->getLang('screenshot'), hsc($extension->getDisplayName()));
$img = '<a href="'.hsc($screen).'" target="_blank" class="extension_screenshot">'.
'<img alt="'.$title.'" width="120" height="70" src="'.hsc($thumb).'" />'.
} elseif($extension->isTemplate()) {
$img = '<img alt="" width="120" height="70" src="'.DOKU_BASE.'lib/plugins/extension/images/template.png" />';
} else {
$img = '<img alt="" width="120" height="70" src="'.DOKU_BASE.'lib/plugins/extension/images/plugin.png" />';
return '<div class="screenshot" >'.$img.'<span></span></div>'.DOKU_LF;
* Extension main description
* @param helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension object
* @param bool $showinfo Show the info section
* @return string The HTML code
function make_legend(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension, $showinfo = false) {
$return = '<div>';
$return .= '<h2>';
$return .= sprintf($this->getLang('extensionby'), '<bdi>'.hsc($extension->getDisplayName()).'</bdi>', $this->make_author($extension));
$return .= '</h2>'.DOKU_LF;
$return .= $this->make_screenshot($extension);
$popularity = $extension->getPopularity();
if ($popularity !== false && !$extension->isBundled()) {
$popularityText = sprintf($this->getLang('popularity'), round($popularity*100, 2));
$return .= '<div class="popularity" title="'.$popularityText.'"><div style="width: '.($popularity * 100).'%;"><span class="a11y">'.$popularityText.'</span></div></div>'.DOKU_LF;
if($extension->getDescription()) {
$return .= '<p><bdi>';
$return .= hsc($extension->getDescription()).' ';
$return .= '</bdi></p>'.DOKU_LF;
$return .= $this->make_linkbar($extension);
$url = $this->gui->tabURL('');
$class = 'close';
$url = $this->gui->tabURL('', array('info' => $extension->getID()));
$class = '';
$return .= ' <a href="'.$url.'#extensionplugin__'.$extension->getID().'" class="info '.$class.'" title="'.$this->getLang('btn_info').'" data-extid="'.$extension->getID().'">'.$this->getLang('btn_info').'</a>';
if ($showinfo) {
$return .= $this->make_info($extension);
$return .= $this->make_noticearea($extension);
$return .= '</div>'.DOKU_LF;
return $return;
* Generate the link bar HTML code
* @param helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension instance
* @return string The HTML code
function make_linkbar(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension) {
$return = '<div class="linkbar">';
$return .= $this->make_homepagelink($extension);
if ($extension->getBugtrackerURL()) {
$return .= ' <a href="'.hsc($extension->getBugtrackerURL()).'" title="'.hsc($extension->getBugtrackerURL()).'" class ="bugs">'.$this->getLang('bugs_features').'</a> ';
if ($extension->getTags()){
$first = true;
$return .= '<span class="tags">'.$this->getLang('tags').' ';
foreach ($extension->getTags() as $tag) {
if (!$first){
$return .= ', ';
} else {
$first = false;
$url = $this->gui->tabURL('search', array('q' => 'tag:'.$tag));
$return .= '<bdi><a href="'.$url.'">'.hsc($tag).'</a></bdi>';
$return .= '</span>';
$return .= '</div>'.DOKU_LF;
return $return;
* Notice area
* @param helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension
* @return string The HTML code
function make_noticearea(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension) {
$return = '';
$missing_dependencies = $extension->getMissingDependencies();
if(!empty($missing_dependencies)) {
$return .= '<div class="msg error">'.
sprintf($this->getLang('missing_dependency'), '<bdi>'.implode(', ', /*array_map(array($this->helper, 'make_extensionsearchlink'),*/ $missing_dependencies).'</bdi>').
if($extension->isInWrongFolder()) {
$return .= '<div class="msg error">'.
sprintf($this->getLang('wrong_folder'), '<bdi>'.hsc($extension->getInstallName()).'</bdi>', '<bdi>'.hsc($extension->getBase()).'</bdi>').
if(($securityissue = $extension->getSecurityIssue()) !== false) {
$return .= '<div class="msg error">'.
