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path: root/wiki/lib/plugins/config/settings
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wiki/lib/plugins/config/settings')
3 files changed, 1979 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wiki/lib/plugins/config/settings/config.class.php b/wiki/lib/plugins/config/settings/config.class.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3196d75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wiki/lib/plugins/config/settings/config.class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1430 @@
+ * Configuration Class and generic setting classes
+ *
+ * @author  Chris Smith <chris@jalakai.co.uk>
+ * @author  Ben Coburn <btcoburn@silicodon.net>
+ */
+if(!defined('CM_KEYMARKER')) define('CM_KEYMARKER','____');
+if (!class_exists('configuration')) {
+    /**
+     * Class configuration
+     */
+    class configuration {
+        var $_name = 'conf';           // name of the config variable found in the files (overridden by $config['varname'])
+        var $_format = 'php';          // format of the config file, supported formats - php (overridden by $config['format'])
+        var $_heading = '';            // heading string written at top of config file - don't include comment indicators
+        var $_loaded = false;          // set to true after configuration files are loaded
+        var $_metadata = array();      // holds metadata describing the settings
+        /** @var setting[]  */
+        var $setting = array();        // array of setting objects
+        var $locked = false;           // configuration is considered locked if it can't be updated
+        var $show_disabled_plugins = false;
+        // configuration filenames
+        var $_default_files  = array();
+        var $_local_files = array();      // updated configuration is written to the first file
+        var $_protected_files = array();
+        var $_plugin_list = null;
+        /**
+         * constructor
+         *
+         * @param string $datafile path to config metadata file
+         */
+        public function __construct($datafile) {
+            global $conf, $config_cascade;
+            if (!file_exists($datafile)) {
+                msg('No configuration metadata found at - '.htmlspecialchars($datafile),-1);
+                return;
+            }
+            $meta = array();
+            include($datafile);
+            if (isset($config['varname'])) $this->_name = $config['varname'];
+            if (isset($config['format'])) $this->_format = $config['format'];
+            if (isset($config['heading'])) $this->_heading = $config['heading'];
+            $this->_default_files = $config_cascade['main']['default'];
+            $this->_local_files = $config_cascade['main']['local'];
+            $this->_protected_files = $config_cascade['main']['protected'];
+            $this->locked = $this->_is_locked();
+            $this->_metadata = array_merge($meta, $this->get_plugintpl_metadata($conf['template']));
+            $this->retrieve_settings();
+        }
+        /**
+         * Retrieve and stores settings in setting[] attribute
+         */
+        public function retrieve_settings() {
+            global $conf;
+            $no_default_check = array('setting_fieldset', 'setting_undefined', 'setting_no_class');
+            if (!$this->_loaded) {
+                $default = array_merge($this->get_plugintpl_default($conf['template']), $this->_read_config_group($this->_default_files));
+                $local = $this->_read_config_group($this->_local_files);
+                $protected = $this->_read_config_group($this->_protected_files);
+                $keys = array_merge(array_keys($this->_metadata),array_keys($default), array_keys($local), array_keys($protected));
+                $keys = array_unique($keys);
+                $param = null;
+                foreach ($keys as $key) {
+                    if (isset($this->_metadata[$key])) {
+                        $class = $this->_metadata[$key][0];
+                        if($class && class_exists('setting_'.$class)){
+                            $class = 'setting_'.$class;
+                        } else {
+                            if($class != '') {
+                                $this->setting[] = new setting_no_class($key,$param);
+                            }
+                            $class = 'setting';
+                        }
+                        $param = $this->_metadata[$key];
+                        array_shift($param);
+                    } else {
+                        $class = 'setting_undefined';
+                        $param = null;
+                    }
+                    if (!in_array($class, $no_default_check) && !isset($default[$key])) {
+                        $this->setting[] = new setting_no_default($key,$param);
+                    }
+                    $this->setting[$key] = new $class($key,$param);
+                    $d = array_key_exists($key, $default) ? $default[$key] : null;
+                    $l = array_key_exists($key, $local) ? $local[$key] : null;
+                    $p = array_key_exists($key, $protected) ? $protected[$key] : null;
+                    $this->setting[$key]->initialize($d,$l,$p);
+                }
+                $this->_loaded = true;
+            }
+        }
+        /**
+         * Stores setting[] array to file
+         *
+         * @param string $id     Name of plugin, which saves the settings
+         * @param string $header Text at the top of the rewritten settings file
+         * @param bool $backup   backup current file? (remove any existing backup)
+         * @return bool succesful?
+         */
+        public function save_settings($id, $header='', $backup=true) {
+            global $conf;
+            if ($this->locked) return false;
+            // write back to the last file in the local config cascade
+            $file = end($this->_local_files);
+            // backup current file (remove any existing backup)
+            if (file_exists($file) && $backup) {
+                if (file_exists($file.'.bak')) @unlink($file.'.bak');
+                if (!io_rename($file, $file.'.bak')) return false;
+            }
+            if (!$fh = @fopen($file, 'wb')) {
+                io_rename($file.'.bak', $file);     // problem opening, restore the backup
+                return false;
+            }
+            if (empty($header)) $header = $this->_heading;
+            $out = $this->_out_header($id,$header);
+            foreach ($this->setting as $setting) {
+                $out .= $setting->out($this->_name, $this->_format);
+            }
+            $out .= $this->_out_footer();
+            @fwrite($fh, $out);
+            fclose($fh);
+            if($conf['fperm']) chmod($file, $conf['fperm']);
+            return true;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Update last modified time stamp of the config file
+         *
+         * @return bool
+         */
+        public function touch_settings(){
+            if ($this->locked) return false;
+            $file = end($this->_local_files);
+            return @touch($file);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Read and merge given config files
+         *
+         * @param array $files file paths
+         * @return array config settings
+         */
+        protected function _read_config_group($files) {
+            $config = array();
+            foreach ($files as $file) {
+                $config = array_merge($config, $this->_read_config($file));
+            }
+            return $config;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Return an array of config settings
+         *
+         * @param string $file file path
+         * @return array config settings
+         */
+        function _read_config($file) {
+            if (!$file) return array();
+            $config = array();
+            if ($this->_format == 'php') {
+                if(file_exists($file)){
+                    $contents = @php_strip_whitespace($file);
+                }else{
+                    $contents = '';
+                }
+                $pattern = '/\$'.$this->_name.'\[[\'"]([^=]+)[\'"]\] ?= ?(.*?);(?=[^;]*(?:\$'.$this->_name.'|$))/s';
+                $matches=array();
+                preg_match_all($pattern,$contents,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER);
+                for ($i=0; $i<count($matches); $i++) {
+                    $value = $matches[$i][2];
+                    // correct issues with the incoming data
+                    // FIXME ... for now merge multi-dimensional array indices using ____
+                    $key = preg_replace('/.\]\[./',CM_KEYMARKER,$matches[$i][1]);
+                    // handle arrays
+                    if(preg_match('/^array ?\((.*)\)/', $value, $match)){
+                        $arr = explode(',', $match[1]);
+                        // remove quotes from quoted strings & unescape escaped data
+                        $len = count($arr);
+                        for($j=0; $j<$len; $j++){
+                            $arr[$j] = trim($arr[$j]);
+                            $arr[$j] = $this->_readValue($arr[$j]);
+                        }
+                        $value = $arr;
+                    }else{
+                        $value = $this->_readValue($value);
+                    }
+                    $config[$key] = $value;
+                }
+            }
+            return $config;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Convert php string into value
+         *
+         * @param string $value
+         * @return bool|string
+         */
+        protected function _readValue($value) {
+            $removequotes_pattern = '/^(\'|")(.*)(?<!\\\\)\1$/s';
+            $unescape_pairs = array(
+                '\\\\' => '\\',
+                '\\\'' => '\'',
+                '\\"' => '"'
+            );
+            if($value == 'true') {
+                $value = true;
+            } elseif($value == 'false') {
+                $value = false;
+            } else {
+                // remove quotes from quoted strings & unescape escaped data
+                $value = preg_replace($removequotes_pattern,'$2',$value);
+                $value = strtr($value, $unescape_pairs);
+            }
+            return $value;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Returns header of rewritten settings file
+         *
+         * @param string $id plugin name of which generated this output
+         * @param string $header additional text for at top of the file
+         * @return string text of header
+         */
+        protected function _out_header($id, $header) {
+            $out = '';
+            if ($this->_format == 'php') {
+                $out .= '<'.'?php'."\n".
