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        <title>1.2. Configure</title>

        <a href="index.html">Core OS Index</a>

        <h1 id="chroot">1.2. Configure</h1>

        <p>If you don't mounted chroot follow this
        steps from <a href="install.html">install</a>;</p>

        $ export CHROOT=/mnt

        $ export BLK_EFI=/dev/sda1
        $ export BLK_BOOT=/dev/sda2
        $ export BLK_ROOT=/dev/sda3
        $ export BLK_VAR=/dev/sda5
        $ export BLK_USR=/dev/sda7

        $ export BLK_HOME=/dev/sda8

        $ sudo mount $BLK_BOOT $CHROOT/boot
        $ sudo mount $BLK_EFI $CHROOT/boot/efi
        $ sudo mount $BLK_VAR $CHROOT/var
        $ sudo mount $BLK_USR $CHROOT/usr

        $ sudo mount $BLK_HOME $CHROOT/home

        <p>Now you can chroot;</p>

        $ sudo chroot $CHROOT /usr/bin/env -i \
          HOME=/root TERM="$TERM" PS1='\u:\w\$ ' \
          PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin \
          /bin/bash --login

        <h2 id="hostname">1.2.1. Set hostname and hosts</h2>

        <p>Give it a name, this example we will call it c9;</p>

        # hostname c9

        <p>Edit /etc/hosts to contain your hostname and FQDN,
        this example uses c9.core and c9.root.sx sub-domain from
        <a href="http://freedns.afraid.org">afraid.org</a> pointing
        to ip;</p>

        # IPv4	localhost.localdomain localhost       c9.core c9

        #&lt;ip-address&gt;	&lt;hostname.domain.org&gt;	&lt;aliases&gt;                c9.root.sx

        # IPv6
        #::1		ip6-localhost	ip6-loopback
        #fe00::0	ip6-localnet
        #ff00::0	ip6-mcastprefix
        #ff02::1	ip6-allnodes
        #ff02::2	ip6-allrouters
        #ff02::3	ip6-allhosts

        # End of file


        $ hostname
        $ hostname -f

        <h2 id="time">1.2.2. Set timezone</h2>

        <p>Setup timezone;</p>

        # tzselect
        Please identify a location so that time zone rules can be set correctly.
        Please select a continent, ocean, "coord", or "TZ".
         1) Africa
         2) Americas
         3) Antarctica
         4) Asia
         5) Atlantic Ocean
         6) Australia
         7) Europe
         8) Indian Ocean
         9) Pacific Ocean
        10) coord - I want to use geographical coordinates.
        11) TZ - I want to specify the time zone using the Posix TZ format.
        #? 7

        Please select a country whose clocks agree with yours.
         1) ?land Islands         18) Greece                35) Norway
         2) Albania               19) Guernsey              36) Poland
         3) Andorra               20) Hungary               37) Portugal
         4) Austria               21) Ireland               38) Romania
         5) Belarus               22) Isle of Man           39) Russia
         6) Belgium               23) Italy                 40) San Marino
         7) Bosnia & Herzegovina  24) Jersey                41) Serbia
         8) Britain (UK)          25) Latvia                42) Slovakia
         9) Bulgaria              26) Liechtenstein         43) Slovenia
        10) Croatia               27) Lithuania             44) Spain
        11) Czech Republic        28) Luxembourg            45) Svalbard & Jan Mayen
        12) Denmark               29) Macedonia             46) Sweden
        13) Estonia               30) Malta                 47) Switzerland
        14) Finland               31) Moldova               48) Turkey
        15) France                32) Monaco                49) Ukraine
        16) Germany               33) Montenegro            50) Vatican City
        17) Gibraltar             34) Netherlands
        #? 37

        Please select one of the following time zone regions.
        1) mainland
        2) Madeira Islands
        3) Azores
        #? 1

        The following information has been given:


        Therefore TZ='Europe/Lisbon' will be used.
        Local time is now:      Sun Aug  9 17:36:05 WEST 2016.
        Universal Time is now:  Sun Aug  9 16:36:05 UTC 2016.
        Is the above information OK?
        1) Yes
        2) No
        #? 1

        You can make this change permanent for yourself by appending the line
            TZ='Europe/Lisbon'; export TZ
        to the file '.profile' in your home directory; then log out and log in again.

