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path: root/wiki/data/meta
-rw-r--r--_dokuwiki.changes98log stats plain blame
-rw-r--r--_dokuwiki.changes.trimmed0log stats plain blame
-rw-r--r--_dummy32log stats plain blame
-rw-r--r--_htcookiesalt2128log stats plain blame
-rw-r--r--start.changes98log stats plain blame
-rw-r--r--start.indexed1log stats plain blame
-rw-r--r--start.meta1206log stats plain blame
ef='#n134'>134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262
parse/0: instruction: run
parse/0:   ingredient: {name: "
    1:address:channel <- init-channel 3:literal/capacity
    2:integer <- channel-empty? 1:address:channel
    3:integer <- channel-full? 1:address:channel
  ", value: 0, type: 0, properties: ["
    1:address:channel <- init-channel 3:literal/capacity
    2:integer <- channel-empty? 1:address:channel
    3:integer <- channel-full? 1:address:channel
  ": "literal-string"]}
parse/0: instruction: memory-should-contain
parse/0:   ingredient: {name: "
    2 <- 1  # empty?
    3 <- 0  # full?
  ", value: 0, type: 0, properties: ["
    2 <- 1  # empty?
    3 <- 0  # full?
  ": "literal-string"]}
after-brace/0: recipe channel-new-empty-not-full
after-brace/0: run ...
after-brace/0: memory-should-contain ...
new/0: routine allocated memory from 1000 to 101000
schedule/0: channel-new-empty-not-full
run/0: instruction channel-new-empty-not-full/0
run/0: run/45 {name: "
    1:address:channel <- init-channel 3:literal/capacity
    2:integer <- channel-empty? 1:address:channel
    3:integer <- channel-full? 1:address:channel
  ", value: 0, type: 0, properties: ["
    1:address:channel <- init-channel 3:literal/capacity
    2:integer <- channel-empty? 1:address:channel
    3:integer <- channel-full? 1:address:channel
  ": "literal-string"]}
parse/0: instruction: init-channel
parse/0:   ingredient: {name: "3", value: 0, type: 0, properties: ["3": "literal", "capacity": ]}
parse/0:   product: {name: "1", value: 0, type: 2-10, properties: ["1": "address":"channel"]}
parse/0: instruction: channel-empty?
parse/0:   ingredient: {name: "1", value: 0, type: 2-10, properties: ["1": "address":"channel"]}
parse/0:   product: {name: "2", value: 0, type: 1, properties: ["2": "integer"]}
parse/0: instruction: channel-full?
parse/0:   ingredient: {name: "1", value: 0, type: 2-10, properties: ["1": "address":"channel"]}
parse/0:   product: {name: "3", value: 0, type: 1, properties: ["3": "integer"]}
after-brace/0: recipe run1001
after-brace/0: init-channel ...
after-brace/0: channel-empty? ...
after-brace/0: channel-full? ...
run/0: instruction run1001/0
run/0: {name: "1", value: 1, type: 2-10, properties: ["1": "address":"channel"]} <- init-channel/108 {name: "3", value: 3, type: 0, properties: ["3": "literal", "capacity": ]}
run/0: instruction init-channel/0
run/0: {name: "default-space", value: 0, type: 2-5-1, properties: ["default-space": "address":"array":"location"]} <- new/44 {name: "location", value: 1, type: 0, properties: ["location": "type"]}, {name: "30", value: 30, type: 0, properties: ["30": "literal"]}
mem/0: array size is 30
mem/0: new alloc: 1000
run/0: instruction init-channel/1
run/0: {name: "result", value: 1, type: 2-10, properties: ["result": "address":"channel"]} <- new/44 {name: "channel", value: 10, type: 0, properties: ["channel": "type"]}
mem/0: new alloc: 1031
mem/0: storing 1031 in location 1002
run/0: instruction init-channel/2
run/0: {name: "full", value: 2, type: 2-1, properties: ["full": "address":"integer"]} <- get-address/25 {name: "result", value: 1, type: 2-10, properties: ["result": "address":"channel", "deref": ]}, {name: "first-full", value: 0, type: 0, properties: ["first-full": "offset"]}