+                      "/*\n".
+                      " * ".$header."\n".
+                      " * Auto-generated by ".$id." plugin\n".
+                      " * Run for user: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']."\n".
+                      " * Date: ".date('r')."\n".
+                      " */\n\n";
+            }
+            return $out;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Returns footer of rewritten settings file
+         *
+         * @return string text of footer
+         */
+        protected function _out_footer() {
+            $out = '';
+            if ($this->_format == 'php') {
+                $out .= "\n// end auto-generated content\n";
+            }
+            return $out;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Configuration is considered locked if there is no local settings filename
+         * or the directory its in is not writable or the file exists and is not writable
+         *
+         * @return bool true: locked, false: writable
+         */
+        protected function _is_locked() {
+            if (!$this->_local_files) return true;
+            $local = $this->_local_files[0];
+            if (!is_writable(dirname($local))) return true;
+            if (file_exists($local) && !is_writable($local)) return true;
+            return false;
+        }
+        /**
+         * not used ... conf's contents are an array!
+         * reduce any multidimensional settings to one dimension using CM_KEYMARKER
+         *
+         * @param $conf
+         * @param string $prefix
+         * @return array
+         */
+        protected function _flatten($conf,$prefix='') {
+            $out = array();
+            foreach($conf as $key => $value) {
+                if (!is_array($value)) {
+                    $out[$prefix.$key] = $value;
+                    continue;
+                }
+                $tmp = $this->_flatten($value,$prefix.$key.CM_KEYMARKER);
+                $out = array_merge($out,$tmp);
+            }
+            return $out;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Returns array of plugin names
+         *
+         * @return array plugin names
+         * @triggers PLUGIN_CONFIG_PLUGINLIST event
+         */
+        function get_plugin_list() {
+            if (is_null($this->_plugin_list)) {
+                $list = plugin_list('',$this->show_disabled_plugins);
+                // remove this plugin from the list
+                $idx = array_search('config',$list);
+                unset($list[$idx]);
+                trigger_event('PLUGIN_CONFIG_PLUGINLIST',$list);
+                $this->_plugin_list = $list;
+            }
+            return $this->_plugin_list;
+        }
+        /**
+         * load metadata for plugin and template settings
+         *
+         * @param string $tpl name of active template
+         * @return array metadata of settings
+         */
+        function get_plugintpl_metadata($tpl){
+            $file     = '/conf/metadata.php';
+            $class    = '/conf/settings.class.php';
+            $metadata = array();
+            foreach ($this->get_plugin_list() as $plugin) {
+                $plugin_dir = plugin_directory($plugin);
+                if (file_exists(DOKU_PLUGIN.$plugin_dir.$file)){
+                    $meta = array();
+                    @include(DOKU_PLUGIN.$plugin_dir.$file);
+                    @include(DOKU_PLUGIN.$plugin_dir.$class);
+                    if (!empty($meta)) {
+                        $metadata['plugin'.CM_KEYMARKER.$plugin.CM_KEYMARKER.'plugin_settings_name'] = array('fieldset');
+                    }
+                    foreach ($meta as $key => $value){
+                        if ($value[0]=='fieldset') { continue; } //plugins only get one fieldset
+                        $metadata['plugin'.CM_KEYMARKER.$plugin.CM_KEYMARKER.$key] = $value;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // the same for the active template
+            if (file_exists(tpl_incdir().$file)){
+                $meta = array();
+                @include(tpl_incdir().$file);
+                @include(tpl_incdir().$class);
+                if (!empty($meta)) {
+                    $metadata['tpl'.CM_KEYMARKER.$tpl.CM_KEYMARKER.'template_settings_name'] = array('fieldset');
+                }
+                foreach ($meta as $key => $value){
+                    if ($value[0]=='fieldset') { continue; } //template only gets one fieldset
+                    $metadata['tpl'.CM_KEYMARKER.$tpl.CM_KEYMARKER.$key] = $value;
+                }
+            }
+            return $metadata;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Load default settings for plugins and templates
+         *
+         * @param string $tpl name of active template
+         * @return array default settings
+         */
+        function get_plugintpl_default($tpl){
+            $file    = '/conf/default.php';
+            $default = array();
+            foreach ($this->get_plugin_list() as $plugin) {
+                $plugin_dir = plugin_directory($plugin);
+                if (file_exists(DOKU_PLUGIN.$plugin_dir.$file)){
+                    $conf = $this->_read_config(DOKU_PLUGIN.$plugin_dir.$file);
+                    foreach ($conf as $key => $value){
+                        $default['plugin'.CM_KEYMARKER.$plugin.CM_KEYMARKER.$key] = $value;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // the same for the active template
+            if (file_exists(tpl_incdir().$file)){
+                $conf = $this->_read_config(tpl_incdir().$file);
+                foreach ($conf as $key => $value){
+                    $default['tpl'.CM_KEYMARKER.$tpl.CM_KEYMARKER.$key] = $value;
+                }
+            }
+            return $default;
+        }
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting
+     */
+    class setting {
+        var $_key = '';
+        var $_default = null;
+        var $_local = null;
+        var $_protected = null;
+        var $_pattern = '';
+        var $_error = false;            // only used by those classes which error check
+        var $_input = null;             // only used by those classes which error check
+        var $_caution = null;           // used by any setting to provide an alert along with the setting
+                                        // valid alerts, 'warning', 'danger', 'security'
+                                        // images matching the alerts are in the plugin's images directory
+        static protected $_validCautions = array('warning','danger','security');
+        /**
+         * @param string $key
+         * @param array|null $params array with metadata of setting
+         */
+        public function __construct($key, $params=null) {
+            $this->_key = $key;
+            if (is_array($params)) {
+                foreach($params as $property => $value) {
+                    $this->$property = $value;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /**
+         * Receives current values for the setting $key
+         *
+         * @param mixed $default   default setting value
+         * @param mixed $local     local setting value
+         * @param mixed $protected protected setting value
+         */
+        public function initialize($default, $local, $protected) {
+            if (isset($default)) $this->_default = $default;
+            if (isset($local)) $this->_local = $local;
+            if (isset($protected)) $this->_protected = $protected;
+        }
+        /**
+         * update changed setting with user provided value $input
+         * - if changed value fails error check, save it to $this->_input (to allow echoing later)
+         * - if changed value passes error check, set $this->_local to the new value
+         *
+         * @param  mixed   $input   the new value
+         * @return boolean          true if changed, false otherwise (also on error)
+         */
+        public function update($input) {
+            if (is_null($input)) return false;
+            if ($this->is_protected()) return false;
+            $value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
+            if ($value == $input) return false;
+            if ($this->_pattern && !preg_match($this->_pattern,$input)) {
+                $this->_error = true;
+                $this->_input = $input;
+                return false;
+            }
+            $this->_local = $input;
+            return true;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Build html for label and input of setting
+         *
+         * @param admin_plugin_config $plugin object of config plugin
+         * @param bool $echo true: show inputted value, when error occurred, otherwise the stored setting
+         * @return string[] with content array(string $label_html, string $input_html)
+         */
+        public function html(admin_plugin_config $plugin, $echo=false) {
+            $disable = '';
+            if ($this->is_protected()) {
+                $value = $this->_protected;
+                $disable = 'disabled="disabled"';
+            } else {
+                if ($echo && $this->_error) {
+                    $value = $this->_input;
+                } else {
+                    $value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
+                }
+            }
+            $key = htmlspecialchars($this->_key);
+            $value = formText($value);
+            $label = '<label for="config___'.$key.'">'.$this->prompt($plugin).'</label>';
+            $input = '<textarea rows="3" cols="40" id="config___'.$key.'" name="config['.$key.']" class="edit" '.$disable.'>'.$value.'</textarea>';
+            return array($label,$input);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Generate string to save setting value to file according to $fmt
+         *
+         * @param string $var name of variable
+         * @param string $fmt save format
+         * @return string
+         */
+        public function out($var, $fmt='php') {
+            if ($this->is_protected()) return '';
+            if (is_null($this->_local) || ($this->_default == $this->_local)) return '';
+            $out = '';
+            if ($fmt=='php') {
+                $tr = array("\\" => '\\\\', "'" => '\\\'');
+                $out =  '$'.$var."['".$this->_out_key()."'] = '".strtr( cleanText($this->_local), $tr)."';\n";
+            }
+            return $out;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Returns the localized prompt
+         *
+         * @param admin_plugin_config $plugin object of config plugin
+         * @return string text
+         */
+        public function prompt(admin_plugin_config $plugin) {
+            $prompt = $plugin->getLang($this->_key);
+            if (!$prompt) $prompt = htmlspecialchars(str_replace(array('____','_'),' ',$this->_key));
+            return $prompt;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Is setting protected
+         *
+         * @return bool
+         */
+        public function is_protected() { return !is_null($this->_protected); }
+        /**
+         * Is setting the default?