        Here is that TZ value again, this time on standard output so that you
        can use the /usr/bin/tzselect command in shell scripts:

        <h2 id="locale">1.2.3. Set locale</h2>

        # localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8

        <h2 id="user">1.2.4. Users</h2>

        <h3> Set root password</h3>

        # passwd

        <h3> Create Administrator User</h3>

	<p>Description of most default pretinent groups;</p>

		<dd>Administration group.</dd>
		<dd>Access to files served by ftp.</dd>
		<dd>Standard users group.</dd>
		<dd>Administration group used to give access to sudo.</dd>

        # useradd -m -k /etc/skel -s /bin/bash c9admin
        # usermod -G adm,wheel,audio,video
        # passwd c9admin

        # chmod 0700 /root
        # chmod 0700 /home/c9admin

        <h3> Add Administrator to Wheel group</h3>

        bash-4.3# sudoedit /etc/sudoers

        ## Uncomment to allow members of group wheel to execute any command
        %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL

        <h2 id="fstab">1.2.5. File system table</h2>

        <p>First we will discover block id (UUID) of
        <a href="install.html#step2">target partition</a>,
        blkid list all while vol_id --uuid /dev/sdb1 returns
        only uuid. Add all block ids to the end of file

        # blkid >> /etc/fstab

        <p>Read <a href="http://linux-audit.com/securing-mount-points-on-linux/" title="Securing mount points">Securing mount points</a>,
        and edit /etc/fstab according to your disk layout. Blocks with uuid will later be created at lvm</p>

        # /etc/fstab: static file system information
        # &lt;file system&gt;        &lt;dir&gt;     &lt;type&gt;    &lt;options&gt;                        &lt;dump&gt; &lt;pass&gt;

        #/dev/#EXT4FS_ROOT#    /         ext4      defaults                         0      1
        #/dev/#BTRFS_ROOT#     /         btrfs     defaults                         0      0
        #/dev/#XFS_ROOT#       /         xfs       defaults                         0      0
        #/dev/#SWAP#           swap      swap      defaults                         0      0
        #/dev/#EXT4FS_HOME#    /home     ext4      defaults                         0      2
        #/dev/#BTRFS_HOME#     /home     btrfs     defaults                         0      0
        #/dev/#XFS_HOME#       /home     xfs       defaults                         0      0
        #/dev/cdrom            /cdrom    iso9660   ro,user,noauto,unhide            0      0
        #/dev/dvd              /dvd      udf       ro,user,noauto,unhide            0      0
        #/dev/floppy/0         /floppy   vfat      user,noauto,unhide               0      0
        #tmp                   /tmp      tmpfs     defaults                         0      0
        #shm                   /dev/shm  tmpfs     defaults                         0      0
        #usb                   /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults                         0      0

        /dev/sda3               / 		ext4	defaults,noatime,ro				0	1
        devpts                  /dev/pts	devpts	noexec,nosuid,gid=tty,mode=0620			0	0
        /dev/sda2               /boot	ext4	defaults,ro,noatime     		  		0	0
        /dev/sda1               /boot/efi	vfat	ro,noauto,umask=0077      			0	0
        /dev/sda4               /var		ext4	defaults,nodev,noexec,nosuid,errors=remount-ro  0	0
        /dev/sda5               /usr		ext4	defaults,ro,nodev,errors=remount-ro		0	0

        UUID=66c083d6-b8f2-4a98-ae55-9412f98cc089  /usr/ports	ext4	        defaults,ro,nodev,errors=remount-ro     0	0
        pkgmk                                      /usr/ports/work tmpfs        size=30G,gid=101,uid=100,defaults       0       0
        UUID=36e9e1d5-8356-451e-a301-81098b9a15ea  /srv		ext4	        defaults,nodev,errors=remount-ro	0	0
        UUID=cd15196a-69f1-4fb4-9730-a384c62add91  /home        ext4            defaults,nodev,nosuid,errors=remount-ro	0	0

        # End of file

        <p>Pass option control in wich order fsck checks devices. If is
        a multiple partition scheme; 1 for root, 2 for others or 0 to

        <h2 id="rcconf">1.2.6. Initialization Scripts</h2>

        <p>Edit /etc/rc.conf and define keyboard layout, hostname and timezone,
        more information about
        <a href="http://crux.nu/Main/Handbook3-3#ConfigurationVariables">configuration variables</a>.

        # /etc/rc.conf: system configuration

        SERVICES=(lo iptables wlan crond)

        # End of file

        <a href="index.html">Core OS Index</a>
        <p>This is part of the c9 Manual.
        Copyright (C) 2017
        c9 team.
        See the file <a href="../fdl-1.3-standalone.html">Gnu Free Documentation License</a>
        for copying conditions.</p>