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13 files changed, 73 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/coc.html b/coc.html
index c3e6d50..018362d 100644
--- a/coc.html
+++ b/coc.html
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 	<div id="navigation">
-        <a href="http://tilde.institute">News</a> :: <a href="signup.html">Sign Up</a> :: <a href="irc.html">IRC</a> :: <a href="start.html">Quick-Start Guide</a> :: <a href="coc.html">Code of Conduct</a> :: <a href="https://tilde.zone/@tildeinstitute">Mastodon</a> :: <a href="/wiki/index.php">Wiki</a> :: <a href="stats.php">Stats</a>
+        <a href="http://tilde.institute">News</a> :: <a href="signup.html">Sign Up</a> :: <a href="irc.html">IRC</a> :: <a href="start.html">Quick-Start Guide</a> :: <a href="coc.html">Code of Conduct</a> :: <a href="https://tilde.zone/@tildeinstitute">Mastodon</a> :: <a href="/wiki/index.php">Wiki</a> :: <a href="/stats">Stats</a>
 	<div id="content">
 <h1>tilde.institute code of conduct</h1>
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 40f2fc4..c792b95 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
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 	<div id="navigation">
-		<a href="http://tilde.institute">News</a> :: <a href="signup.html">Sign Up</a> :: <a href="irc.html">IRC</a> :: <a href="start.html">Quick-Start Guide</a> :: <a href="coc.html">Code of Conduct</a> :: <a href="https://tilde.zone/@tildeinstitute">Mastodon</a> :: <a href="/wiki/index.php">Wiki</a> :: <a href="stats.php">Stats</a>
+		<a href="http://tilde.institute">News</a> :: <a href="signup.html">Sign Up</a> :: <a href="irc.html">IRC</a> :: <a href="start.html">Quick-Start Guide</a> :: <a href="coc.html">Code of Conduct</a> :: <a href="https://tilde.zone/@tildeinstitute">Mastodon</a> :: <a href="/wiki/index.php">Wiki</a> :: <a href="/stats">Stats</a>
 	<div id="content">
 		<p>Welcome to the tilde.institute! This is an OpenBSD machine whose purpose is to provide a space in the <a href="https://tildeverse.org">tildeverse</a> for experimentation with and education of the OpenBSD operating system. Each user receives a subdomain! A variety of editors, shells, and compilers are installed to allow for development in a native OpenBSD environment. OpenBSD's httpd(8) is configured with slowcgi(8) as the fastcgi provider and sqlite3 available. This allows users to experiment with web development using compiled CGI in C, aka the <a href="https://learnbchs.org">BCHS Stack</a>. In addition to php7.0 and mysql (mariadb) by request, this provides an environment where the development of complex web apps is possible.</p>
@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@
         <p>Feel free to contact ahriman on chat in #institute if you need another compiler or shell available, or if you would like your homepage's index changed from index.html to something else (index.cgi, index.php, etc). I can also provide access to MySQL / MariaDB on a request basis.</p>
         <div id="news">
             <h1>News &amp; Updates</h1>
+            <em>2018 December 10</em>
+            <p>New IRC bot in the works! I named it "skoolbot", it lives in #institute. So far it returns the uptime/load, manpages by search term, and lets you toot to the ~institute mastodon account via IRC.</p>
+            <p>I also hacked together a couple of scripts designed to aggregate both connected users and registered users, every 5 minutes and 1 hour respectively, and stitch together the info <a href="/stats">for a stats page</a>.</p>
             <em>2018 December 8</em>
             <p>I installed a collaborative world-building game called <code>holodeck</code>! It runs like a MUD, without the combat. You explore and create areas, describing the areas as you go. It uses a central database, allowing all users of tilde.institute to collaborate on a single world.</p>
             <em>2018 December 5</em>
diff --git a/irc.html b/irc.html
index a8aca3a..1205fd4 100644
--- a/irc.html
+++ b/irc.html
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 	<div id="navigation">
-		<a href="http://tilde.institute">News</a> :: <a href="signup.html">Sign Up</a> :: <a href="irc.html">IRC</a> :: <a href="start.html">Quick-Start Guide</a> :: <a href="coc.html">Code of Conduct</a> :: <a href="https://tilde.zone/@tildeinstitute">Mastodon</a> :: <a href="/wiki/index.php">Wiki</a> :: <a href="stats.php">Stats</a>
+		<a href="http://tilde.institute">News</a> :: <a href="signup.html">Sign Up</a> :: <a href="irc.html">IRC</a> :: <a href="start.html">Quick-Start Guide</a> :: <a href="coc.html">Code of Conduct</a> :: <a href="https://tilde.zone/@tildeinstitute">Mastodon</a> :: <a href="/wiki/index.php">Wiki</a> :: <a href="/stats">Stats</a>
