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path: root/Makefile.am
blob: 21b0d3aa59f25fde56e4a2745936f3a440b6ab22 (plain) (tree)
0d15c710 ^
pre { line-height: 125%; }
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.highlight .err { color: #a61717; background-color: #e3d2d2 } /* Error */
.highlight .k { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */
.highlight .ch { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Hashbang */
.highlight .cm { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Multiline */
.highlight .cp { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold } /* Comment.Preproc */
.highlight .cpf { color: #888888 } /* Comment.PreprocFile */
.highlight .c1 { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Single */
.highlight .cs { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Comment.Special */
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.highlight .gt { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Traceback */
.highlight .kc { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */
.highlight .kd { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */
.highlight .kn { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */
.highlight .kp { color: #008800 } /* Keyword.Pseudo */
.highlight .kr { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */
.highlight .kt { color: #888888; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Type */
.highlight .m { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number */
.highlight .s { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String */
.highlight .na { color: #336699 } /* Name.Attribute */
.highlight .nb { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin */
.highlight .nc { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Class */
.highlight .no { color: #003366; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Constant */
.highlight .nd { color: #555555 } /* Name.Decorator */
.highlight .ne { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Exception */
.highlight .nf { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function */
.highlight .nl { color: #336699; font-style: italic } /* Name.Label */
.highlight .nn { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Namespace */
.highlight .py { color: #336699; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Property */
.highlight .nt { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */
.highlight .nv { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable */
.highlight .ow { color: #008800 } /* Operator.Word */
.highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */
.highlight .mb { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Bin */
.highlight .mf { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Float */
.highlight .mh { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Hex */
.highlight .mi { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer */
.highlight .mo { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Oct */
.highlight .sa { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Affix */
.highlight .sb { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */
.highlight .sc { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Char */
.highlight .dl { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */
.highlight .sd { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Doc */
.highlight .s2 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Double */
.highlight .se { color: #0044dd; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Escape */
.highlight .sh { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */
.highlight .si { color: #3333bb; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */
.highlight .sx { color: #22bb22; background-color: #f0fff0 } /* Literal.String.Other */
.highlight .sr { color: #008800; background-color: #fff0ff } /* Literal.String.Regex */
.highlight .s1 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Single */
.highlight .ss { color: #aa6600; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */
.highlight .bp { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */
.highlight .fm { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function.Magic */
.highlight .vc { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Class */
.highlight .vg { color: #dd7700 } /* Name.Variable.Global */
.highlight .vi { color: #3333bb } /* Name.Variable.Instance */
.highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */
.highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
//: instructions that (immediately) contain an argument to act with

:(before "End Initialize Op Names")
put_new(Name, "05", "add imm32 to EAX (add)");

:(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes")
case 0x05: {  // add imm32 to EAX
  int32_t signed_arg2 = next32();
  trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "add imm32 0x" << HEXWORD << signed_arg2 << " to EAX" << end();
  int32_t signed_result = Reg[EAX].i + signed_arg2;
  SF = (signed_result < 0);
  ZF = (signed_result == 0);
  int64_t signed_full_result = static_cast<int64_t>(Reg[EAX].i) + signed_arg2;
  OF = (signed_result != signed_full_result);
  // set CF
  uint32_t unsigned_arg2 = static_cast<uint32_t>(signed_arg2);
  uint32_t unsigned_result = Reg[EAX].u + unsigned_arg2;
  uint64_t unsigned_full_result = static_cast<uint64_t>(Reg[EAX].u) + unsigned_arg2;
  CF = (unsigned_result != unsigned_full_result);
  trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "SF=" << SF << "; ZF=" << ZF << "; CF=" << CF << "; OF=" << OF << end();
  Reg[EAX].i = signed_result;
  trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "storing 0x" << HEXWORD << Reg[EAX].i << end();

void test_add_imm32_to_EAX_signed_overflow() {
  Reg[EAX].i = 0x7fffffff;  // largest positive signed integer
      "== code 0x1\n"
      // op     ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
      "  05                                 01 00 00 00 \n" // add 1 to EAX
      "run: add imm32 0x00000001 to EAX\n"
      "run: SF=1; ZF=0; CF=0; OF=1\n"
      "run: storing 0x80000000\n"

void test_add_imm32_to_EAX_unsigned_overflow() {
  Reg[EAX].u = 0xffffffff;  // largest unsigned number
  Reg[EBX].u = 1;
      "== code 0x1\n"
      // op     ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
      "  05                                 01 00 00 00 \n" // add 1 to EAX
      "run: add imm32 0x00000001 to EAX\n"
      "run: SF=0; ZF=1; CF=1; OF=0\n"
      "run: storing 0x00000000\n"

void test_add_imm32_to_EAX_unsigned_and_signed_overflow() {
  Reg[EAX].u = 0x80000000;  // smallest negative signed integer
      "== code 0x1\n"
      // op     ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
      "  05                                 00 00 00 80 \n" // add 0x80000000 to EAX
      "run: add imm32 0x80000000 to EAX\n"
      "run: SF=0; ZF=1; CF=1; OF=1\n"
      "run: storing 0x00000000\n"


:(before "End Initialize Op Names")
put_new(Name, "81", "combine rm32 with imm32 based on subop (add/sub/and/or/xor/cmp)");

void test_add_imm32_to_r32() {
  Reg[EBX].i = 1;
      "== code 0x1\n"
      // op     ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
      "  81     c3                          0a 0b 0c 0d\n"  // add 0x0d0c0b0a to EBX
      // ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 000 (subop add) 011 (dest EBX)
      "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n"
      "run: r/m32 is EBX\n"
      "run: imm32 is 0x0d0c0b0a\n"
      "run: subop add\n"
      "run: storing 0x0d0c0b0b\n"