run/0: ingredient 0 is result
mem/0: location 1002 is 1031
run/0: ingredient 1 is first-full
run/0: address to copy is 1031
run/0: product 0 is 1031
mem/0: storing 1031 in location 1003
run/0: instruction init-channel/3
run/0: {name: "full", value: 2, type: 2-1, properties: ["full": "address":"integer", "deref": ]} <- copy/1 {name: "0", value: 0, type: 0, properties: ["0": "literal"]}
run/0: ingredient 0 is 0
mem/0: location 1003 is 1031
mem/0: storing 0 in location 1031
run/0: instruction init-channel/4
run/0: {name: "free", value: 3, type: 2-1, properties: ["free": "address":"integer"]} <- get-address/25 {name: "result", value: 1, type: 2-10, properties: ["result": "address":"channel", "deref": ]}, {name: "first-free", value: 1, type: 0, properties: ["first-free": "offset"]}
run/0: ingredient 0 is result
mem/0: location 1002 is 1031
run/0: ingredient 1 is first-free
run/0: address to copy is 1032
run/0: product 0 is 1032
mem/0: storing 1032 in location 1004
run/0: instruction init-channel/5
run/0: {name: "free", value: 3, type: 2-1, properties: ["free": "address":"integer", "deref": ]} <- copy/1 {name: "0", value: 0, type: 0, properties: ["0": "literal"]}
run/0: ingredient 0 is 0
mem/0: location 1004 is 1032
mem/0: storing 0 in location 1032
run/0: instruction init-channel/6
run/0: {name: "capacity", value: 4, type: 1, properties: ["capacity": "integer"]} <- next-ingredient/30 
run/0: product 0 is 3
mem/0: storing 3 in location 1005
run/0: instruction init-channel/7
run/0: {name: "capacity", value: 4, type: 1, properties: ["capacity": "integer"]} <- add/2 {name: "capacity", value: 4, type: 1, properties: ["capacity": "integer"]}, {name: "1", value: 1, type: 0, properties: ["1": "literal"]}
run/0: ingredient 0 is capacity
mem/0: location 1005 is 3
run/0: ingredient 1 is 1
run/0: product 0 is 4
mem/0: storing 4 in location 1005
run/0: instruction init-channel/8
run/0: {name: "dest", value: 5, type: 2-2-5-1, properties: ["dest": "address":"address":"array":"location"]} <- get-address/25 {name: "result", value: 1, type: 2-10, properties: ["result": "address":"channel", "deref": ]}, {name: "data", value: 2, type: 0, properties: ["data": "offset"]}
run/0: ingredient 0 is result
mem/0: location 1002 is 1031
run/0: ingredient 1 is data
run/0: address to copy is 1033
run/0: product 0 is 1033
mem/0: storing 1033 in location 1006
run/0: instruction init-channel/9
run/0: {name: "dest", value: 5, type: 2-2-5-1, properties: ["dest": "address":"address":"array":"location", "deref": ]} <- new/44 {name: "location", value: 1, type: 0, properties: ["location": "type"]}, {name: "capacity", value: 4, type: 1, properties: ["capacity": "integer"]}
mem/0: location 1005 is 4
mem/0: array size is 4
mem/0: new alloc: 1034
mem/0: location 1006 is 1033
mem/0: storing 1034 in location 1033
run/0: instruction init-channel/10
run/0: reply/33 {name: "result", value: 1, type: 2-10, properties: ["result": "address":"channel"]}
mem/0: location 1002 is 1031
run/0: result 0 is 1031
mem/0: storing 1031 in location 1
run/0: instruction run1001/1
run/0: {name: "2", value: 2, type: 1, properties: ["2": "integer"]} <- channel-empty?/112 {name: "1", value: 1, type: 2-10, properties: ["1": "address":"channel"]}
mem/0: location 1 is 1031
run/0: instruction channel-empty?/0
run/0: {name: "default-space", value: 0, type: 2-5-1, properties: ["default-space": "address":"array":"location"]} <- new/44 {name: "location", value: 1, type: 0, properties: ["location": "type"]}, {name: "30", value: 30, type: 0, properties: ["30": "literal"]}
mem/0: array size is 30
mem/0: new alloc: 1039
run/0: instruction channel-empty?/1