+         *
+         * @return bool
+         */
+        public function is_default() { return !$this->is_protected() && is_null($this->_local); }
+        /**
+         * Has an error?
+         *
+         * @return bool
+         */
+        public function error() { return $this->_error; }
+        /**
+         * Returns caution
+         *
+         * @return false|string caution string, otherwise false for invalid caution
+         */
+        public function caution() {
+            if (!empty($this->_caution)) {
+                if (!in_array($this->_caution, setting::$_validCautions)) {
+                    trigger_error('Invalid caution string ('.$this->_caution.') in metadata for setting "'.$this->_key.'"', E_USER_WARNING);
+                    return false;
+                }
+                return $this->_caution;
+            }
+            // compatibility with previous cautionList
+            // TODO: check if any plugins use; remove
+            if (!empty($this->_cautionList[$this->_key])) {
+                $this->_caution = $this->_cautionList[$this->_key];
+                unset($this->_cautionList);
+                return $this->caution();
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Returns setting key, eventually with referer to config: namespace at dokuwiki.org
+         *
+         * @param bool $pretty create nice key
+         * @param bool $url    provide url to config: namespace
+         * @return string key
+         */
+        public function _out_key($pretty=false,$url=false) {
+            if($pretty){
+                $out = str_replace(CM_KEYMARKER,"»",$this->_key);
+                if ($url && !strstr($out,'»')) {//provide no urls for plugins, etc.
+                    if ($out == 'start') //one exception
+                        return '<a href="http://www.dokuwiki.org/config:startpage">'.$out.'</a>';
+                    else
+                        return '<a href="http://www.dokuwiki.org/config:'.$out.'">'.$out.'</a>';
+                }
+                return $out;
+            }else{
+                return str_replace(CM_KEYMARKER,"']['",$this->_key);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_array')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_array
+     */
+    class setting_array extends setting {
+        /**
+         * Create an array from a string
+         *
+         * @param string $string
+         * @return array
+         */
+        protected function _from_string($string){
+            $array = explode(',', $string);
+            $array = array_map('trim', $array);
+            $array = array_filter($array);
+            $array = array_unique($array);
+            return $array;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Create a string from an array
+         *
+         * @param array $array
+         * @return string
+         */
+        protected function _from_array($array){
+            return join(', ', (array) $array);
+        }
+        /**
+         * update setting with user provided value $input
+         * if value fails error check, save it
+         *
+         * @param string $input
+         * @return bool true if changed, false otherwise (incl. on error)
+         */
+        function update($input) {
+            if (is_null($input)) return false;
+            if ($this->is_protected()) return false;
+            $input = $this->_from_string($input);
+            $value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
+            if ($value == $input) return false;
+            foreach($input as $item){
+                if ($this->_pattern && !preg_match($this->_pattern,$item)) {
+                    $this->_error = true;
+                    $this->_input = $input;
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+            $this->_local = $input;
+            return true;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Escaping
+         *
+         * @param string $string
+         * @return string
+         */
+        protected function _escape($string) {
+            $tr = array("\\" => '\\\\', "'" => '\\\'');
+            return "'".strtr( cleanText($string), $tr)."'";
+        }
+        /**
+         * Generate string to save setting value to file according to $fmt
+         *
+         * @param string $var name of variable
+         * @param string $fmt save format
+         * @return string
+         */
+        function out($var, $fmt='php') {
+            if ($this->is_protected()) return '';
+            if (is_null($this->_local) || ($this->_default == $this->_local)) return '';
+            $out = '';
+            if ($fmt=='php') {
+                $vals = array_map(array($this, '_escape'), $this->_local);
+                $out =  '$'.$var."['".$this->_out_key()."'] = array(".join(', ',$vals).");\n";
+            }
+            return $out;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Build html for label and input of setting
+         *
+         * @param admin_plugin_config $plugin object of config plugin
+         * @param bool            $echo   true: show inputted value, when error occurred, otherwise the stored setting
+         * @return string[] with content array(string $label_html, string $input_html)
+         */
+        function html(admin_plugin_config $plugin, $echo=false) {
+            $disable = '';
+            if ($this->is_protected()) {
+                $value = $this->_protected;
+                $disable = 'disabled="disabled"';
+            } else {
+                if ($echo && $this->_error) {
+                    $value = $this->_input;
+                } else {
+                    $value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
+                }
+            }
+            $key = htmlspecialchars($this->_key);
+            $value = htmlspecialchars($this->_from_array($value));
+            $label = '<label for="config___'.$key.'">'.$this->prompt($plugin).'</label>';
+            $input = '<input id="config___'.$key.'" name="config['.$key.']" type="text" class="edit" value="'.$value.'" '.$disable.'/>';
+            return array($label,$input);
+        }
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_string')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_string
+     */
+    class setting_string extends setting {
+        /**
+         * Build html for label and input of setting
+         *
+         * @param admin_plugin_config $plugin object of config plugin
+         * @param bool            $echo   true: show inputted value, when error occurred, otherwise the stored setting
+         * @return string[] with content array(string $label_html, string $input_html)
+         */
+        function html(admin_plugin_config $plugin, $echo=false) {
+            $disable = '';
+            if ($this->is_protected()) {
+                $value = $this->_protected;
+                $disable = 'disabled="disabled"';
+            } else {
+                if ($echo && $this->_error) {
+                    $value = $this->_input;
+                } else {
+                    $value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
+                }
+            }
+            $key = htmlspecialchars($this->_key);
+            $value = htmlspecialchars($value);
+            $label = '<label for="config___'.$key.'">'.$this->prompt($plugin).'</label>';
+            $input = '<input id="config___'.$key.'" name="config['.$key.']" type="text" class="edit" value="'.$value.'" '.$disable.'/>';
+            return array($label,$input);
+        }
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_password')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_password
+     */
+    class setting_password extends setting_string {
+        var $_code = 'plain';  // mechanism to be used to obscure passwords
+        /**
+         * update changed setting with user provided value $input
+         * - if changed value fails error check, save it to $this->_input (to allow echoing later)
+         * - if changed value passes error check, set $this->_local to the new value
+         *
+         * @param  mixed   $input   the new value
+         * @return boolean          true if changed, false otherwise (also on error)
+         */
+        function update($input) {
+            if ($this->is_protected()) return false;
+            if (!$input) return false;
+            if ($this->_pattern && !preg_match($this->_pattern,$input)) {
+                $this->_error = true;
+                $this->_input = $input;
+                return false;
+            }
+            $this->_local = conf_encodeString($input,$this->_code);
+            return true;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Build html for label and input of setting
+         *
+         * @param admin_plugin_config $plugin object of config plugin
+         * @param bool            $echo   true: show inputted value, when error occurred, otherwise the stored setting
+         * @return string[] with content array(string $label_html, string $input_html)
+         */
+        function html(admin_plugin_config $plugin, $echo=false) {
+            $disable = $this->is_protected() ? 'disabled="disabled"' : '';
+            $key = htmlspecialchars($this->_key);
+            $label = '<label for="config___'.$key.'">'.$this->prompt($plugin).'</label>';
+            $input = '<input id="config___'.$key.'" name="config['.$key.']" autocomplete="off" type="password" class="edit" value="" '.$disable.' />';
+            return array($label,$input);
+        }
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_email')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_email
+     */
+    class setting_email extends setting_string {
+        var $_multiple = false;
+        var $_placeholders = false;
+        /**
+         * update setting with user provided value $input
+         * if value fails error check, save it
+         *
+         * @param mixed $input
+         * @return boolean true if changed, false otherwise (incl. on error)
+         */
+        function update($input) {
+            if (is_null($input)) return false;
+            if ($this->is_protected()) return false;
+            $value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
+            if ($value == $input) return false;
+            if($input === ''){
+                $this->_local = $input;
+                return true;
+            }
+            $mail = $input;
+            if($this->_placeholders){
+                // replace variables with pseudo values
+                $mail = str_replace('@USER@','joe',$mail);
+                $mail = str_replace('@NAME@','Joe Schmoe',$mail);
+                $mail = str_replace('@MAIL@','joe@example.com',$mail);
+            }
+            // multiple mail addresses?