:(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes")
case 0x81: {  // combine r/m32 with imm32
  trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "combine r/m32 with imm32" << end();
  const uint8_t modrm = next();
  int32_t* signed_arg1 = effective_address(modrm);
  const int32_t signed_arg2 = next32();
  trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "imm32 is 0x" << HEXWORD << signed_arg2 << end();
  const uint8_t subop = (modrm>>3)&0x7;  // middle 3 'reg opcode' bits
  switch (subop) {
  case 0: {
    trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "subop add" << end();
    int32_t signed_result = *signed_arg1 + signed_arg2;
    SF = (signed_result < 0);
    ZF = (signed_result == 0);
    int64_t signed_full_result = static_cast<int64_t>(*signed_arg1) + signed_arg2;
    OF = (signed_result != signed_full_result);
    // set CF
    uint32_t unsigned_arg1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(*signed_arg1);
    uint32_t unsigned_arg2 = static_cast<uint32_t>(signed_arg2);
    uint32_t unsigned_result = unsigned_arg1 + unsigned_arg2;
    uint64_t unsigned_full_result = static_cast<uint64_t>(unsigned_arg1) + unsigned_arg2;
    CF = (unsigned_result != unsigned_full_result);
    trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "SF=" << SF << "; ZF=" << ZF << "; CF=" << CF << "; OF=" << OF << end();
    *signed_arg1 = signed_result;
    trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "storing 0x" << HEXWORD << *signed_arg1 << end();
  // End Op 81 Subops
    cerr << "unrecognized subop for opcode 81: " << NUM(subop) << '\n';

void test_add_imm32_to_r32_signed_overflow() {
  Reg[EBX].i = 0x7fffffff;  // largest positive signed integer
      "== code 0x1\n"
      // op     ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
      "  81     c3                          01 00 00 00\n"  // add 1 to EBX
      // ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 000 (subop add) 011 (dest EBX)
      "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n"
      "run: r/m32 is EBX\n"
      "run: imm32 is 0x00000001\n"
      "run: subop add\n"
      "run: SF=1; ZF=0; CF=0; OF=1\n"
      "run: storing 0x80000000\n"

void test_add_imm32_to_r32_unsigned_overflow() {
  Reg[EBX].u = 0xffffffff;  // largest unsigned number
      "== code 0x1\n"
      // op     ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
      "  81     c3                          01 00 00 00\n"  // add 1 to EBX
      // ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 011 (subop add) 011 (dest EBX)
      "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n"
      "run: r/m32 is EBX\n"
      "run: imm32 is 0x00000001\n"
      "run: subop add\n"
      "run: SF=0; ZF=1; CF=1; OF=0\n"
      "run: storing 0x00000000\n"

void test_add_imm32_to_r32_unsigned_and_signed_overflow() {
  Reg[EBX].u = 0x80000000;  // smallest negative signed integer
      "== code 0x1\n"
      // op     ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
      "  81     c3                          00 00 00 80\n"  // add 0x80000000 to EBX
      // ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 011 (subop add) 011 (dest EBX)
      "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n"
      "run: r/m32 is EBX\n"
      "run: imm32 is 0x80000000\n"
      "run: subop add\n"
      "run: SF=0; ZF=1; CF=1; OF=1\n"
      "run: storing 0x00000000\n"


void test_add_imm32_to_mem_at_r32() {
  Reg[EBX].i = 0x2000;
      "== code 0x1\n"
      // op     ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
      "  81     03                          0a 0b 0c 0d \n"  // add 0x0d0c0b0a to *EBX
      // ModR/M in binary: 00 (indirect mode) 000 (subop add) 011 (dest EBX)
      "== data 0x2000\n"
      "01 00 00 00\n"  // 0x00000001
      "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n"
      "run: effective address is 0x00002000 (EBX)\n"
      "run: imm32 is 0x0d0c0b0a\n"
      "run: subop add\n"
      "run: storing 0x0d0c0b0b\n"

core_sources = \
	src/contact.c src/contact.h src/log.c src/common.c \
	src/log.h src/profanity.c src/common.h \
	src/profanity.h src/chat_session.c \
	src/chat_session.h src/muc.c src/muc.h src/jid.h src/jid.c \
	src/chat_state.h src/chat_state.c \
	src/resource.c src/resource.h \
	src/roster_list.c src/roster_list.h \
	src/xmpp/xmpp.h src/xmpp/capabilities.c src/xmpp/connection.c \
	src/xmpp/iq.c src/xmpp/message.c src/xmpp/presence.c src/xmpp/stanza.c \
	src/xmpp/stanza.h src/xmpp/message.h src/xmpp/iq.h src/xmpp/presence.h \
	src/xmpp/capabilities.h src/xmpp/connection.h \
	src/xmpp/roster.c src/xmpp/roster.h \
	src/xmpp/bookmark.c src/xmpp/bookmark.h \
	src/xmpp/form.c src/xmpp/form.h \
	src/event/server_events.c src/event/server_events.h \
	src/event/client_events.c src/event/client_events.h \
	src/ui/ui.h src/ui/window.c src/ui/window.h src/ui/core.c \
	src/ui/titlebar.c src/ui/statusbar.c src/ui/inputwin.c \
	src/ui/titlebar.h src/ui/statusbar.h src/ui/inputwin.h \
	src/ui/console.c src/ui/notifier.c \
	src/ui/win_types.h \
	src/window_list.c src/window_list.h \
	src/ui/rosterwin.c src/ui/occupantswin.c \
	src/ui/buffer.c src/ui/buffer.h \
	src/ui/chatwin.c \
	src/ui/mucwin.c \
	src/ui/privwin.c \
	src/ui/mucconfwin.c \
	src/ui/xmlwin.c \
	src/command/command.h src/command/command.c \
	src/command/commands.h src/command/commands.c \
	src/tools/parser.c \
	src/tools/parser.h \
	src/tools/p_sha1.h src/tools/p_sha1.c \
	src/tools/autocomplete.c src/tools/autocomplete.h \
	src/tools/tinyurl.c src/tools/tinyurl.h \
	src/config/accounts.c src/config/accounts.h \
	src/config/tlscerts.c src/config/tlscerts.h \
	src/config/account.c src/config/account.h \
	src/config/preferences.c src/config/preferences.h \
	src/config/theme.c src/config/theme.h \
	src/config/scripts.c src/config/scripts.h