sprintf($this->getLang('security_issue'), '<bdi>'.hsc($securityissue).'</bdi>').
if(($securitywarning = $extension->getSecurityWarning()) !== false) {
$return .= '<div class="msg notify">'.
sprintf($this->getLang('security_warning'), '<bdi>'.hsc($securitywarning).'</bdi>').
if($extension->updateAvailable()) {
$return .= '<div class="msg notify">'.
sprintf($this->getLang('update_available'), hsc($extension->getLastUpdate())).
if($extension->hasDownloadURLChanged()) {
$return .= '<div class="msg notify">'.
sprintf($this->getLang('url_change'), '<bdi>'.hsc($extension->getDownloadURL()).'</bdi>', '<bdi>'.hsc($extension->getLastDownloadURL()).'</bdi>').
return $return.DOKU_LF;
* Create a link from the given URL
* Shortens the URL for display
* @param string $url
* @return string HTML link
function shortlink($url){
$link = parse_url($url);
$base = $link['host'];
if(!empty($link['port'])) $base .= $base.':'.$link['port'];
$long = $link['path'];
if(!empty($link['query'])) $long .= $link['query'];
$name = shorten($base, $long, 55);
return '<a href="'.hsc($url).'" class="urlextern">'.hsc($name).'</a>';
* Plugin/template details
* @param helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension
* @return string The HTML code
function make_info(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension) {
$default = $this->getLang('unknown');
$return = '<dl class="details">';
$return .= '<dt>'.$this->getLang('status').'</dt>';
$return .= '<dd>'.$this->make_status($extension).'</dd>';
if ($extension->getDonationURL()) {
$return .= '<dt>'.$this->getLang('donate').'</dt>';
$return .= '<dd>';
$return .= '<a href="'.$extension->getDonationURL().'" class="donate">'.$this->getLang('donate_action').'</a>';
$return .= '</dd>';
if (!$extension->isBundled()) {
$return .= '<dt>'.$this->getLang('downloadurl').'</dt>';
$return .= '<dd><bdi>';
$return .= ($extension->getDownloadURL() ? $this->shortlink($extension->getDownloadURL()) : $default);
$return .= '</bdi></dd>';
$return .= '<dt>'.$this->getLang('repository').'</dt>';
$return .= '<dd><bdi>';
$return .= ($extension->getSourcerepoURL() ? $this->shortlink($extension->getSourcerepoURL()) : $default);
$return .= '</bdi></dd>';
if ($extension->isInstalled()) {
if ($extension->getInstalledVersion()) {
$return .= '<dt>'.$this->getLang('installed_version').'</dt>';
$return .= '<dd>';
$return .= hsc($extension->getInstalledVersion());
$return .= '</dd>';
if (!$extension->isBundled()) {
$return .= '<dt>'.$this->getLang('install_date').'</dt>';
$return .= '<dd>';
$return .= ($extension->getUpdateDate() ? hsc($extension->getUpdateDate()) : $this->getLang('unknown'));
$return .= '</dd>';
if (!$extension->isInstalled() || $extension->updateAvailable()) {
$return .= '<dt>'.$this->getLang('available_version').'</dt>';
$return .= '<dd>';
$return .= ($extension->getLastUpdate() ? hsc($extension->getLastUpdate()) : $this->getLang('unknown'));
$return .= '</dd>';
$return .= '<dt>'.$this->getLang('provides').'</dt>';
$return .= '<dd><bdi>';
$return .= ($extension->getTypes() ? hsc(implode(', ', $extension->getTypes())) : $default);
$return .= '</bdi></dd>';
if(!$extension->isBundled() && $extension->getCompatibleVersions()) {
$return .= '<dt>'.$this->getLang('compatible').'</dt>';
$return .= '<dd>';
foreach ($extension->getCompatibleVersions() as $date => $version) {
$return .= '<bdi>'.$version['label'].' ('.$date.')</bdi>, ';
$return = rtrim($return, ', ');
$return .= '</dd>';
if($extension->getDependencies()) {
$return .= '<dt>'.$this->getLang('depends').'</dt>';
$return .= '<dd>';
$return .= $this->make_linklist($extension->getDependencies());
$return .= '</dd>';
if($extension->getSimilarExtensions()) {
$return .= '<dt>'.$this->getLang('similar').'</dt>';
$return .= '<dd>';
$return .= $this->make_linklist($extension->getSimilarExtensions());
