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authorRunxi Yu <>2023-10-27 09:56:29 +0800
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-		<h1>In what sense are you the same person today that you were when you were ten?</h1>
-		<p>Article ID: 27</p>
-		<p>This essay was first submitted in the <a href="">John Locke Institute's Global Essay Competition</a> where it was shortlisted and given a high commendation.</p>
-		<hr />
-<p>When the Ship of Theseus has its all parts replaced one after another
-until no original components remain, is it still the Ship of Theseus, or
-is it a new ship altogether? Similarly, when most of my body cells are
-constantly renewed, coupled with my mindset being continuously
-transformed by new information and acquaintances, am I still the same
-person as the ten-year-old “me”?</p>
-<p>This essay explores the continued <em>personal</em> identity from two
-perspectives. First is the concept of <em>individuality</em>, i.e.
-whether there is a delimited, discrete, and cohesive existence of “me”
-in the first place. An affirmative answer positing the delineated
-boundary of individual existence is the prerequisite to the second
-question of <em>uniqueness</em>, which makes each individual different
-from others. Two layers of analysis are applied to uniqueness — the
-<em>identification</em> of the uniqueness of personal identity at a set
-time compared with other individual entities, and the
-<em>continuity</em> of the person’s uniqueness over time.</p>
-<h2 id="the-individuality-of-me">The Individuality of “Me”</h2>
-<p>Aristotelianism portrays the “individual” as a distinct substance,
-differentiated from accidents such as qualities, quantities, or
-relations <span class="citation" data-cites="MetaphysicsZeta"></span>.
-The substance of a human is the body. Each organ and system have their
-own functions, yet they orchestrate to keep us alive. Unlike coral reef,
-consisting of indistinct strands of polyps, the human body has a
-generally clear physical boundary — the skin. Therefore, our body is a
-discrete individual entity.</p>
-<p>The concept of individuality expands beyond the biological dimension.
-<span class="citation" data-cites="LockeHumanUnderstanding"></span>
-ascribes personal identity to the continuity of consciousness, hinging
-on memory. <span class="citation" data-cites="DavidHume"></span> sees
-the self as a ever-changing “bundle” of perceptions or experience. <span
-class="citation" data-cites="Mead1934MindSA"></span> defines identity by
-social relations, which change over time as we forge new connections and
-<p>Our memory, experience and social relations, which are applied to
-define our identity by the above philosophers, can’t exist independently
-but are rather supported by the substance of our body, through which we
-interact with the world. Our individuality is therefore a unity of
-plurality, which comprises of biological, empirical and social
-parameters. The analysis of individuality on all its parameters is
-beyond the length of this essay. But since they are dependents of our
-physical existence that are clearly delineated, this essay will move
-from discussing discrete individuality of our substance to the
-exploration of the uniqueness of each individual, and the possible
-continuity of this uniqueness.</p>
-<h2 id="the-uniqueness-of-me-and-its-continuity">The Uniqueness of “Me”
-and its Continuity</h2>
-<p>Canned tuna on shelves are individual identities but they are
-practically not unique to the consumer. As long as they are still in the
-shelf life, no one cares to take one can instead of another. There is
-nothing particular about an industrial product that makes it stand out
-from others mass produced or assembled at the same factory.</p>
-<p>Each <em>person</em>, however, is unique in their biological
-identity, empirical identity, and social identity. This essay explores
-people’s unique characteristics through these three lens, and how they
-are continued with the passage of time. I hereby propose that the
-uniqueness of a person is preserved over time if the person’s unique
-characteristics are preserved over time.</p>
-<h3 id="biological-identity-and-its-continuity">Biological Identity and
-Its Continuity</h3>
-<p>“On average, the cells in your body are replaced every 7 to 10 years”
-<span class="citation" data-cites="what-cells"></span>. Despite the
-tempting but inaccurate interpretation that human bodies are renewed