unittest_sources = \
	src/contact.c src/contact.h src/common.c \
	src/log.h src/profanity.c src/common.h \
	src/profanity.h src/chat_session.c \
	src/chat_session.h src/muc.c src/muc.h src/jid.h src/jid.c \
	src/resource.c src/resource.h \
	src/chat_state.h src/chat_state.c \
	src/roster_list.c src/roster_list.h \
	src/xmpp/xmpp.h src/xmpp/form.c \
	src/ui/ui.h \
	src/otr/otr.h \
	src/pgp/gpg.h \
	src/command/command.h src/command/command.c \
	src/command/commands.h src/command/commands.c \
	src/tools/parser.c \
	src/tools/parser.h \
	src/tools/p_sha1.h src/tools/p_sha1.c \
	src/tools/autocomplete.c src/tools/autocomplete.h \
	src/tools/tinyurl.c src/tools/tinyurl.h \
	src/config/accounts.h \
	src/config/account.c src/config/account.h \
	src/config/tlscerts.c src/config/tlscerts.h \
	src/config/preferences.c src/config/preferences.h \
	src/config/theme.c src/config/theme.h \
	src/config/scripts.c src/config/scripts.h \
	src/window_list.c src/window_list.h \
	src/event/server_events.c src/event/server_events.h \
	src/event/client_events.c src/event/client_events.h \
	tests/unittests/xmpp/stub_xmpp.c \
	tests/unittests/ui/stub_ui.c \
	tests/unittests/log/stub_log.c \
	tests/unittests/config/stub_accounts.c \
	tests/unittests/helpers.c tests/unittests/helpers.h \
	tests/unittests/test_form.c tests/unittests/test_form.h \
	tests/unittests/test_common.c tests/unittests/test_common.h \
	tests/unittests/test_autocomplete.c tests/unittests/test_autocomplete.h \
	tests/unittests/test_jid.c tests/unittests/test_jid.h \
	tests/unittests/test_parser.c tests/unittests/test_parser.h \
	tests/unittests/test_roster_list.c tests/unittests/test_roster_list.h \
	tests/unittests/test_chat_session.c tests/unittests/test_chat_session.h \
	tests/unittests/test_contact.c tests/unittests/test_contact.h \
	tests/unittests/test_preferences.c tests/unittests/test_preferences.h \
	tests/unittests/test_server_events.c tests/unittests/test_server_events.h \
	tests/unittests/test_muc.c tests/unittests/test_muc.h \
	tests/unittests/test_cmd_statuses.c tests/unittests/test_cmd_statuses.h \
	tests/unittests/test_cmd_alias.c tests/unittests/test_cmd_alias.h \
	tests/unittests/test_cmd_connect.c tests/unittests/test_cmd_connect.h \
	tests/unittests/test_cmd_rooms.c tests/unittests/test_cmd_rooms.h \
	tests/unittests/test_cmd_account.c tests/unittests/test_cmd_account.h \
	tests/unittests/test_cmd_sub.c tests/unittests/test_cmd_sub.h \
	tests/unittests/test_cmd_bookmark.c tests/unittests/test_cmd_bookmark.h \
	tests/unittests/test_cmd_otr.c tests/unittests/test_cmd_otr.h \
	tests/unittests/test_cmd_pgp.c tests/unittests/test_cmd_pgp.h \
	tests/unittests/test_cmd_join.c tests/unittests/test_cmd_join.h \
	tests/unittests/test_cmd_roster.c tests/unittests/test_cmd_roster.h \
	tests/unittests/test_cmd_disconnect.c tests/unittests/test_cmd_disconnect.h \

functionaltest_sources = \
	tests/functionaltests/proftest.c tests/functionaltests/proftest.h \
	tests/functionaltests/test_connect.c tests/functionaltests/test_connect.h \
	tests/functionaltests/test_ping.c tests/functionaltests/test_ping.h \
	tests/functionaltests/test_rooms.c tests/functionaltests/test_rooms.h \
	tests/functionaltests/test_presence.c tests/functionaltests/test_presence.h \
	tests/functionaltests/test_message.c tests/functionaltests/test_message.h \
	tests/functionaltests/test_chat_session.c tests/functionaltests/test_chat_session.h \
	tests/functionaltests/test_carbons.c tests/functionaltests/test_carbons.h \
	tests/functionaltests/test_receipts.c tests/functionaltests/test_receipts.h \
	tests/functionaltests/test_roster.c tests/functionaltests/test_roster.h \
	tests/functionaltests/test_software.c tests/functionaltests/test_software.h \

main_source = src/main.c

git_include = src/gitversion.h

pgp_sources = \
	src/pgp/gpg.h src/pgp/gpg.c

pgp_unittest_sources = \

otr3_sources = \
	src/otr/otrlib.h src/otr/otrlibv3.c src/otr/otr.h src/otr/otr.c

otr4_sources = \
	src/otr/otrlib.h src/otr/otrlibv4.c src/otr/otr.h src/otr/otr.c

otr_unittest_sources = \

themes_sources = themes/*

script_sources = bootstrap.sh configure-debug install-all.sh

man_sources = docs/profanity.1

core_sources += $(pgp_sources)
unittest_sources += $(pgp_unittest_sources)

unittest_sources += $(otr_unittest_sources)
core_sources += $(otr3_sources)
core_sources += $(otr4_sources)

bin_PROGRAMS = profanity
profanity_SOURCES = $(core_sources) $(main_source)
profanity_themesdir = @THEMES_PATH@
profanity_themes_DATA = $(themes_sources)
BUILT_SOURCES = $(git_include)