$return .= '</dd>';
if($extension->getConflicts()) {
$return .= '<dt>'.$this->getLang('conflicts').'</dt>';
$return .= '<dd>';
$return .= $this->make_linklist($extension->getConflicts());
$return .= '</dd>';
$return .= '</dl>'.DOKU_LF;
return $return;
* Generate a list of links for extensions
* @param array $ext The extensions
* @return string The HTML code
function make_linklist($ext) {
$return = '';
foreach ($ext as $link) {
$return .= '<bdi><a href="'.$this->gui->tabURL('search', array('q'=>'ext:'.$link)).'">'.hsc($link).'</a></bdi>, ';
return rtrim($return, ', ');
* Display the action buttons if they are possible
* @param helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension
* @return string The HTML code
function make_actions(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension) {
global $conf;
$return = '';
$errors = '';
if ($extension->isInstalled()) {
if (($canmod = $extension->canModify()) === true) {
if (!$extension->isProtected()) {
$return .= $this->make_action('uninstall', $extension);
if ($extension->getDownloadURL()) {
if ($extension->updateAvailable()) {
$return .= $this->make_action('update', $extension);
} else {
$return .= $this->make_action('reinstall', $extension);
$errors .= '<p class="permerror">'.$this->getLang($canmod).'</p>';
if (!$extension->isProtected() && !$extension->isTemplate()) { // no enable/disable for templates
if ($extension->isEnabled()) {
$return .= $this->make_action('disable', $extension);
} else {
$return .= $this->make_action('enable', $extension);
if ($extension->isGitControlled()){
$errors .= '<p class="permerror">'.$this->getLang('git').'</p>';
if ($extension->isEnabled() && in_array('Auth', $extension->getTypes()) && $conf['authtype'] != $extension->getID()) {
$errors .= '<p class="permerror">'.$this->getLang('auth').'</p>';
if (($canmod = $extension->canModify()) === true) {
if ($extension->getDownloadURL()) {
$return .= $this->make_action('install', $extension);
$errors .= '<div class="permerror">'.$this->getLang($canmod).'</div>';
if (!$extension->isInstalled() && $extension->getDownloadURL()) {
$return .= ' <span class="version">'.$this->getLang('available_version').' ';
$return .= ($extension->getLastUpdate() ? hsc($extension->getLastUpdate()) : $this->getLang('unknown')).'</span>';
return $return.' '.$errors.DOKU_LF;
* Display an action button for an extension
* @param string $action The action
* @param helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension
* @return string The HTML code
function make_action($action, $extension) {
$title = '';
switch ($action) {
case 'install':
case 'reinstall':
$title = 'title="'.hsc($extension->getDownloadURL()).'"';
$classes = 'button '.$action;
$name = 'fn['.$action.']['.hsc($extension->getID()).']';
return '<button class="'.$classes.'" name="'.$name.'" type="submit" '.$title.'>'.$this->getLang('btn_'.$action).'</button> ';
* Plugin/template status
* @param helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension
* @return string The description of all relevant statusses
function make_status(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension) {
$status = array();
if ($extension->isInstalled()) {
$status[] = $this->getLang('status_installed');
if ($extension->isProtected()) {
$status[] = $this->getLang('status_protected');
} else {
$status[] = $extension->isEnabled() ? $this->getLang('status_enabled') : $this->getLang('status_disabled');
} else {
$status[] = $this->getLang('status_not_installed');
if(!$extension->canModify()) $status[] = $this->getLang('status_unmodifiable');
if($extension->isBundled()) $status[] = $this->getLang('status_bundled');
$status[] = $extension->isTemplate() ? $this->getLang('status_template') : $this->getLang('status_plugin');
return join(', ', $status);