run/0: {name: "chan", value: 1, type: 2-10, properties: ["chan": "address":"channel"]} <- next-ingredient/30 
run/0: product 0 is 1031
mem/0: storing 1031 in location 1041
run/0: instruction channel-empty?/2
run/0: {name: "full", value: 2, type: 1, properties: ["full": "integer"]} <- get/24 {name: "chan", value: 1, type: 2-10, properties: ["chan": "address":"channel", "deref": ]}, {name: "first-full", value: 0, type: 0, properties: ["first-full": "offset"]}
run/0: ingredient 0 is chan
mem/0: location 1041 is 1031
run/0: ingredient 1 is first-full
run/0: address to copy is 1031
run/0: its type is 1
mem/0: location 1031 is 0
run/0: product 0 is 0
mem/0: storing 0 in location 1042
run/0: instruction channel-empty?/3
run/0: {name: "free", value: 3, type: 1, properties: ["free": "integer"]} <- get/24 {name: "chan", value: 1, type: 2-10, properties: ["chan": "address":"channel", "deref": ]}, {name: "first-free", value: 1, type: 0, properties: ["first-free": "offset"]}
run/0: ingredient 0 is chan
mem/0: location 1041 is 1031
run/0: ingredient 1 is first-free
run/0: address to copy is 1032
run/0: its type is 1
mem/0: location 1032 is 0
run/0: product 0 is 0
mem/0: storing 0 in location 1043
run/0: instruction channel-empty?/4
run/0: {name: "result", value: 4, type: 3, properties: ["result": "boolean"]} <- equal/13 {name: "full", value: 2, type: 1, properties: ["full": "integer"]}, {name: "free", value: 3, type: 1, properties: ["free": "integer"]}
run/0: ingredient 0 is full
mem/0: location 1042 is 0
run/0: ingredient 1 is free
mem/0: location 1043 is 0
run/0: product 0 is 1
mem/0: storing 1 in location 1044
run/0: instruction channel-empty?/5
run/0: reply/33 {name: "result", value: 4, type: 3, properties: ["result": "boolean"]}
mem/0: location 1044 is 1
run/0: result 0 is 1
mem/0: storing 1 in location 2
run/0: instruction run1001/2
run/0: {name: "3", value: 3, type: 1, properties: ["3": "integer"]} <- channel-full?/110 {name: "1", value: 1, type: 2-10, properties: ["1": "address":"channel"]}
mem/0: location 1 is 1031
run/0: instruction channel-full?/0
run/0: {name: "default-space", value: 0, type: 2-5-1, properties: ["default-space": "address":"array":"location"]} <- new/44 {name: "location", value: 1, type: 0, properties: ["location": "type"]}, {name: "30", value: 30, type: 0, properties: ["30": "literal"]}
mem/0: array size is 30
mem/0: new alloc: 1070
run/0: instruction channel-full?/1
run/0: {name: "chan", value: 1, type: 2-10, properties: ["chan": "address":"channel"]} <- next-ingredient/30 
run/0: product 0 is 1031
mem/0: storing 1031 in location 1072
run/0: instruction channel-full?/2
run/0: {name: "tmp", value: 2, type: 1, properties: ["tmp": "integer"]} <- get/24 {name: "chan", value: 1, type: 2-10, properties: ["chan": "address":"channel", "deref": ]}, {name: "first-free", value: 1, type: 0, properties: ["first-free": "offset"]}
run/0: ingredient 0 is chan
mem/0: location 1072 is 1031
run/0: ingredient 1 is first-free
run/0: address to copy is 1032
run/0: its type is 1
mem/0: location 1032 is 0
run/0: product 0 is 0
mem/0: storing 0 in location 1073
run/0: instruction channel-full?/3
run/0: {name: "tmp", value: 2, type: 1, properties: ["tmp": "integer"]} <- add/2 {name: "tmp", value: 2, type: 1, properties: ["tmp": "integer"]}, {name: "1", value: 1, type: 0, properties: ["1": "literal"]}
run/0: ingredient 0 is tmp
mem/0: location 1073 is 0
run/0: ingredient 1 is 1
run/0: product 0 is 1
mem/0: storing 1 in location 1073
run/0: instruction channel-full?/5
run/0: {name: "len", value: 3, type: 1, properties: ["len": "integer"]} <- channel-capacity/113 {name: "chan", value: 1, type: 2-10, properties: ["chan": "address":"channel"]}
mem/0: location 1072 is 1031
run/0: instruction channel-capacity/0