TESTS = tests/unittests/unittests
check_PROGRAMS = tests/unittests/unittests
tests_unittests_unittests_SOURCES = $(unittest_sources)
tests_unittests_unittests_CFLAGS = -w
tests_unittests_unittests_LDADD = -lcmocka

TESTS += tests/functionaltests/functionaltests
check_PROGRAMS += tests/functionaltests/functionaltests
tests_functionaltests_functionaltests_SOURCES = $(functionaltest_sources)
tests_functionaltests_functionaltests_CFLAGS = -I/usr/include/tcl8.6 -I/usr/include/tcl8.5
tests_functionaltests_functionaltests_LDADD = -lcmocka -lstabber -lexpect -ltcl

man_MANS = $(man_sources)

EXTRA_DIST = $(man_sources) $(themes_sources) $(script_sources) profrc.example LICENSE.txt

EXTRA_DIST += .git/HEAD .git/index

$(git_include).in: .git/HEAD .git/index
	rm -f $@
	echo "#ifndef PROF_GIT_BRANCH" >> $@
	echo "#define PROF_GIT_BRANCH \"$(shell git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name --abbrev-ref HEAD)\"" >> $@
	echo "#endif" >> $@
	echo "#ifndef PROF_GIT_REVISION" >> $@
	echo "#define PROF_GIT_REVISION \"$(shell git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 1)\"" >> $@
	echo "#endif" >> $@

# Create $(git_include) atomically to catch possible race. The race can occur
# when $(git_include) is generated in parallel with building of src/profanity.c.
# So this hack allows to find and fix the problem earlier.
$(git_include): $(git_include).in
	cp $< $@

