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<h2 id="fsck">1. Maintenance</h2>
<p>SMART provides statistics of disk firmware,
this system handle errors has their occur. Badblocks are detected by writing and reading from disk in
a destructive test. Example of how to view SMART
statistics of a disk;</p>
# smartctl -t long /dev/sdb1
# smartctl -a /dev/sdb1 | less
<p>Mechanical hard drives spindown disks
and put heads in hold position to save energy
and protect the disk. This spindow spinup
can shorter the life expectancy of the hard
drive. Relevant output from hdparm;</p>
# hdparm -I /dev/sda | grep "Advanced power management level"
# hdparm -I /dev/sda | grep "Recommended acoustic management value"
<p>Settings with hdparm [options] [device];</p>
<dd>Set the Advanced Power Management feature.
Possible values are between 1 and 255, low
values mean more aggressive power management
and higher values mean better performance.
Values from 1 to 127 permit spin-down, whereas
values from 128 to 254 do not. A value of 255
completely disables the feature.</dd>
<dd>Set the standby (spindown) timeout for
the drive. The timeout specifies how long to
wait in idle (with no disk activity) before
turning off the motor to save power. The value
of 0 disables spindown, the values from 1 to
240 specify multiples of 5 seconds and values
from 241 to 251 specify multiples of 30
<dd>Set the Automatic Acoustic Management
feature. Most modern hard disk drives have the
ability to speed down the head movements to
reduce their noise output. The possible value
depends on the disk, some disks may not support
this feature.</dd>
# hdparm -S 0 /dev/sda
# hdparm -B 255 /dev/sda
<p>Set persistent values using udev, edit /etc/udev/rules.d/69-hdparm.rules;</p>
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNEL=="sda", RUN=="/usr/bin/hdparm -B 255 -S 0 /dev/sda"
<p>Search for bad blocks using
<a href="https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Badblocks">non destructive test;</a></p>
# badblocks -nsv /dev/sdb1
<h2 id="mv">2. Moving data</h2>
<p>Temp partition with 20M-50M;</p>
(parted) mkpart primary ext4 4000MiB 4050MiB
<p>Ports partition with 120G allows to host sources, package
backups and ports;</p>
(parted) mkpart primary ext4 192000MiB 312000MiB
<p>Reboot into single-user mode where services aren't started and networking is offline.<p>
# init 1
<p>Copy the data:</p>
# cp -apx /srv/* /mnt/srv
<p>Rename directory, for later backup;</p>
# mv /srv /srv.old
# mkdir /srv
<p>Edit the <a href="../conf/etc/fstab">/etc/fstab</a>file:</p>
# Temporary Data /tmp
UUID=50bf6e55-6461-4dd4-b315-65b53cac0995 /tmp ext4 defaults,nodev,nosuid,noexec 0 0
# Server Data /srv
UUID=6fadcb98-e442-4af7-a5f2-1ddb6100a8c4 /srv ext4 defaults 0 2
# Ports Data /usr/ports
UUID=d1df6743-d3cb-4d5a-badb-96cef3181095 /usr/ports ext4 defaults,nodev,nosuid,noexec 0 0
<p>Reboot in normal mode.</p>
<h2 id="resize">2. Resize filesystem</h2>
<p>If partition is using lvm read
<a href="lvm.html#resize">lvm resize</a>, if you are using qemu
images read <a href="qemu.html#resize">resize images</a></p>
# e2fsck /dev/sda3
# resize2fs /dev/sda3
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This is part of the Tribu System Documentation.
Copyright (C) 2020
Tribu Team.
See the file <a href="../fdl-1.3-standalone.html">Gnu Free Documentation License</a>
for copying conditions.</p>