+            if ($this->_multiple) {
+                $mails = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $mail)));
+            } else {
+                $mails = array($mail);
+            }
+            // check them all
+            foreach ($mails as $mail) {
+                // only check the address part
+                if(preg_match('#(.*?)<(.*?)>#', $mail, $matches)){
+                    $addr = $matches[2];
+                }else{
+                    $addr = $mail;
+                }
+                if (!mail_isvalid($addr)) {
+                    $this->_error = true;
+                    $this->_input = $input;
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+            $this->_local = $input;
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_numeric')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_numeric
+     */
+    class setting_numeric extends setting_string {
+        // This allows for many PHP syntax errors...
+        // var $_pattern = '/^[-+\/*0-9 ]*$/';
+        // much more restrictive, but should eliminate syntax errors.
+        var $_pattern = '/^[-+]? *[0-9]+ *(?:[-+*] *[0-9]+ *)*$/';
+        var $_min = null;
+        var $_max = null;
+        /**
+         * update changed setting with user provided value $input
+         * - if changed value fails error check, save it to $this->_input (to allow echoing later)
+         * - if changed value passes error check, set $this->_local to the new value
+         *
+         * @param  mixed   $input   the new value
+         * @return boolean          true if changed, false otherwise (also on error)
+         */
+        function update($input) {
+            $local = $this->_local;
+            $valid = parent::update($input);
+            if ($valid && !(is_null($this->_min) && is_null($this->_max))) {
+                $numeric_local = (int) eval('return '.$this->_local.';');
+                if ((!is_null($this->_min) && $numeric_local < $this->_min) ||
+                    (!is_null($this->_max) && $numeric_local > $this->_max)) {
+                    $this->_error = true;
+                    $this->_input = $input;
+                    $this->_local = $local;
+                    $valid = false;
+                }
+            }
+            return $valid;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Generate string to save setting value to file according to $fmt
+         *
+         * @param string $var name of variable
+         * @param string $fmt save format
+         * @return string
+         */
+        function out($var, $fmt='php') {
+            if ($this->is_protected()) return '';
+            if (is_null($this->_local) || ($this->_default == $this->_local)) return '';
+            $out = '';
+            if ($fmt=='php') {
+                $local = $this->_local === '' ? "''" : $this->_local;
+                $out .=  '$'.$var."['".$this->_out_key()."'] = ".$local.";\n";
+            }
+            return $out;
+        }
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_numericopt')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_numericopt
+     */
+    class setting_numericopt extends setting_numeric {
+        // just allow an empty config
+        var $_pattern = '/^(|[-]?[0-9]+(?:[-+*][0-9]+)*)$/';
+        /**
+         * Empty string is valid for numericopt
+         *
+         * @param mixed $input
+         *
+         * @return bool
+         */
+        function update($input) {
+            if ($input === '') {
+                return true;
+            }
+            return parent::update($input);
+        }
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_onoff')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_onoff
+     */
+    class setting_onoff extends setting_numeric {
+        /**
+         * Build html for label and input of setting
+         *
+         * @param admin_plugin_config $plugin object of config plugin
+         * @param bool            $echo   true: show inputted value, when error occurred, otherwise the stored setting
+         * @return string[] with content array(string $label_html, string $input_html)
+         */
+        function html(admin_plugin_config $plugin, $echo = false) {
+            $disable = '';
+            if ($this->is_protected()) {
+                $value = $this->_protected;
+                $disable = ' disabled="disabled"';
+            } else {
+                $value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
+            }
+            $key = htmlspecialchars($this->_key);
+            $checked = ($value) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
+            $label = '<label for="config___'.$key.'">'.$this->prompt($plugin).'</label>';
+            $input = '<div class="input"><input id="config___'.$key.'" name="config['.$key.']" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" value="1"'.$checked.$disable.'/></div>';
+            return array($label,$input);
+        }
+        /**
+         * update changed setting with user provided value $input
+         * - if changed value fails error check, save it to $this->_input (to allow echoing later)
+         * - if changed value passes error check, set $this->_local to the new value
+         *
+         * @param  mixed   $input   the new value
+         * @return boolean          true if changed, false otherwise (also on error)
+         */
+        function update($input) {
+            if ($this->is_protected()) return false;
+            $input = ($input) ? 1 : 0;
+            $value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
+            if ($value == $input) return false;
+            $this->_local = $input;
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_multichoice')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_multichoice
+     */
+    class setting_multichoice extends setting_string {
+        var $_choices = array();
+        var $lang; //some custom language strings are stored in setting
+        /**
+         * Build html for label and input of setting
+         *
+         * @param admin_plugin_config $plugin object of config plugin
+         * @param bool            $echo   true: show inputted value, when error occurred, otherwise the stored setting
+         * @return string[] with content array(string $label_html, string $input_html)
+         */
+        function html(admin_plugin_config $plugin, $echo = false) {
+            $disable = '';
+            $nochoice = '';
+            if ($this->is_protected()) {
+                $value = $this->_protected;
+                $disable = ' disabled="disabled"';
+            } else {
+                $value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
+            }
+            // ensure current value is included
+            if (!in_array($value, $this->_choices)) {
+                $this->_choices[] = $value;
+            }
+            // disable if no other choices
+            if (!$this->is_protected() && count($this->_choices) <= 1) {
+                $disable = ' disabled="disabled"';
+                $nochoice = $plugin->getLang('nochoice');
+            }
+            $key = htmlspecialchars($this->_key);
+            $label = '<label for="config___'.$key.'">'.$this->prompt($plugin).'</label>';
+            $input = "<div class=\"input\">\n";
+            $input .= '<select class="edit" id="config___'.$key.'" name="config['.$key.']"'.$disable.'>'."\n";
+            foreach ($this->_choices as $choice) {
+                $selected = ($value == $choice) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
+                $option = $plugin->getLang($this->_key.'_o_'.$choice);
+                if (!$option && isset($this->lang[$this->_key.'_o_'.$choice])) $option = $this->lang[$this->_key.'_o_'.$choice];
+                if (!$option) $option = $choice;
+                $choice = htmlspecialchars($choice);
+                $option = htmlspecialchars($option);
+                $input .= '  <option value="'.$choice.'"'.$selected.' >'.$option.'</option>'."\n";
+            }
+            $input .= "</select> $nochoice \n";
+            $input .= "</div>\n";
+            return array($label,$input);
+        }
+        /**
+         * update changed setting with user provided value $input
+         * - if changed value fails error check, save it to $this->_input (to allow echoing later)
+         * - if changed value passes error check, set $this->_local to the new value
+         *
+         * @param  mixed   $input   the new value
+         * @return boolean          true if changed, false otherwise (also on error)
+         */
+        function update($input) {
+            if (is_null($input)) return false;
+            if ($this->is_protected()) return false;
+            $value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
+            if ($value == $input) return false;
+            if (!in_array($input, $this->_choices)) return false;
+            $this->_local = $input;
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_dirchoice')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_dirchoice
+     */
+    class setting_dirchoice extends setting_multichoice {
+        var $_dir = '';
+        /**
+         * Receives current values for the setting $key
+         *
+         * @param mixed $default   default setting value
+         * @param mixed $local     local setting value
+         * @param mixed $protected protected setting value
+         */
+        function initialize($default,$local,$protected) {
+            // populate $this->_choices with a list of directories
+            $list = array();
+            if ($dh = @opendir($this->_dir)) {
+                while (false !== ($entry = readdir($dh))) {
+                    if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') continue;
+                    if ($this->_pattern && !preg_match($this->_pattern,$entry)) continue;
+                    $file = (is_link($this->_dir.$entry)) ? readlink($this->_dir.$entry) : $this->_dir.$entry;
+                    if (is_dir($file)) $list[] = $entry;
+                }
+                closedir($dh);
+            }
+            sort($list);
+            $this->_choices = $list;
+            parent::initialize($default,$local,$protected);
+        }
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_hidden')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_hidden
+     */
+    class setting_hidden extends setting {
+        // Used to explicitly ignore a setting in the configuration manager.
