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path: root/wiki/lib/plugins/authmysql/lang/eo
diff options
authorahriman <ahriman@falte.red>2018-12-02 15:06:21 -0500
committerahriman <ahriman@falte.red>2018-12-02 15:06:21 -0500
commit5b5afb12176437e977f210ee0bd1ed188f390611 (patch)
treee0e4305b5924b6191e442b8159c7dff91fcb47dc /wiki/lib/plugins/authmysql/lang/eo
parentf666fcee1dfa16712918b08c4564b895749c9016 (diff)
fixed gitignore
Diffstat (limited to 'wiki/lib/plugins/authmysql/lang/eo')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
f='#n119'>119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603
package svc // import "github.com/getwtxt/getwtxt/svc"

import (


const getwtxt = "0.3.0"

var (
	flagVersion  *bool   = pflag.BoolP("version", "v", false, "Display version information, then exit.")
	flagHelp     *bool   = pflag.BoolP("help", "h", false, "Display the quick-help screen.")
	flagMan      *bool   = pflag.BoolP("manual", "m", false, "Display the configuration manual.")
	flagConfFile *string = pflag.StringP("config", "c", "", "The name/path of the configuration file you wish to use.")
	flagAssets   *string = pflag.StringP("assets", "a", "", "The location of the getwtxt assets directory")
	flagDBPath   *string = pflag.StringP("db", "d", "", "Path to the getwtxt database")
	flagDBType   *string = pflag.StringP("dbtype", "t", "", "Type of database being used")

var confObj = &Configuration{}

// signals to close the log file
var closeLog = make(chan bool, 1)

// used to transmit database pointer after
// initialization
var dbChan = make(chan dbase, 1)

var tmpls *template.Template

var twtxtCache = registry.NewIndex()

var remoteRegistries = &RemoteRegistries{}

var staticCache = &struct {
	index    []byte
	indexMod time.Time
	css      []byte
	cssMod   time.Time
	index:    nil,
	indexMod: time.Time{},
	css:      nil,
	cssMod:   time.Time{},

// I'm not using init() because it runs
// even during testing and was causing
// problems.
func initSvc() {
	tmpls = initTemplates()
	go cacheAndPush()

func checkFlags() {
	if *flagVersion {
	if *flagHelp {
	if *flagMan {

func initConfig() {

	if *flagConfFile == "" {

	} else {
		path, file := filepath.Split(*flagConfFile)
		if path == "" {
			path = "."
		if file == "" {
			file = *flagConfFile
		filename := strings.Split(file, ".")

	log.Printf("Loading configuration ...\n")
	if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
		log.Printf("%v\n", err.Error())
		log.Printf("Using defaults ...\n")
	} else {
		viper.OnConfigChange(func(e fsnotify.Event) {
			log.Printf("Config file change detected. Reloading...\n")

	viper.SetDefault("ListenPort", 9001)
	viper.SetDefault("LogFile", "getwtxt.log")
	viper.SetDefault("DatabasePath", "getwtxt.db")
	viper.SetDefault("AssetsDirectory", "assets")
	viper.SetDefault("DatabaseType", "leveldb")
	viper.SetDefault("StdoutLogging", false)
	viper.SetDefault("ReCacheInterval", "1h")
	viper.SetDefault("DatabasePushInterval", "5m")

	viper.SetDefault("Instance.SiteName", "getwtxt")
	viper.SetDefault("Instance.OwnerName", "Anonymous Microblogger")
	viper.SetDefault("Instance.Email", "nobody@knows")
	viper.SetDefault("Instance.URL", "https://twtxt.example.com")
	viper.SetDefault("Instance.Description", "A fast, resilient twtxt registry server written in Go!")


	confObj.Port = viper.GetInt("ListenPort")
	confObj.LogFile = viper.GetString("LogFile")

	if *flagDBType == "" {
		confObj.DBType = strings.ToLower(viper.GetString("DatabaseType"))
	} else {
		confObj.DBType = *flagDBType

	if *flagDBPath == "" {
		confObj.DBPath = viper.GetString("DatabasePath")
	} else {
		confObj.DBPath = *flagDBPath
	log.Printf("Using %v database: %v\n", confObj.DBType, confObj.DBPath)

	if *flagAssets == "" {
		confObj.AssetsDir = viper.GetString("AssetsDirectory")
	} else {
		confObj.AssetsDir = *flagAssets

	confObj.StdoutLogging = viper.GetBool("StdoutLogging")
	if confObj.StdoutLogging {
		log.Printf("Logging to stdout\n")
	} else {
		log.Printf("Logging to %v\n", confObj.LogFile)

	confObj.CacheInterval = viper.GetDuration("StatusFetchInterval")
	log.Printf("User status fetch interval: %v\n", confObj.CacheInterval)

	confObj.DBInterval = viper.GetDuration("DatabasePushInterval")
	log.Printf("Database push interval: %v\n", confObj.DBInterval)

	confObj.LastCache = time.Now()
	confObj.LastPush = time.Now()
	confObj.Version = getwtxt

	confObj.Instance.Vers = getwtxt
	confObj.Instance.Name = viper.GetString("Instance.SiteName")
	confObj.Instance.URL = viper.GetString("Instance.URL")
	confObj.Instance.Owner = viper.GetString("Instance.OwnerName")
	confObj.Instance.Mail = viper.GetString("Instance.Email")
	confObj.Instance.Desc = viper.GetString("Instance.Description")



func initLogging() {


	if confObj.StdoutLogging {

	} else {

		logfile, err := os.OpenFile(confObj.LogFile, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0600)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("Could not open log file: %v\n", err.Error())