 	<div id="content">
         <p>To connect to the tildeverse IRC network and begin chatting, simply use the command <code>chat</code>! If you prefer to use a different IRC client than the default, such as irssi, the following server information will apply:</p>
diff --git a/signup.html b/signup.html
index d8b0175..20983ca 100644
--- a/signup.html
+++ b/signup.html
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 	<div id="navigation">
-		<a href="http://tilde.institute">News</a> :: <a href="signup.html">Sign Up</a> :: <a href="irc.html">IRC</a> :: <a href="start.html">Quick-Start Guide</a> :: <a href="coc.html">Code of Conduct</a> :: <a href="https://tilde.zone/@tildeinstitute">Mastodon</a> :: <a href="/wiki/index.php">Wiki</a> :: <a href="stats.php">Stats</a>
+		<a href="http://tilde.institute">News</a> :: <a href="signup.html">Sign Up</a> :: <a href="irc.html">IRC</a> :: <a href="start.html">Quick-Start Guide</a> :: <a href="coc.html">Code of Conduct</a> :: <a href="https://tilde.zone/@tildeinstitute">Mastodon</a> :: <a href="/wiki/index.php">Wiki</a> :: <a href="/stats">Stats</a>
 	<div id="content">
 		<br />
diff --git a/start.html b/start.html
index 170a51d..af6efe6 100644
--- a/start.html
+++ b/start.html
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 	<div id="navigation">
-		<a href="http://tilde.institute">News</a> :: <a href="signup.html">Sign Up</a> :: <a href="irc.html">IRC</a> :: <a href="start.html">Quick-Start Guide</a> :: <a href="coc.html">Code of Conduct</a> :: <a href="https://tilde.zone/@tildeinstitute">Mastodon</a> :: <a href="/wiki/index.php">Wiki</a> :: <a href="stats.php">Stats</a>
+		<a href="http://tilde.institute">News</a> :: <a href="signup.html">Sign Up</a> :: <a href="irc.html">IRC</a> :: <a href="start.html">Quick-Start Guide</a> :: <a href="coc.html">Code of Conduct</a> :: <a href="https://tilde.zone/@tildeinstitute">Mastodon</a> :: <a href="/wiki/index.php">Wiki</a> :: <a href="/stats">Stats</a>
 	<div id="content">
         <p>This will be a quick-and-dirty guide to getting started with the BCHS stack. More information can be found at:</p>
diff --git a/stats.php b/stats.php
index 4ff5654..a3f140f 100644
--- a/stats.php
+++ b/stats.php
@@ -15,11 +15,12 @@
 	<div id="navigation">
-		<a href="http://tilde.institute">News</a> :: <a href="signup.html">Sign Up</a> :: <a href="irc.html">IRC</a> :: <a href="start.html">Quick-Start Guide</a> :: <a href="coc.html">Code of Conduct</a> :: <a href="https://tilde.zone/@tildeinstitute">Mastodon</a> :: <a href="/wiki/index.php">Wiki</a> :: <a href="stats.php">Stats</a>
+		<a href="http://tilde.institute">News</a> :: <a href="signup.html">Sign Up</a> :: <a href="irc.html">IRC</a> :: <a href="start.html">Quick-Start Guide</a> :: <a href="coc.html">Code of Conduct</a> :: <a href="https://tilde.zone/@tildeinstitute">Mastodon</a> :: <a href="/wiki/index.php">Wiki</a> :: <a href="/stats">Stats</a>
 	<div id="content">
-        <!-- <p>Connected Users (5min):</p>
-            <?php include("table.connusers") ?> -->
+        <br />
+        <p>Connected Users (5min):</p>
+            <?php include("table.connusers") ?>
         <p>Registered Users (1hr):</p>
             <?php include("table.regusers") ?>
diff --git a/table.connusers b/table.connusers
index c25c1cd..dc60038 100644
--- a/table.connusers
+++ b/table.connusers
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+<li>rnelson  </li>
diff --git a/table.regusers b/table.regusers
index b351e6d..dfe92b2 100644
--- a/table.regusers
+++ b/table.regusers
@@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
diff --git a/wiki/data/cache/1/110bdf6aedb6f63f9ed28137868a8da9.feed b/wiki/data/cache/1/110bdf6aedb6f63f9ed28137868a8da9.feed
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+        <url>https://tilde.institute/wiki/lib/tpl/dokuwiki/images/favicon.ico</url>
+    </image>
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+        <dc:format>text/html</dc:format>
+        <dc:date>2018-12-04T00:16:38+0000</dc:date>
+        <dc:creator>Anonymous (anonymous@undisclosed.example.com)</dc:creator>
+        <title>start</title>
+        <link>https://tilde.institute/wiki/doku.php?id=start&amp;rev=1543882598&amp;do=diff</link>
+        <description>Welcome to the tilde.institute wiki!
+This is the place to record anything new you've learned and anything cool you've done at the institute. Share information with others to help spread knowledge of the OpenBSD operating system. We'll learn together!</description>
+    </item>
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