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_fieldset')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_fieldset
+     */
+    class setting_fieldset extends setting {
+        // A do-nothing class used to detect the 'fieldset' type.
+        // Used to start a new settings "display-group".
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_undefined')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_undefined
+     */
+    class setting_undefined extends setting_hidden {
+        // A do-nothing class used to detect settings with no metadata entry.
+        // Used internaly to hide undefined settings, and generate the undefined settings list.
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_no_class')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_no_class
+     */
+    class setting_no_class extends setting_undefined {
+        // A do-nothing class used to detect settings with a missing setting class.
+        // Used internaly to hide undefined settings, and generate the undefined settings list.
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_no_default')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_no_default
+     */
+    class setting_no_default extends setting_undefined {
+        // A do-nothing class used to detect settings with no default value.
+        // Used internaly to hide undefined settings, and generate the undefined settings list.
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_multicheckbox')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_multicheckbox
+     */
+    class setting_multicheckbox extends setting_string {
+        var $_choices = array();
+        var $_combine = array();
+        var $_other = 'always';
+        /**
+         * update changed setting with user provided value $input
+         * - if changed value fails error check, save it to $this->_input (to allow echoing later)
+         * - if changed value passes error check, set $this->_local to the new value
+         *
+         * @param  mixed   $input   the new value
+         * @return boolean          true if changed, false otherwise (also on error)
+         */
+        function update($input) {
+            if ($this->is_protected()) return false;
+            // split any combined values + convert from array to comma separated string
+            $input = ($input) ? $input : array();
+            $input = $this->_array2str($input);
+            $value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
+            if ($value == $input) return false;
+            if ($this->_pattern && !preg_match($this->_pattern,$input)) {
+                $this->_error = true;
+                $this->_input = $input;
+                return false;
+            }
+            $this->_local = $input;
+            return true;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Build html for label and input of setting
+         *
+         * @param admin_plugin_config $plugin object of config plugin
+         * @param bool            $echo   true: show input value, when error occurred, otherwise the stored setting
+         * @return string[] with content array(string $label_html, string $input_html)
+         */
+        function html(admin_plugin_config $plugin, $echo=false) {
+            $disable = '';
+            if ($this->is_protected()) {
+                $value = $this->_protected;
+                $disable = 'disabled="disabled"';
+            } else {
+                if ($echo && $this->_error) {
+                    $value = $this->_input;
+                } else {
+                    $value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
+                }
+            }
+            $key = htmlspecialchars($this->_key);
+            // convert from comma separated list into array + combine complimentary actions
+            $value = $this->_str2array($value);
+            $default = $this->_str2array($this->_default);
+            $input = '';
+            foreach ($this->_choices as $choice) {
+                $idx = array_search($choice, $value);
+                $idx_default = array_search($choice,$default);
+                $checked = ($idx !== false) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
+                // @todo ideally this would be handled using a second class of "default"
+                $class = (($idx !== false) == (false !== $idx_default)) ? " selectiondefault" : "";
+                $prompt = ($plugin->getLang($this->_key.'_'.$choice) ?
+                                $plugin->getLang($this->_key.'_'.$choice) : htmlspecialchars($choice));
+                $input .= '<div class="selection'.$class.'">'."\n";
+                $input .= '<label for="config___'.$key.'_'.$choice.'">'.$prompt."</label>\n";
+                $input .= '<input id="config___'.$key.'_'.$choice.'" name="config['.$key.'][]" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" value="'.$choice.'" '.$disable.' '.$checked."/>\n";
+                $input .= "</div>\n";
+                // remove this action from the disabledactions array
+                if ($idx !== false) unset($value[$idx]);
+                if ($idx_default !== false) unset($default[$idx_default]);
+            }
+            // handle any remaining values
+            if ($this->_other != 'never'){
+                $other = join(',',$value);
+                // test equivalent to ($this->_other == 'always' || ($other && $this->_other == 'exists')
+                // use != 'exists' rather than == 'always' to ensure invalid values default to 'always'
+                if ($this->_other != 'exists' || $other) {
+                    $class = ((count($default) == count($value)) && (count($value) == count(array_intersect($value,$default)))) ?
+                                    " selectiondefault" : "";
+                    $input .= '<div class="other'.$class.'">'."\n";
+                    $input .= '<label for="config___'.$key.'_other">'.$plugin->getLang($key.'_other')."</label>\n";
+                    $input .= '<input id="config___'.$key.'_other" name="config['.$key.'][other]" type="text" class="edit" value="'.htmlspecialchars($other).'" '.$disable." />\n";
+                    $input .= "</div>\n";
+                }
+            }
+            $label = '<label>'.$this->prompt($plugin).'</label>';
+            return array($label,$input);
+        }
+        /**
+         * convert comma separated list to an array and combine any complimentary values
+         *
+         * @param string $str
+         * @return array
+         */
+        function _str2array($str) {
+            $array = explode(',',$str);
+            if (!empty($this->_combine)) {
+                foreach ($this->_combine as $key => $combinators) {
+                    $idx = array();
+                    foreach ($combinators as $val) {
+                        if  (($idx[] = array_search($val, $array)) === false) break;
+                    }
+                    if (count($idx) && $idx[count($idx)-1] !== false) {
+                        foreach ($idx as $i) unset($array[$i]);
+                        $array[] = $key;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            return $array;
+        }
+        /**
+         * convert array of values + other back to a comma separated list, incl. splitting any combined values
+         *
+         * @param array $input
+         * @return string
+         */
+        function _array2str($input) {
+            // handle other
+            $other = trim($input['other']);
+            $other = !empty($other) ? explode(',',str_replace(' ','',$input['other'])) : array();
+            unset($input['other']);
+            $array = array_unique(array_merge($input, $other));
+            // deconstruct any combinations
+            if (!empty($this->_combine)) {
+                foreach ($this->_combine as $key => $combinators) {
+                    $idx = array_search($key,$array);
+                    if ($idx !== false) {
+                        unset($array[$idx]);
+                        $array = array_merge($array, $combinators);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            return join(',',array_unique($array));
+        }
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_regex')){
+    /**
+     * Class setting_regex
+     */
+    class setting_regex extends setting_string {
+        var $_delimiter = '/';    // regex delimiter to be used in testing input
+        var $_pregflags = 'ui';   // regex pattern modifiers to be used in testing input
+        /**
+         * update changed setting with user provided value $input
+         * - if changed value fails error check, save it to $this->_input (to allow echoing later)
+         * - if changed value passes error check, set $this->_local to the new value
+         *
+         * @param  mixed   $input   the new value
+         * @return boolean          true if changed, false otherwise (incl. on error)
+         */
+        function update($input) {
+            // let parent do basic checks, value, not changed, etc.