run/0: {name: "default-space", value: 0, type: 2-5-1, properties: ["default-space": "address":"array":"location"]} <- new/44 {name: "location", value: 1, type: 0, properties: ["location": "type"]}, {name: "30", value: 30, type: 0, properties: ["30": "literal"]}
mem/0: array size is 30
mem/0: new alloc: 1101
run/0: instruction channel-capacity/1
run/0: {name: "chan", value: 1, type: 2-10, properties: ["chan": "address":"channel"]} <- next-ingredient/30 
run/0: product 0 is 1031
mem/0: storing 1031 in location 1103
run/0: instruction channel-capacity/2
run/0: {name: "q", value: 2, type: 2-5-1, properties: ["q": "address":"array":"location"]} <- get/24 {name: "chan", value: 1, type: 2-10, properties: ["chan": "address":"channel", "deref": ]}, {name: "data", value: 2, type: 0, properties: ["data": "offset"]}
run/0: ingredient 0 is chan
mem/0: location 1103 is 1031
run/0: ingredient 1 is data
run/0: address to copy is 1033
run/0: its type is 2
mem/0: location 1033 is 1034
run/0: product 0 is 1034
mem/0: storing 1034 in location 1104
run/0: instruction channel-capacity/3
run/0: {name: "result", value: 3, type: 1, properties: ["result": "integer"]} <- length/28 {name: "q", value: 2, type: 2-5-1, properties: ["q": "address":"array":"location", "deref": ]}
mem/0: location 1104 is 1034
mem/0: storing 4 in location 1105
run/0: instruction channel-capacity/4
run/0: reply/33 {name: "result", value: 3, type: 1, properties: ["result": "integer"]}
mem/0: location 1105 is 4
run/0: result 0 is 4
mem/0: storing 4 in location 1074
run/0: instruction channel-full?/6
run/0: {name: "at-end?", value: 4, type: 3, properties: ["at-end?": "boolean"]} <- greater-or-equal/16 {name: "tmp", value: 2, type: 1, properties: ["tmp": "integer"]}, {name: "len", value: 3, type: 1, properties: ["len": "integer"]}
run/0: ingredient 0 is tmp
mem/0: location 1073 is 1
run/0: ingredient 1 is len
mem/0: location 1074 is 4
run/0: product 0 is 0
mem/0: storing 0 in location 1075
run/0: instruction channel-full?/7
run/0: break-unless/12 {name: "at-end?", value: 4, type: 3, properties: ["at-end?": "boolean"]}, {name: "", value: 1, type: , properties: ["": ]}
mem/0: location 1075 is 0
run/0: ingredient 0 is 0
run/0: ingredient 1 is 
run/0: jumping to instruction 9
run/0: instruction channel-full?/10
run/0: {name: "full", value: 5, type: 1, properties: ["full": "integer"]} <- get/24 {name: "chan", value: 1, type: 2-10, properties: ["chan": "address":"channel", "deref": ]}, {name: "first-full", value: 0, type: 0, properties: ["first-full": "offset"]}
run/0: ingredient 0 is chan
mem/0: location 1072 is 1031
run/0: ingredient 1 is first-full
run/0: address to copy is 1031
run/0: its type is 1
mem/0: location 1031 is 0
run/0: product 0 is 0
mem/0: storing 0 in location 1076
run/0: instruction channel-full?/11
run/0: {name: "result", value: 6, type: 3, properties: ["result": "boolean"]} <- equal/13 {name: "full", value: 5, type: 1, properties: ["full": "integer"]}, {name: "tmp", value: 2, type: 1, properties: ["tmp": "integer"]}
run/0: ingredient 0 is full
mem/0: location 1076 is 0
run/0: ingredient 1 is tmp
mem/0: location 1073 is 1
run/0: product 0 is 0
mem/0: storing 0 in location 1077
run/0: instruction channel-full?/12
run/0: reply/33 {name: "result", value: 6, type: 3, properties: ["result": "boolean"]}
mem/0: location 1077 is 0
run/0: result 0 is 0
mem/0: storing 0 in location 3
run/0: instruction channel-new-empty-not-full/1
run/0: memory-should-contain/46 {name: "
    2 <- 1  # empty?
    3 <- 0  # full?
  ", value: 0, type: 0, properties: ["
    2 <- 1  # empty?
    3 <- 0  # full?
  ": "literal-string"]}
run/0: checking location 2
run/0: checking location 3