-every decade or so, there is significant constancy inside our body. For
-example, most neurons do not regenerate. But even if all cells do, the
-regeneration of our body’s <em>constituent parts</em> does not entail
-that our biological <em>properties</em> change over time. Many
-biological properties that are perceived to be identifying for
-individuals, such as DNA sequence and fingerprints, generally stay
-constant throughout our life. The wide application of fingerprints in
-identifying people in user authentication and criminal investigations
-suggests that fingerprints are unique and enduring.</p>
-<p>The uniqueness of our biological system and the continuity of the
-uniqueness are reinforced by the “Self/Non-self” theory by virologist
-Sir Frank Burnet <span class="citation"
-data-cites="BurnetFenner"></span>. The distinction of “self” from most
-other entities elicits defensive responses against pathogens, the
-tolerance of a graft from itself, and the rejection against grafts from
-a donor organism in transplantation with few exceptions such as
-isografts (grafts between identical twins) <span class="citation"
-data-cites="pradeu2011limits"></span>. Adaptive immunological memory is
-formed when specialized memory lymphocytes are produced, which would
-trigger a more rapid and effective immune response on the next infection
-by a pathogen with similar antigens. Adaptive immunity leaves a
-long-term mark on our body; while COVID immunity lasts about 6 months,
-smallpox immunity lasts for decades <span class="citation"
-data-cites="Taub2008-ps"></span>. Therefore, my special immunity spans
-over time due to the existence of immunological memory.</p>
-<p>In conclusion, although most cells in our body regenerate constantly,
-our biological identity does not change since it consists not in the
-collection of components but in the properties that emerge therefrom.
-The fact that our identity makers such as our DNA sequence,
-fingerprints, and immunity transcend over time warrants the conclusion
-that our biological identity spans diachronically.</p>
-<h3 id="empirical-identity-and-its-continuity-memory">Empirical identity
-and Its Continuity: Memory</h3>
-<p><span class="citation" data-cites="LockeHumanUnderstanding"></span>
-postulates the memory theory of identity. A person’s identity is tied to
-their memory, i.e. their ability to recognize their past experiences as
-their own, and to connect them to their present consciousness. Endel
-Tulving further analyzes the concept of memory by distinguishing between
-procedural memory (skills, e.g. muscle memory), semantic memory (factual
-information) and episodic memory (personal experiences) <span
-class="citation" data-cites="OutOfThePast"></span>.</p>
-<p>Semantic memory as a whole rather than individual piece of factual
-information contributes to identity. Many people can retrieve the
-knowledge that Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo, and this does not
-grant them identity because this piece of knowledge lacks uniqueness
-that tells one person apart from another. However the assembly of
-semantic memory of each person is still an idiosyncratic feature, since
-one person may share some semantic memories with people of similar
-educational background but it is unlikely that the entire knowledge
-system of each person is identical. Though semantic memories are
-constantly renewed by newly accumulated knowledge or attrition as time
-goes by, the changing process is gradual. Moreover, the cognitive
-structure underlying the acquired information, the critical thinking
-cultivated by the analysis of those information, and the mindset of each
-individual are relatively stable, as well as uniquely forged by each
-person’s idiosyncratic assembly of semantic memories.</p>
-<p>Locke’s theory appeals to episodic memories as a necessary condition
-for uniqueness of individuals as well as sameness over time. “As far as
-this consciousness can be extended backwards to any past Action or
-Thought, so far reaches the Identity of that Person; it is the same self
-now it was then; and ’tis by the same self with this present one that
-now reflects on it, that that Action was done” (Book II.xxvii.9).</p>
-<p>This theory might be challenged from two perspectives. Firstly,
-multiple people could have gone through the same events, and the shared
-experience lacks uniqueness to individuals, hence absence of identity
-since it is based on the premise of uniqueness as previously explained.