	rm -f $(git_include) $(git_include).in

check-unit: tests/unittests/unittests
"00 00 00 00\n" // 0 ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n" "run: effective address is 0x00002000 (EBX)\n" "run: effective address contains 0\n" "run: imm32 is 0x80000000\n" "run: subop subtract\n" "run: SF=1; ZF=0; CF=1; OF=1\n" "run: storing 0x80000000\n" ); } //: void test_subtract_imm32_from_r32() { Reg[EBX].i = 10; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 81 eb 01 00 00 00 \n" // subtract 1 from EBX // ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 101 (subop subtract) 011 (dest EBX) ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n" "run: r/m32 is EBX\n" "run: imm32 is 0x00000001\n" "run: subop subtract\n" "run: storing 0x00000009\n" ); } //:: shift left :(before "End Initialize Op Names") put_new(Name, "c1", "shift rm32 by imm8 bits depending on subop (sal/sar/shl/shr)"); :(code) void test_shift_left_r32_with_imm8() { Reg[EBX].i = 13; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " c1 e3 01 \n" // shift EBX left by 1 bit // ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 100 (subop shift left) 011 (dest EBX) ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: operate on r/m32\n" "run: r/m32 is EBX\n" "run: subop: shift left by CL bits\n" "run: storing 0x0000001a\n" ); } :(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes") case 0xc1: { const uint8_t modrm = next(); trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "operate on r/m32" << end(); int32_t* arg1 = effective_address(modrm); const uint8_t subop = (modrm>>3)&0x7; // middle 3 'reg opcode' bits switch (subop) { case 4: { // shift left r/m32 by CL trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "subop: shift left by CL bits" << end(); uint8_t count = next() & 0x1f; // OF is only defined if count is 1 if (count == 1) { bool msb = (*arg1 & 0x80000000) >> 1; bool pnsb = (*arg1 & 0x40000000); OF = (msb != pnsb); } *arg1 = (*arg1 << count); ZF = (*arg1 == 0); SF = (*arg1 < 0); // CF undefined trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "SF=" << SF << "; ZF=" << ZF << "; CF=" << CF << "; OF=" << OF << end(); trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "storing 0x" << HEXWORD << *arg1 << end(); break; } // End Op c1 Subops default: cerr << "unrecognized subop for opcode c1: " << NUM(subop) << '\n'; exit(1); } break; } //:: shift right arithmetic :(code) void test_shift_right_arithmetic_r32_with_imm8() { Reg[EBX].i = 26; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " c1 fb 01 \n" // shift EBX right by 1 bit // ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 111 (subop shift right arithmetic) 011 (dest EBX) ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: operate on r/m32\n" "run: r/m32 is EBX\n" "run: subop: shift right by CL bits, while preserving sign\n" "run: storing 0x0000000d\n" ); } :(before "End Op c1 Subops") case 7: { // shift right r/m32 by CL, preserving sign trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "subop: shift right by CL bits, while preserving sign" << end(); uint8_t count = next() & 0x1f; int32_t result = (*arg1 >> count); ZF = (*arg1 == 0); SF = (*arg1 < 0); // OF is only defined if count is 1 if (count == 1) OF = false; // CF CF = ((*arg1 >> (count-1)) & 0x1); trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "SF=" << SF << "; ZF=" << ZF << "; CF=" << CF << "; OF=" << OF << end(); *arg1 = result; trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "storing 0x" << HEXWORD << *arg1 << end(); break; } :(code) void test_shift_right_arithmetic_odd_r32_with_imm8() { Reg[EBX].i = 27; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " c1 fb 01 \n" // shift EBX right by 1 bit // ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 111 (subop shift right arithmetic) 011 (dest EBX) ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: operate on r/m32\n" "run: r/m32 is EBX\n" "run: subop: shift right by CL bits, while preserving sign\n" // result: 13 "run: storing 0x0000000d\n" ); } :(code) void test_shift_right_arithmetic_negative_r32_with_imm8() { Reg[EBX].i = 0xfffffffd; // -3 run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " c1 fb 01 \n" // shift EBX right by 1 bit, while preserving sign // ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 111 (subop shift right arithmetic) 011 (dest EBX) ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: operate on r/m32\n" "run: r/m32 is EBX\n" "run: subop: shift right by CL bits, while preserving sign\n" // result: -2 "run: storing 0xfffffffe\n" ); } //:: shift right logical :(code) void test_shift_right_logical_r32_with_imm8() { Reg[EBX].i = 26; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " c1 eb 01 \n" // shift EBX right by 1 bit, while padding zeroes // ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 101 (subop shift right logical) 011 (dest EBX) ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: operate on r/m32\n" "run: r/m32 is EBX\n" "run: subop: shift right by CL bits, while padding zeroes\n" "run: storing 0x0000000d\n" ); } :(before "End Op c1 Subops") case 5: { // shift right r/m32 by CL, preserving sign trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "subop: shift right by CL bits, while padding zeroes" << end(); uint8_t count = next() & 0x1f; // OF is only defined if count is 1 if (count == 1) { bool msb = (*arg1 & 0x80000000) >> 1; bool pnsb = (*arg1 & 0x40000000); OF = (msb != pnsb); } uint32_t* uarg1 = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(arg1); *uarg1 = (*uarg1 >> count); ZF = (*uarg1 == 0); // result is always positive by definition SF = false; // CF undefined trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "SF=" << SF << "; ZF=" << ZF << "; CF=" << CF << "; OF=" << OF << end(); trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "storing 0x" << HEXWORD << *arg1 << end(); break; } :(code) void test_shift_right_logical_odd_r32_with_imm8() { Reg[EBX].i = 27; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " c1 eb 01 \n" // shift EBX right by 1 bit, while padding zeroes ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: operate on r/m32\n" "run: r/m32 is EBX\n" "run: subop: shift right by CL bits, while padding zeroes\n" // result: 13 "run: storing 0x0000000d\n" ); } :(code) void