+            $local = $this->_local;
+            if (!parent::update($input)) return false;
+            $this->_local = $local;
+            // see if the regex compiles and runs (we don't check for effectiveness)
+            $regex = $this->_delimiter . $input . $this->_delimiter . $this->_pregflags;
+            $lastError = error_get_last();
+            @preg_match($regex,'testdata');
+            if (preg_last_error() != PREG_NO_ERROR || error_get_last() != $lastError) {
+                $this->_input = $input;
+                $this->_error = true;
+                return false;
+            }
+            $this->_local = $input;
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/wiki/lib/plugins/config/settings/config.metadata.php b/wiki/lib/plugins/config/settings/config.metadata.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acdf93b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wiki/lib/plugins/config/settings/config.metadata.php
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+ * Metadata for configuration manager plugin
+ *
+ * Note:  This file should be included within a function to ensure it
+ *        doesn't clash with the settings it is describing.
+ *
+ * Format:
+ *   $meta[<setting name>] = array(<handler class id>,<param name> => <param value>);
+ *
+ *   <handler class id>  is the handler class name without the "setting_" prefix
+ *
+ * Defined classes:
+ *   Generic (source: settings/config.class.php)
+ *   -------------------------------------------
+ *   ''             - default class ('setting'), textarea, minimal input validation, setting output in quotes
+ *   'string'       - single line text input, minimal input validation, setting output in quotes
+ *   'numeric'      - text input, accepts numbers and arithmetic operators, setting output without quotes
+ *                    if given the '_min' and '_max' parameters are used for validation
+ *   'numericopt'   - like above, but accepts empty values
+ *   'onoff'        - checkbox input, setting output  0|1
+ *   'multichoice'  - select input (single choice), setting output with quotes, required _choices parameter
+ *   'email'        - text input, input must conform to email address format, supports optional '_multiple'
+ *                    parameter for multiple comma separated email addresses
+ *   'password'     - password input, minimal input validation, setting output text in quotes, maybe encoded
+ *                    according to the _code parameter
+ *   'dirchoice'    - as multichoice, selection choices based on folders found at location specified in _dir
+ *                    parameter (required). A pattern can be used to restrict the folders to only those which
+ *                    match the pattern.
+ *   'multicheckbox'- a checkbox for each choice plus an "other" string input, config file setting is a comma
+ *                    separated list of checked choices
+ *   'fieldset'     - used to group configuration settings, but is not itself a setting. To make this clear in
+ *                    the language files the keys for this type should start with '_'.
+ *   'array'        - a simple (one dimensional) array of string values, shown as comma separated list in the
+ *                    config manager but saved as PHP array(). Values may not contain commas themselves.
+ *                    _pattern matching on the array values supported.
+ *   'regex'        - regular expression string, normally without delimiters; as for string, in addition tested
+ *                    to see if will compile & run as a regex.  in addition to _pattern, also accepts _delimiter
+ *                    (default '/') and _pregflags (default 'ui')
+ *
+ *  Single Setting (source: settings/extra.class.php)
+ *  -------------------------------------------------
+ *   'savedir'     - as 'setting', input tested against initpath() (inc/init.php)
+ *   'sepchar'     - as multichoice, selection constructed from string of valid values
+ *   'authtype'    - as 'setting', input validated against a valid php file at expected location for auth files
+ *   'im_convert'  - as 'setting', input must exist and be an im_convert module
+ *   'disableactions' - as 'setting'
+ *   'compression' - no additional parameters. checks php installation supports possible compression alternatives
+ *   'licence'     - as multichoice, selection constructed from licence strings in language files
+ *   'renderer'    - as multichoice, selection constructed from enabled renderer plugins which canRender()
+ *   'authtype'    - as multichoice, selection constructed from the enabled auth plugins
+ *
+ *  Any setting commented or missing will use 'setting' class - text input, minimal validation, quoted output
+ *
+ * Defined parameters:
+ *   '_caution'    - no value (default) or 'warning', 'danger', 'security'. display an alert along with the setting
+ *   '_pattern'    - string, a preg pattern. input is tested against this pattern before being accepted
+ *                   optional all classes, except onoff & multichoice which ignore it
+ *   '_choices'    - array of choices. used to populate a selection box. choice will be replaced by a localised
+ *                   language string, indexed by  <setting name>_o_<choice>, if one exists
+ *                   required by 'multichoice' & 'multicheckbox' classes, ignored by others
+ *   '_dir'        - location of directory to be used to populate choice list
+ *                   required by 'dirchoice' class, ignored by other classes
+ *   '_combine'    - complimentary output setting values which can be combined into a single display checkbox
+ *                   optional for 'multicheckbox', ignored by other classes
+ *   '_code'       - encoding method to use, accepted values: 'base64','uuencode','plain'.  defaults to plain.
+ *   '_min'        - minimum numeric value, optional for 'numeric' and 'numericopt', ignored by others
+ *   '_max'        - maximum numeric value, optional for 'numeric' and 'numericopt', ignored by others
+ *   '_delimiter'  - string, default '/', a single character used as a delimiter for testing regex input values
+ *   '_pregflags'  - string, default 'ui', valid preg pattern modifiers used when testing regex input values, for more
+ *                   information see http://php.net/manual/en/reference.pcre.pattern.modifiers.php
+ *   '_multiple'   - bool, allow multiple comma separated email values; optional for 'email', ignored by others
+ *   '_other'      - how to handle other values (not listed in _choices). accepted values: 'always','exists','never'
+ *                   default value 'always'. 'exists' only shows 'other' input field when the setting contains value(s)
+ *                   not listed in choices (e.g. due to manual editing or update changing _choices).  This is safer than
+ *                   'never' as it will not discard unknown/other values.
+ *                   optional for 'multicheckbox', ignored by others
+ *
+ *
+ * @author    Chris Smith <chris@jalakai.co.uk>
+ */
+// ---------------[ settings for settings ]------------------------------
+$config['format']  = 'php';      // format of setting files, supported formats: php
+$config['varname'] = 'conf';     // name of the config variable, sans $
+// this string is written at the top of the rewritten settings file,
+// !! do not include any comment indicators !!