-However, although different people may share the same episodes, they
-were different agents in those moments and engaged from their own angles
-respectively. Therefore, one’s memory of these episodes is still
-distinct from that of others’.</p>
-<p>The second and more common challenge to Locke’s memory theory is that
-I may remember episodes of five years ago, and me of five years ago can
-recall events of ten years ago, but the current me cannot recall most of
-the life of ten years ago when I was a ignorant and happy kindergartner.
-Am I still the same person of ten years ago? I would tackle this
-question by the transitivity principle: if <span
-class="math inline"><em>a</em> = <em>b</em></span> and <span
-class="math inline"><em>b</em> = <em>c</em></span>, then <span
-class="math inline"><em>a</em> = <em>c</em></span>. If I share the
-identity of me from five years ago, and me of five years ago was still
-the same person as the one of ten years ago, I and the one of ten years
-ago still have the same identity on the principle of transitivity.</p>
-<p>An exception would be rare cases of memory loss due to pathological
-conditions in the brain. The loss of memory is a rupture in one’s life.
-If that loss is significant enough to affect one’s personality, I argue
-that they are not the same person.</p>
-<p>Procedural memories are typically diachronically enduring — if we
-have learned how to perform a skill in our childhood, the procedural
-memory is carried on throughout our life. For example, even if we have
-not touched bikes for ten years, once we get onto one, we can still ride
-on like we have not stopped riding all these years. As in the case of
-semantic memory, the assembly of procedural memories are also
-idiosyncratic to each individual. These unique procedural memories stay,
-without us being aware of it.</p>
-<p>Therefore, the above analysis of semantic, episodic and procedural
-memories suggests that what makes people unique and also identical with
-themselves along the temporal axis is their remembering or being able to
-remember the knowledge assembly, the episodes to which they were witness
-or agent, and also the skills they acquire and stay. Personal identity
-consists in memory.</p>
-<h3 id="social-identity">Social identity</h3>
-<p>Our identity is not only biologically and empirically determined, it
-is also socially constructed.</p>
-<p>According to <span class="citation"
-data-cites="Mead1934MindSA"></span>, the self emerges from social
-interactions. He divides the self into two components: the “me” and the
-“I”. The “me” represents the organized set of attitudes of others that
-the individual assumes. It’s the social self, the part of us that is
-formed through interaction with others and with the social environment.
-It embodies the expectations and norms of the community, allowing us to
-predict how others will react to us. The “I” is the immediate response
-of an individual to others. It is the spontaneous, unpredictable, and
-creative part of the self. The “I” reacts to the “me”, and it’s through
-this dialogue that we create meaning, make decisions, and ultimately
-take action. So, for Mead, identity is continually created and recreated
-through the social interactions we have, the roles we take on, and the
-dialogue between the “I” and the “me”. Since social interactions are
-dynamic, our identity is fluid rather than fixed.</p>
-<p>However, the existence of the “me”, which embodies the attitudes,
-roles, and rules assimilated from the social environment, provides a
-consistent framework that guides behavior and thought. It ensures the
-stability and continuity of our identity. Meanwhile, the elasticity of
-social interactions allows us to grow inside the parameters of the
-continuity of identity.</p>
-<p>The impact of this continuity is huge. Its absence would translate
-into lack of accountability for our own behavior and decision-making,
-since we would not bear responsibility for our mistakes or crimes if we
-could legitimately renew our identity every few years or months.
-Property rights would be bygone and personal relationships chaotic since
-filial, marital relationships vanished together with the continuity of
-social identity.</p>
-<h2 id="conclusion">Conclusion</h2>
-<p>My identity emerges from my unique biological, empirical and social
-properties. In my case, all three of these properties have continuously
-developed since I was ten, but always with some constancy, be it the
-preservation of the uniquely identifying biological characteristics, my
-unique memory, or my our social identity shaped through social
-interactions. I maintain my sense of self through time due to the
-constancy in these properties. I am therefore intrinsically linked to
-the ten-year-old child I was, biologically, empirically, and
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