		// Listen for the signal to close the log file
		// in a separate thread. Passing it as an argument
		// to prevent race conditions when the config is
		// reloaded.
		go func(logfile *os.File) {

			log.Printf("Closing log file ...\n")

			err = logfile.Close()
			if err != nil {
				log.Printf("Couldn't close log file: %v\n", err.Error())



func rebindConfig() {

	if !confObj.StdoutLogging {
		closeLog <- true


	confObj.LogFile = viper.GetString("LogFile")
	confObj.DBType = strings.ToLower(viper.GetString("DatabaseType"))
	confObj.DBPath = viper.GetString("DatabasePath")
	confObj.StdoutLogging = viper.GetBool("StdoutLogging")
	confObj.CacheInterval = viper.GetDuration("StatusFetchInterval")
	confObj.DBInterval = viper.GetDuration("DatabasePushInterval")

	confObj.Instance.Name = viper.GetString("Instance.SiteName")
	confObj.Instance.URL = viper.GetString("Instance.URL")
	confObj.Instance.Owner = viper.GetString("Instance.OwnerName")
	confObj.Instance.Mail = viper.GetString("Instance.Email")
	confObj.Instance.Desc = viper.GetString("Instance.Description")



func initTemplates() *template.Template {
	assetsDir := confObj.AssetsDir

	return template.Must(template.ParseFiles(assetsDir + "/tmpl/index.html"))

// Pull DB data into cache, if available.
func initDatabase() {
	var db dbase
	var err error

	switch confObj.DBType {

	case "leveldb":
		var lvl *leveldb.DB
		lvl, err = leveldb.OpenFile(confObj.DBPath, nil)
		db = &dbLevel{db: lvl}

	case "sqlite":
		var lite *sql.DB
		db = &dbSqlite{db: lite}


	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("%v\n", err.Error())

	dbChan <- db


// Watch for SIGINT aka ^C
// Close the log file then exit
func watchForInterrupt() {
	c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)

	go func() {
		for sigint := range c {

			log.Printf("\n\nCaught %v. Cleaning up ...\n", sigint)
			log.Printf("Closing database connection to %v...\n", confObj.DBPath)

			db := <-dbChan

			switch dbType := db.(type) {

			case *dbLevel:
				lvl := dbType
				if err := lvl.db.Close(); err != nil {
					log.Printf("%v\n", err.Error())


			if !confObj.StdoutLogging {
				closeLog <- true


			// Let everything catch up
			time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

func titleScreen() {
                       _            _        _
             __ _  ___| |___      _| |___  _| |_
            / _  |/ _ \ __\ \ /\ / / __\ \/ / __|
           | (_| |  __/ |_ \ V  V /| |_ >  <| |_
            \__, |\___|\__| \_/\_/  \__/_/\_\\__|
                       version ` + getwtxt + `
                          GPL  v3  


func helpScreen() {
                        getwtxt Help

                 :: Command Line Options ::

    Command line options are used to explicitly override defaults,
 or what has been specified in the configuration file.

    -h [--help]      Print this help screen.
    -m [--manual]    Print the manual.
    -v [--version]   Print the version information and quit.
    -c [--config]    Path to an alternate configuration file
                       to use. May be relative or absolute.
    -a [--assets]    Path to the assets directory, containing
                       style.css and tmpl/index.html
    -d [--db]        Path getwtxt should use for the database.
    -t [--dbtype]    Type of database to use.
                       Options: leveldb

func manualScreen() {
                       :: Sections ::

    >> Configuration File
        Covers syntax and location of default configuration,
        passing a specific configuration file to getwtxt, 
        and acceptable formats for configuration files.

    >> Customizing the Landing Page
        Covers the location of the landing page template,
        format of the template, and optional preprocessor
        tags available to use when creating a new landing
        page template.

    >> Interacting With the Registry
        Explains all API endpoints, their parameters,
        and expected output.

                  :: Configuration File ::

    The default configuration file is in YAML format, chosen for
 its clarity and its support of commenting (unlike JSON). It may
 be placed in any of the following locations by default:

    The same directory as the getwtxt executable

    The paths are searched in that order. The first configuration
 file found is used by getwtxt, while the locations further down
 are ignored.
    Multiple configuration files may be used, however, with the
 '-c' command line flag. The path passed to getwtxt via '-c' may
 be relative or absolute. For example, both of the following are

    ./getwtxt -c myconfig.json
    ./getwtxt -c /etc/ExtraConfigsDir/mysecondconfig.toml

 The supported configuration types are:

    The configuration file contains several options used to
 customize your instance of getwtxt. None are required, they will 
 simply use their default value unless otherwise specified.