+// this value can be overriden when calling save_settings() method
+$config['heading'] = 'Dokuwiki\'s Main Configuration File - Local Settings';
+// test value (FIXME, remove before publishing)
+//$meta['test']     = array('multichoice','_choices' => array(''));
+// --------------[ setting metadata ]------------------------------------
+// - for description of format and fields see top of file
+// - order the settings in the order you wish them to appear
+// - any settings not mentioned will come after the last setting listed and
+//   will use the default class with no parameters
+$meta['_basic']   = array('fieldset');
+$meta['title']    = array('string');
+$meta['start']    = array('string','_caution' => 'warning','_pattern' => '!^[^:;/]+$!'); // don't accept namespaces
+$meta['lang']     = array('dirchoice','_dir' => DOKU_INC.'inc/lang/');
+$meta['template'] = array('dirchoice','_dir' => DOKU_INC.'lib/tpl/','_pattern' => '/^[\w-]+$/');
+$meta['tagline']  = array('string');
+$meta['sidebar']  = array('string');
+$meta['license']  = array('license');
+$meta['savedir']  = array('savedir','_caution' => 'danger');
+$meta['basedir']  = array('string','_caution' => 'danger');
+$meta['baseurl']  = array('string','_caution' => 'danger');
+$meta['cookiedir'] = array('string','_caution' => 'danger');
+$meta['dmode']    = array('numeric','_pattern' => '/0[0-7]{3,4}/'); // only accept octal representation
+$meta['fmode']    = array('numeric','_pattern' => '/0[0-7]{3,4}/'); // only accept octal representation
+$meta['allowdebug']  = array('onoff','_caution' => 'security');
+$meta['_display']    = array('fieldset');
+$meta['recent']      = array('numeric');
+$meta['recent_days'] = array('numeric');
+$meta['breadcrumbs'] = array('numeric','_min' => 0);
+$meta['youarehere']  = array('onoff');
+$meta['fullpath']    = array('onoff','_caution' => 'security');
+$meta['typography']  = array('multichoice','_choices' => array(0,1,2));
+$meta['dformat']     = array('string');
+$meta['signature']   = array('string');
+$meta['showuseras']  = array('multichoice','_choices' => array('loginname','username','username_link','email','email_link'));
+$meta['toptoclevel'] = array('multichoice','_choices' => array(1,2,3,4,5));   // 5 toc levels
+$meta['tocminheads'] = array('multichoice','_choices' => array(0,1,2,3,4,5,10,15,20));
+$meta['maxtoclevel'] = array('multichoice','_choices' => array(0,1,2,3,4,5));
+$meta['maxseclevel'] = array('multichoice','_choices' => array(0,1,2,3,4,5)); // 0 for no sec edit buttons
+$meta['camelcase']   = array('onoff','_caution' => 'warning');
+$meta['deaccent']    = array('multichoice','_choices' => array(0,1,2),'_caution' => 'warning');
+$meta['useheading']  = array('multichoice','_choices' => array(0,'navigation','content',1));
+$meta['sneaky_index'] = array('onoff');
+$meta['hidepages']   = array('regex');
+$meta['_authentication'] = array('fieldset');
+$meta['useacl']      = array('onoff','_caution' => 'danger');
+$meta['autopasswd']  = array('onoff');
+$meta['authtype']    = array('authtype','_caution' => 'danger');
+$meta['passcrypt']   = array('multichoice','_choices' => array(
+    'smd5','md5','apr1','sha1','ssha','lsmd5','crypt','mysql','my411','kmd5','pmd5','hmd5',
+    'mediawiki','bcrypt','djangomd5','djangosha1','djangopbkdf2_sha1','djangopbkdf2_sha256','sha512'
+$meta['defaultgroup']= array('string');
+$meta['superuser']   = array('string','_caution' => 'danger');
+$meta['manager']     = array('string');
+$meta['profileconfirm'] = array('onoff');
+$meta['rememberme'] = array('onoff');
+$meta['disableactions'] = array('disableactions',
+                                '_choices' => array('backlink','index','recent','revisions','search','subscription','register','resendpwd','profile','profile_delete','edit','wikicode','check', 'rss'),
+                                '_combine' => array('subscription' => array('subscribe','unsubscribe'), 'wikicode' => array('source','export_raw')));
+$meta['auth_security_timeout'] = array('numeric');
+$meta['securecookie'] = array('onoff');
+$meta['remote']       = array('onoff','_caution' => 'security');
+$meta['remoteuser']   = array('string');
+$meta['_anti_spam']  = array('fieldset');
+$meta['usewordblock']= array('onoff');
+$meta['relnofollow'] = array('onoff');
+$meta['indexdelay']  = array('numeric');
+$meta['mailguard']   = array('multichoice','_choices' => array('visible','hex','none'));
+$meta['iexssprotect']= array('onoff','_caution' => 'security');
+$meta['_editing']    = array('fieldset');
+$meta['usedraft']    = array('onoff');
+$meta['htmlok']      = array('onoff','_caution' => 'security');
+$meta['phpok']       = array('onoff','_caution' => 'security');
+$meta['locktime']    = array('numeric');
+$meta['cachetime']   = array('numeric');
+$meta['_links']    = array('fieldset');
+$meta['target____wiki']      = array('string');
+$meta['target____interwiki'] = array('string');
+$meta['target____extern']    = array('string');
+$meta['target____media']     = array('string');
+$meta['target____windows']   = array('string');
+$meta['_media']      = array('fieldset');
+$meta['mediarevisions']  = array('onoff');
+$meta['gdlib']       = array('multichoice','_choices' => array(0,1,2));
+$meta['im_convert']  = array('im_convert');
+$meta['jpg_quality'] = array('numeric','_pattern' => '/^100$|^[1-9]?[0-9]$/');  //(0-100)
+$meta['fetchsize']   = array('numeric');
+$meta['refcheck']    = array('onoff');
+$meta['_notifications'] = array('fieldset');
+$meta['subscribers']    = array('onoff');
+$meta['subscribe_time'] = array('numeric');
+$meta['notify']         = array('email', '_multiple' => true);
+$meta['registernotify'] = array('email', '_multiple' => true);
+$meta['mailfrom']       = array('email', '_placeholders' => true);
+$meta['mailreturnpath']       = array('email', '_placeholders' => true);
+$meta['mailprefix']     = array('string');
+$meta['htmlmail']       = array('onoff');
+$meta['_syndication'] = array('fieldset');
+$meta['sitemap']     = array('numeric');
+$meta['rss_type']    = array('multichoice','_choices' => array('rss','rss1','rss2','atom','atom1'));
+$meta['rss_linkto']  = array('multichoice','_choices' => array('diff','page','rev','current'));
+$meta['rss_content'] = array('multichoice','_choices' => array('abstract','diff','htmldiff','html'));
+$meta['rss_media']   = array('multichoice','_choices' => array('both','pages','media'));
+$meta['rss_update']  = array('numeric');
+$meta['rss_show_summary'] = array('onoff');
+$meta['_advanced']   = array('fieldset');
+$meta['updatecheck'] = array('onoff');
+$meta['userewrite']  = array('multichoice','_choices' => array(0,1,2),'_caution' => 'danger');
+$meta['useslash']    = array('onoff');
+$meta['sepchar']     = array('sepchar','_caution' => 'warning');
+$meta['canonical']   = array('onoff');
+$meta['fnencode']    = array('multichoice','_choices' => array('url','safe','utf-8'),'_caution' => 'warning');
+$meta['autoplural']  = array('onoff');
+$meta['compress']    = array('onoff');
+$meta['cssdatauri']  = array('numeric','_pattern' => '/^\d+$/');
+$meta['gzip_output'] = array('onoff');
+$meta['send404']     = array('onoff');
+$meta['compression'] = array('compression','_caution' => 'warning');
+$meta['broken_iua']  = array('onoff');
+$meta['xsendfile']   = array('multichoice','_choices' => array(0,1,2,3),'_caution' => 'warning');
+$meta['renderer_xhtml'] = array('renderer','_format' => 'xhtml','_choices' => array('xhtml'),'_caution' => 'warning');
+$meta['readdircache'] = array('numeric');
+$meta['search_nslimit'] = array('numeric', '_min' => 0);
+$meta['search_fragment'] = array('multichoice','_choices' => array('exact', 'starts_with', 'ends_with', 'contains'),);
+$meta['_network']    = array('fieldset');
+$meta['dnslookups']  = array('onoff');
+$meta['jquerycdn']   = array('multichoice', '_choices' => array(0,'jquery', 'cdnjs'));
+$meta['proxy____host'] = array('string','_pattern' => '#^(|[a-z0-9\-\.+]+)$#i');
+$meta['proxy____port'] = array('numericopt');
+$meta['proxy____user'] = array('string');
+$meta['proxy____pass'] = array('password','_code' => 'base64');
+$meta['proxy____ssl']  = array('onoff');
+$meta['proxy____except'] = array('string');
+$meta['safemodehack'] = array('onoff');
+$meta['ftp____host']  = array('string','_pattern' => '#^(|[a-z0-9\-\.+]+)$#i');
+$meta['ftp____port']  = array('numericopt');
+$meta['ftp____user']  = array('string');
+$meta['ftp____pass']  = array('password','_code' => 'base64');
+$meta['ftp____root']  = array('string');
diff --git a/wiki/lib/plugins/config/settings/extra.class.php b/wiki/lib/plugins/config/settings/extra.class.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41af422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wiki/lib/plugins/config/settings/extra.class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+ * additional setting classes specific to these settings
+ *
+ * @author    Chris Smith <chris@jalakai.co.uk>
+ */
+if (!class_exists('setting_sepchar')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_sepchar
+     */
+    class setting_sepchar extends setting_multichoice {
+        /**
+         * @param string $key
+         * @param array|null $param array with metadata of setting
+         */
+        function __construct($key,$param=null) {
+            $str = '_-.';
+            for ($i=0;$i<strlen($str);$i++) $this->_choices[] = $str{$i};
+            // call foundation class constructor
+            parent::__construct($key,$param);
+        }
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_savedir')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_savedir
+     */
+    class setting_savedir extends setting_string {
+        /**
+         * update changed setting with user provided value $input
+         * - if changed value fails error check, save it to $this->_input (to allow echoing later)
+         * - if changed value passes error check, set $this->_local to the new value
+         *
+         * @param  mixed   $input   the new value
+         * @return boolean          true if changed, false otherwise (also on error)
+         */
+        function update($input) {
+            if ($this->is_protected()) return false;
+            $value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
+            if ($value == $input) return false;
+            if (!init_path($input)) {
+                $this->_error = true;
+                $this->_input = $input;
+                return false;
+            }
+            $this->_local = $input;
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_authtype')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_authtype
+     */
+    class setting_authtype extends setting_multichoice {
+        /**
+         * Receives current values for the setting $key
+         *
+         * @param mixed $default   default setting value
+         * @param mixed $local     local setting value
+         * @param mixed $protected protected setting value
+         */
+        function initialize($default,$local,$protected) {
+            /** @var $plugin_controller Doku_Plugin_Controller */
+            global $plugin_controller;
+            // retrieve auth types provided by plugins
+            foreach ($plugin_controller->getList('auth') as $plugin) {
+                $this->_choices[] = $plugin;
+            }
+            parent::initialize($default,$local,$protected);
+        }
+        /**
+         * update changed setting with user provided value $input
+         * - if changed value fails error check, save it to $this->_input (to allow echoing later)
+         * - if changed value passes error check, set $this->_local to the new value
+         *
+         * @param  mixed   $input   the new value
+         * @return boolean          true if changed, false otherwise (also on error)
+         */
+        function update($input) {
+            /** @var $plugin_controller Doku_Plugin_Controller */
+            global $plugin_controller;
+            // is an update possible/requested?
+            $local = $this->_local;                       // save this, parent::update() may change it
+            if (!parent::update($input)) return false;    // nothing changed or an error caught by parent
+            $this->_local = $local;                       // restore original, more error checking to come
+            // attempt to load the plugin
+            $auth_plugin = $plugin_controller->load('auth', $input);
+            // @TODO: throw an error in plugin controller instead of returning null
+            if (is_null($auth_plugin)) {
+                $this->_error = true;
+                msg('Cannot load Auth Plugin "' . $input . '"', -1);
+                return false;
+            }
+            // verify proper instantiation (is this really a plugin?) @TODO use instanceof? implement interface?
+            if (is_object($auth_plugin) && !method_exists($auth_plugin, 'getPluginName')) {
+                $this->_error = true;
+                msg('Cannot create Auth Plugin "' . $input . '"', -1);
+                return false;
+            }
+            // did we change the auth type? logout
+            global $conf;
+            if($conf['authtype'] != $input) {
+                msg('Authentication system changed. Please re-login.');
+                auth_logoff();
+            }
+            $this->_local = $input;
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_im_convert')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_im_convert
+     */
+    class setting_im_convert extends setting_string {
+        /**
+         * update changed setting with user provided value $input
+         * - if changed value fails error check, save it to $this->_input (to allow echoing later)
+         * - if changed value passes error check, set $this->_local to the new value
+         *
+         * @param  mixed   $input   the new value
+         * @return boolean          true if changed, false otherwise (also on error)
+         */
+        function update($input) {
+            if ($this->is_protected()) return false;
+            $input = trim($input);
+            $value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
+            if ($value == $input) return false;
+            if ($input && !file_exists($input)) {
+                $this->_error = true;
+                $this->_input = $input;
+                return false;
+            }
+            $this->_local = $input;
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_disableactions')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_disableactions
+     */
+    class setting_disableactions extends setting_multicheckbox {
+        /**
+         * Build html for label and input of setting
+         *
+         * @param admin_plugin_config $plugin object of config plugin
+         * @param bool            $echo   true: show inputted value, when error occurred, otherwise the stored setting
+         * @return array with content array(string $label_html, string $input_html)
+         */
+        function html(admin_plugin_config $plugin, $echo=false) {
+            global $lang;
+            // make some language adjustments (there must be a better way)
+            // transfer some DokuWiki language strings to the plugin
+            $plugin->addLang($this->_key.'_revisions', $lang['btn_revs']);
+            foreach ($this->_choices as $choice) {
+              if (isset($lang['btn_'.$choice])) $plugin->addLang($this->_key.'_'.$choice, $lang['btn_'.$choice]);
+            }
+            return parent::html($plugin, $echo);
+        }
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_compression')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_compression
+     */
+    class setting_compression extends setting_multichoice {
+        var $_choices = array('0');      // 0 = no compression, always supported
+        /**
+         * Receives current values for the setting $key
+         *
+         * @param mixed $default   default setting value
+         * @param mixed $local     local setting value
+         * @param mixed $protected protected setting value
+         */
+        function initialize($default,$local,$protected) {
+            // populate _choices with the compression methods supported by this php installation
+            if (function_exists('gzopen')) $this->_choices[] = 'gz';
+            if (function_exists('bzopen')) $this->_choices[] = 'bz2';
+            parent::initialize($default,$local,$protected);
+        }
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_license')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_license
+     */
+    class setting_license extends setting_multichoice {
+        var $_choices = array('');      // none choosen
+        /**
+         * Receives current values for the setting $key
+         *
+         * @param mixed $default   default setting value
+         * @param mixed $local     local setting value
+         * @param mixed $protected protected setting value
+         */
+        function initialize($default,$local,$protected) {
+            global $license;
+            foreach($license as $key => $data){
+                $this->_choices[] = $key;
+                $this->lang[$this->_key.'_o_'.$key] = $data['name']; // stored in setting
+            }
+            parent::initialize($default,$local,$protected);
+        }
+    }
+if (!class_exists('setting_renderer')) {
+    /**
+     * Class setting_renderer
+     */
+    class setting_renderer extends setting_multichoice {
+        var $_prompts = array();
+        var $_format = null;
+        /**
+         * Receives current values for the setting $key
+         *
+         * @param mixed $default   default setting value
+         * @param mixed $local     local setting value
+         * @param mixed $protected protected setting value
+         */
+        function initialize($default,$local,$protected) {
+            $format = $this->_format;
+            foreach (plugin_list('renderer') as $plugin) {
+                $renderer = plugin_load('renderer',$plugin);
+                if (method_exists($renderer,'canRender') && $renderer->canRender($format)) {
+                    $this->_choices[] = $plugin;
+                    $info = $renderer->getInfo();
+                    $this->_prompts[$plugin] = $info['name'];
+                }
+            }
+            parent::initialize($default,$local,$protected);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Build html for label and input of setting
+         *
+         * @param admin_plugin_config $plugin object of config plugin
+         * @param bool            $echo   true: show inputted value, when error occurred, otherwise the stored setting
+         * @return array with content array(string $label_html, string $input_html)
+         */
+        function html(admin_plugin_config $plugin, $echo=false) {
+            // make some language adjustments (there must be a better way)
+            // transfer some plugin names to the config plugin
+            foreach($this->_choices as $choice) {
+                if(!$plugin->getLang($this->_key . '_o_' . $choice)) {
+                    if(!isset($this->_prompts[$choice])) {
+                        $plugin->addLang(
+                            $this->_key . '_o_' . $choice,
+                            sprintf($plugin->getLang('renderer__core'), $choice)
+                        );
+                    } else {
+                        $plugin->addLang(
+                            $this->_key . '_o_' . $choice,
+                            sprintf($plugin->getLang('renderer__plugin'), $this->_prompts[$choice])
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            return parent::html($plugin, $echo);
+        }
+    }