    ListenPort: Defines the port getwtxt should bind to.
        Default: 9001

    DatabaseType: The type of back-end getwtxt should use
        to store registry data. Currently, only leveldb
        is available, with more options in development.
        Default: leveldb

    DatabasePath: The location of the LevelDB structure
        used by getwtxt to back up registry data. This
        can be a relative or absolute path.
        Default: getwtxt.db

    AssetsDirectory: This is the directory where getwtxt
        can find style.css and tmpl/index.html -- the
        stylesheet for the landing page and the landing
        page template, respectively.
        Default: assets

    StdoutLogging: Boolean used to determine whether
        getwtxt should send logging output to stdout.
        This is useful for debugging, but you should
        probably save your logs once your instance 
        is running.
        Default: false

    LogFile: The location of getwtxt's log file. This,
        like DatabasePath, can be relative or absolute.
        Default: getwtxt.log

    DatabasePushInterval: The interval on which getwtxt
        will push registry data from the in-memory cache
        to the on-disk LevelDB database. The following
        time suffixes may be used:
            ns, us, ms, s, m, h
        Default: 5m

    StatusFetchInterval: The interval on which getwtxt
        will crawl all users' twtxt files to retrieve
        new statuses. The same time suffixes as
        DatabasePushInterval may be used.
        Default: 1h

    Instance: Signifies the start of instance-specific
        meta information. The following are used only
        for the summary and use information displayed
        by the default web page for getwtxt. If desired,
        the assets/tmpl/index.html file may be
        customized. Keep in mind that in YAML, the
        following options must be preceded by two spaces
        so that they are interpreted as sub-options.

    SiteName: The name of your getwtxt instance.
        Default: getwtxt

    URL: The publicly-accessible URL of your 
        getwtxt instance.
        Default: https://twtxt.example.com

    OwnerName: Your name.
        Default: Anonymous Microblogger 

    Email: Your email address.
        Default: nobody@knows

    Description: A short description of your getwtxt
        instance or your site. As this likely includes
        whitespace, it should be in double-quotes.
        This can include XHTML or HTML line breaks if 
            <br />
        Default: "A fast, resilient twtxt registry
            server written in Go!"

             :: Customizing the Landing Page ::

    If you like, feel free to customize the landing page
 template provided at 


    It must be standard HTML or XHTML. There are a few special 
 tags available to use that will be replaced with specific values 
 when the template is parsed by getwtxt.

    Values are derived from the "Instance" section of the 
 configuration file, except for the version of getwtxt used. The 
 following will be in the form of:
    {{.TemplateTag}} What it will be replaced with when
        the template is processed and the landing page is
        served to a visitor.

    The surrounding double braces and prefixed period are required 
 if you choose to use these tags in your modified landing page. The
 tags themselves are not required; access to them is provided simply
 for convenience.

    {{.Vers}} The version of getwtxt used. Does not include
        the preceding 'v'. Ex: 0.2.0

    {{.Name}} The name of the instance.

    {{.Owner}} The instance owner's name.

    {{.Mail}} Email address used for contacting the instance
        owner if the need arises.

    {{.Desc}} Short description placed in the configuration
        file. This is why HTML tags are allowed.

    {{.URL}} The publicly-accessible URL of your instance. In
        the default landing page, example API calls are shown
        using this URL for the convenience of the user.

              :: Interacting with the Registry ::

    The registry API is rather simple, and can be interacted with
 via the command line using cURL. Example output of the calls will
 not be provided. 

    Pseudo line-breaks will be represented with a backslash. 
 Examples with line-breaks are not syntactically correct and will
 be rejected by cURL. Please concatenate the example calls without 
 the backslash. This is only present to maintain consistent 
 formatting for this manual text.

    Should be: 

    All queries (every call except adding users) accept the
 ?page=N parameter, where N > 0. The output is provided in groups 
 of 20 results. For example, indexed at 1, ?page=2 (or &page=2 if 
 it is not the first parameter) appended to any query will return 
 results 21 through 40. If the page requested will exceed the 
 bounds of the query output, the last 20 query results are returned.

 Adding a user:
    curl -X POST 'http://localhost:9001/api/plain/users\

 Retrieve user list:
    curl 'http://localhost:9001/api/plain/users'

 Retrieve all statuses:
    curl 'http://localhost:9001/api/plain/tweets'

 Retrieve all statuses with mentions:
    curl 'http://localhost:9001/api/plain/mentions'

 Retrieve all statuses with tags:
    curl 'http://localhost:9001/api/plain/tags'

 Query for users by keyword:
    curl 'http://localhost:9001/api/plain/users?q=FOO'

 Query for users by URL:
    curl 'http://localhost:9001/api/plain/users\

 Query for statuses by substring:
    curl 'http://localhost:9001/api/plain/tweets\

 Query for statuses mentioning a user:
    curl 'http://localhost:9001/api/plain/mentions\

 Query for statuses with a given tag:
    curl 'http://localhost:9001/api/plain/tags/myTagHere'