test_shift_right_logical_negative_r32_with_imm8() { Reg[EBX].i = 0xfffffffd; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " c1 eb 01 \n" // shift EBX right by 1 bit, while padding zeroes // ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 101 (subop shift right logical) 011 (dest EBX) ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: operate on r/m32\n" "run: r/m32 is EBX\n" "run: subop: shift right by CL bits, while padding zeroes\n" "run: storing 0x7ffffffe\n" ); } //:: and :(before "End Initialize Op Names") put_new(Name, "25", "EAX = bitwise AND of imm32 with EAX (and)"); :(code) void test_and_EAX_with_imm32() { Reg[EAX].i = 0xff; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 25 0a 0b 0c 0d \n" // and 0x0d0c0b0a with EAX ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: and imm32 0x0d0c0b0a with EAX\n" "run: storing 0x0000000a\n" ); } :(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes") case 0x25: { // and imm32 with EAX // bitwise ops technically operate on unsigned numbers, but it makes no // difference const int32_t signed_arg2 = next32(); trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "and imm32 0x" << HEXWORD << signed_arg2 << " with EAX" << end(); Reg[EAX].i &= signed_arg2; trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "storing 0x" << HEXWORD << Reg[EAX].i << end(); SF = (Reg[EAX].i >> 31); ZF = (Reg[EAX].i == 0); CF = false; OF = false; trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "SF=" << SF << "; ZF=" << ZF << "; CF=" << CF << "; OF=" << OF << end(); break; } //: :(code) void test_and_imm32_with_mem_at_r32() { Reg[EBX].i = 0x2000; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 81 23 0a 0b 0c 0d \n" // and 0x0d0c0b0a with *EBX // ModR/M in binary: 00 (indirect mode) 100 (subop and) 011 (dest EBX) "== data 0x2000\n" "ff 00 00 00\n" // 0x000000ff ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n" "run: effective address is 0x00002000 (EBX)\n" "run: imm32 is 0x0d0c0b0a\n" "run: subop and\n" "run: storing 0x0000000a\n" ); } :(before "End Op 81 Subops") case 4: { trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "subop and" << end(); // bitwise ops technically operate on unsigned numbers, but it makes no // difference *signed_arg1 &= signed_arg2; trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "storing 0x" << HEXWORD << *signed_arg1 << end(); SF = (*signed_arg1 >> 31); ZF = (*signed_arg1 == 0); CF = false; OF = false; trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "SF=" << SF << "; ZF=" << ZF << "; CF=" << CF << "; OF=" << OF << end(); break; } //: :(code) void test_and_imm32_with_r32() { Reg[EBX].i = 0xff; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 81 e3 0a 0b 0c 0d \n" // and 0x0d0c0b0a with EBX // ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 100 (subop and) 011 (dest EBX) ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n" "run: r/m32 is EBX\n" "run: imm32 is 0x0d0c0b0a\n" "run: subop and\n" "run: storing 0x0000000a\n" ); } //:: or :(before "End Initialize Op Names") put_new(Name, "0d", "EAX = bitwise OR of imm32 with EAX (or)"); :(code) void test_or_EAX_with_imm32() { Reg[EAX].i = 0xd0c0b0a0; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 0d 0a 0b 0c 0d \n" // or 0x0d0c0b0a with EAX ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: or imm32 0x0d0c0b0a with EAX\n" "run: storing 0xddccbbaa\n" ); } :(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes") case 0x0d: { // or imm32 with EAX // bitwise ops technically operate on unsigned numbers, but it makes no // difference const int32_t signed_arg2 = next32(); trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "or imm32 0x" << HEXWORD << signed_arg2 << " with EAX" << end(); Reg[EAX].i |= signed_arg2; trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "storing 0x" << HEXWORD << Reg[EAX].i << end(); SF = (Reg[EAX].i >> 31); ZF = (Reg[EAX].i == 0); CF = false; OF = false; trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "SF=" << SF << "; ZF=" << ZF << "; CF=" << CF << "; OF=" << OF << end(); break; } //: :(code) void test_or_imm32_with_mem_at_r32() { Reg[EBX].i = 0x2000; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 81 0b 0a 0b 0c 0d \n" // or 0x0d0c0b0a with *EBX // ModR/M in binary: 00 (indirect mode) 001 (subop or) 011 (dest EBX) "== data 0x2000\n" "a0 b0 c0 d0\n" // 0xd0c0b0a0 ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n" "run: effective address is 0x00002000 (EBX)\n" "run: imm32 is 0x0d0c0b0a\n" "run: subop or\n" "run: storing 0xddccbbaa\n" ); } :(before "End Op 81 Subops") case 1: { trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "subop or" << end(); // bitwise ops technically operate on unsigned numbers, but it makes no // difference *signed_arg1 |= signed_arg2; trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "storing 0x" << HEXWORD << *signed_arg1 << end(); SF = (*signed_arg1 >> 31); ZF = (*signed_arg1 == 0); CF = false; OF = false; trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "SF=" << SF << "; ZF=" << ZF << "; CF=" << CF << "; OF=" << OF << end(); break; } :(code) void test_or_imm32_with_r32() { Reg[EBX].i = 0xd0c0b0a0; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 81 cb 0a 0b 0c 0d \n" // or 0x0d0c0b0a with EBX // ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 001 (subop or) 011 (dest EBX) ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n" "run: r/m32 is EBX\n" "run: imm32 is 0x0d0c0b0a\n" "run: subop or\n" "run: storing 0xddccbbaa\n" ); } //:: xor :(before "End Initialize Op Names") put_new(Name, "35", "EAX = bitwise XOR of imm32 with EAX (xor)"); :(code) void test_xor_EAX_with_imm32() { Reg[EAX].i = 0xddccb0a0; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 35 0a 0b 0c 0d \n" // xor 0x0d0c0b0a with EAX ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: xor imm32 0x0d0c0b0a with EAX\n" "run: storing 0xd0c0bbaa\n" ); } :(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes") case 0x35: { // xor imm32 with EAX // bitwise ops technically operate on unsigned numbers, but it makes no // difference const int32_t signed_arg2 = next32(); trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "xor imm32 0x" << HEXWORD << signed_arg2 << " with EAX" << end(); Reg[EAX].i ^= signed_arg2; trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "storing 0x" << HEXWORD << Reg[EAX].i << end(); SF = (Reg[EAX].i >> 31); ZF = (Reg[EAX].i == 0); CF = false; OF = false; trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "SF=" << SF << "; ZF=" << ZF << "; CF=" << CF << "; OF=" << OF << end(); break; } //: :(code) void test_xor_imm32_with_mem_at_r32() { Reg[EBX].i = 0x2000; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 81 33 0a 0b 0c 0d \n" // xor 0x0d0c0b0a with *EBX // ModR/M in binary: 00 (indirect mode) 110 (subop xor) 011 (dest EBX) "== data 0x2000\n" "a0 b0 c0 d0\n" // 0xd0c0b0a0 ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n" "run: effective address is 0x00002000 (EBX)\n" "run: imm32 is 0x0d0c0b0a\n" "run: subop xor\n" "run: storing 0xddccbbaa\n" ); } :(before "End Op 81 Subops") case 6: { trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "subop xor" << end(); // bitwise ops technically operate on unsigned numbers, but it makes no // difference *signed_arg1 ^= signed_arg2; trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "storing 0x" << HEXWORD << *signed_arg1 << end(); SF = (*signed_arg1 >> 31); ZF = (*signed_arg1 == 0); CF = false; OF = false; trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "SF=" << SF << "; ZF=" << ZF << "; CF=" << CF << "; OF=" << OF << end(); break; } :(code) void test_xor_imm32_with_r32() { Reg[EBX].i = 0xd0c0b0a0; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 81 f3 0a 0b 0c 0d \n" // xor 0x0d0c0b0a with EBX // ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 110 (subop xor) 011 (dest EBX) ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n" "run: r/m32 is EBX\n" "run: imm32 is 0x0d0c0b0a\n" "run: subop xor\n" "run: storing 0xddccbbaa\n" ); } //:: compare (cmp) :(before "End Initialize Op Names") put_new(Name, "3d", "compare: set SF if EAX < imm32 (cmp)"); :(code) void test_compare_EAX_with_imm32_greater() { Reg[EAX].i = 0x0d0c0b0a; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 3d 07 0b 0c 0d \n" // compare EAX with 0x0d0c0b07 ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: compare EAX with imm32 0x0d0c0b07\n" "run: SF=0; ZF=0; CF=0; OF=0\n" ); } :(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes") case 0x3d: { // compare EAX with imm32 const int32_t signed_arg1 = Reg[EAX].i; const int32_t signed_arg2 = next32(); trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "compare EAX with imm32 0x" << HEXWORD << signed_arg2 << end(); const int32_t signed_difference = signed_arg1 - signed_arg2; SF = (signed_difference < 0); ZF = (signed_difference == 0); const int64_t full_signed_difference = static_cast<int64_t>(signed_arg1) - signed_arg2; OF = (signed_difference != full_signed_difference); const uint32_t unsigned_arg1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(signed_arg1); const uint32_t unsigned_arg2 = static_cast<uint32_t>(signed_arg2); const uint32_t unsigned_difference = unsigned_arg1 - unsigned_arg2; const uint64_t full_unsigned_difference = static_cast<uint64_t>(unsigned_arg1) - unsigned_arg2; CF = (unsigned_difference != full_unsigned_difference); trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "SF=" << SF << "; ZF=" << ZF << "; CF=" << CF << "; OF=" << OF << end(); break; } :(code) void test_compare_EAX_with_imm32_lesser_unsigned_and_signed() { Reg[EAX].i = 0x0a0b0c07; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 3d 0d 0c 0b 0a \n" // compare EAX with imm32 ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: compare EAX with imm32 0x0a0b0c0d\n" "run: SF=1; ZF=0; CF=1; OF=0\n" ); } void test_compare_EAX_with_imm32_lesser_unsigned_and_signed_due_to_overflow() { Reg[EAX].i = 0x7fffffff; // largest positive signed integer run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 3d 00 00 00 80\n" // compare EAX with smallest negative signed integer ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: compare EAX with imm32 0x80000000\n" "run: SF=1; ZF=0; CF=1; OF=1\n" ); } void test_compare_EAX_with_imm32_lesser_signed() { Reg[EAX].i = 0xffffffff; // -1 run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 3d 01 00 00 00\n" // compare EAX with 1 ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: compare EAX with imm32 0x00000001\n" "run: SF=1; ZF=0; CF=0; OF=0\n" ); } void test_compare_EAX_with_imm32_lesser_unsigned() { Reg[EAX].i = 0x00000001; // 1 run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 3d ff ff ff ff\n" // compare EAX with -1 ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: compare EAX with imm32 0xffffffff\n" "run: SF=0; ZF=0; CF=1; OF=0\n" ); } void test_compare_EAX_with_imm32_equal() { Reg[EAX].i = 0x0d0c0b0a; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 3d 0a 0b 0c 0d \n" // compare 0x0d0c0b0a with EAX ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: compare EAX with imm32 0x0d0c0b0a\n" "run: SF=0; ZF=1; CF=0; OF=0\n" ); } //: void test_compare_imm32_with_r32_greater() { Reg[EBX].i = 0x0d0c0b0a; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 81 fb 07 0b 0c 0d \n" // compare 0x0d0c0b07 with EBX // ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 111 (subop compare) 011 (dest EBX) ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n" "run: r/m32 is EBX\n" "run: imm32 is 0x0d0c0b07\n" "run: SF=0; ZF=0; CF=0; OF=0\n" ); } :(before "End Op 81 Subops") case 7: { trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "subop compare" << end(); const int32_t tmp1 = *signed_arg1 - signed_arg2; SF = (tmp1 < 0); ZF = (tmp1 == 0); const int64_t tmp2 = static_cast<int64_t>(*signed_arg1) - signed_arg2; OF = (tmp1 != tmp2); const uint32_t unsigned_arg1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(*signed_arg1); const uint32_t unsigned_arg2 = static_cast<uint32_t>(signed_arg2); const uint32_t tmp3 = unsigned_arg1 - unsigned_arg2; const uint64_t tmp4 = static_cast<uint64_t>(unsigned_arg1) - unsigned_arg2; CF = (tmp3 != tmp4); trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "SF=" << SF << "; ZF=" << ZF << "; CF=" << CF << "; OF=" << OF << end(); break; } :(code) void test_compare_rm32_with_imm32_lesser_unsigned_and_signed() { Reg[EAX].i = 0x0a0b0c07; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 81 f8 0d 0c 0b 0a \n" // compare EAX with imm32 // ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 111 (subop compare) 000 (dest EAX) ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n" "run: r/m32 is EAX\n" "run: imm32 is 0x0a0b0c0d\n" "run: subop compare\n" "run: SF=1; ZF=0; CF=1; OF=0\n" ); } void test_compare_rm32_with_imm32_lesser_unsigned_and_signed_due_to_overflow() { Reg[EAX].i = 0x7fffffff; // largest positive signed integer run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 81 f8 00 00 00 80\n" // compare EAX with smallest negative signed integer // ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 111 (subop compare) 000 (dest EAX) ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n" "run: r/m32 is EAX\n" "run: imm32 is 0x80000000\n" "run: subop compare\n" "run: SF=1; ZF=0; CF=1; OF=1\n" ); } void test_compare_rm32_with_imm32_lesser_signed() { Reg[EAX].i = 0xffffffff; // -1 run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 81 f8 01 00 00 00\n" // compare EAX with 1 // ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 111 (subop compare) 000 (dest EAX) ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n" "run: r/m32 is EAX\n" "run: imm32 is 0x00000001\n" "run: subop compare\n" "run: SF=1; ZF=0; CF=0; OF=0\n" ); } void test_compare_rm32_with_imm32_lesser_unsigned() { Reg[EAX].i = 0x00000001; // 1 run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 81 f8 ff ff ff ff\n" // compare EAX with -1 // ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 111 (subop compare) 000 (dest EAX) ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n" "run: r/m32 is EAX\n" "run: imm32 is 0xffffffff\n" "run: subop compare\n" "run: SF=0; ZF=0; CF=1; OF=0\n" ); } :(code) void test_compare_imm32_with_r32_equal() { Reg[EBX].i = 0x0d0c0b0a; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 81 fb 0a 0b 0c 0d \n" // compare 0x0d0c0b0a with EBX // ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 111 (subop compare) 011 (dest EBX) ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n" "run: r/m32 is EBX\n" "run: imm32 is 0x0d0c0b0a\n" "run: SF=0; ZF=1; CF=0; OF=0\n" ); } :(code) void test_compare_imm32_with_mem_at_r32_greater() { Reg[EBX].i = 0x2000; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 81 3b 07 0b 0c 0d \n" // compare 0x0d0c0b07 with *EBX // ModR/M in binary: 00 (indirect mode) 111 (subop compare) 011 (dest EBX) "== data 0x2000\n" "0a 0b 0c 0d\n" // 0x0d0c0b0a ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n" "run: effective address is 0x00002000 (EBX)\n" "run: imm32 is 0x0d0c0b07\n" "run: SF=0; ZF=0; CF=0; OF=0\n" ); } :(code) void test_compare_imm32_with_mem_at_r32_lesser() { Reg[EAX].i = 0x2000; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 81 38 0a 0b 0c 0d \n" // compare 0x0d0c0b0a with *EAX // ModR/M in binary: 00 (indirect mode) 111 (subop compare) 000 (dest EAX) "== data 0x2000\n" "07 0b 0c 0d\n" // 0x0d0c0b07 ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n" "run: effective address is 0x00002000 (EAX)\n" "run: imm32 is 0x0d0c0b0a\n" "run: SF=1; ZF=0; CF=1; OF=0\n" ); } :(code) void test_compare_imm32_with_mem_at_r32_equal() { Reg[EBX].i = 0x0d0c0b0a; Reg[EBX].i = 0x2000; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 81 3b 0a 0b 0c 0d \n" // compare 0x0d0c0b0a with *EBX // ModR/M in binary: 00 (indirect mode) 111 (subop compare) 011 (dest EBX) "== data 0x2000\n" "0a 0b 0c 0d\n" // 0x0d0c0b0a ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: combine r/m32 with imm32\n" "run: effective address is 0x00002000 (EBX)\n" "run: imm32 is 0x0d0c0b0a\n" "run: SF=0; ZF=1; CF=0; OF=0\n" ); } //:: copy (mov) :(before "End Initialize Op Names") // b8 defined earlier to copy imm32 to EAX put_new(Name, "b9", "copy imm32 to ECX (mov)"); put_new(Name, "ba", "copy imm32 to EDX (mov)"); put_new(Name, "bb", "copy imm32 to EBX (mov)"); put_new(Name, "bc", "copy imm32 to ESP (mov)"); put_new(Name, "bd", "copy imm32 to EBP (mov)"); put_new(Name, "be", "copy imm32 to ESI (mov)"); put_new(Name, "bf", "copy imm32 to EDI (mov)"); :(code) void test_copy_imm32_to_r32() { run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " bb 0a 0b 0c 0d \n" // copy 0x0d0c0b0a to EBX ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: copy imm32 0x0d0c0b0a to EBX\n" ); } :(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes") case 0xb9: case 0xba: case 0xbb: case 0xbc: case 0xbd: case 0xbe: case 0xbf: { // copy imm32 to r32 const uint8_t rdest = op & 0x7; const int32_t src = next32(); trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "copy imm32 0x" << HEXWORD << src << " to " << rname(rdest) << end(); Reg[rdest].i = src; break; } //: :(before "End Initialize Op Names") put_new(Name, "c7", "copy imm32 to rm32 with subop 0 (mov)"); :(code) void test_copy_imm32_to_mem_at_r32() { Reg[EBX].i = 0x60; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " c7 03 0a 0b 0c 0d \n" // copy 0x0d0c0b0a to *EBX // ModR/M in binary: 00 (indirect mode) 000 (subop) 011 (dest EBX) ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: copy imm32 to r/m32\n" "run: effective address is 0x00000060 (EBX)\n" "run: imm32 is 0x0d0c0b0a\n" ); } :(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes") case 0xc7: { // copy imm32 to r32 const uint8_t modrm = next(); trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "copy imm32 to r/m32" << end(); const uint8_t subop = (modrm>>3)&0x7; // middle 3 'reg opcode' bits if (subop != 0) { cerr << "unrecognized subop for opcode c7: " << NUM(subop) << " (only 0/copy currently implemented)\n"; exit(1); } int32_t* dest = effective_address(modrm); const int32_t src = next32(); trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "imm32 is 0x" << HEXWORD << src << end(); *dest = src; break; } //:: push :(before "End Initialize Op Names") put_new(Name, "68", "push imm32 to stack (push)"); :(code) void test_push_imm32() { Mem.push_back(vma(0xbd000000)); // manually allocate memory Reg[ESP].u = 0xbd000014; run( "== code 0x1\n" // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " 68 af 00 00 00 \n" // push *EAX to stack ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: push imm32 0x000000af\n" "run: ESP is now 0xbd000010\n" "run: contents at ESP: 0x000000af\n" ); } :(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes") case 0x68: { const uint32_t val = static_cast<uint32_t>(next32()); trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "push imm32 0x" << HEXWORD << val << end(); //? cerr << "push: " << val << " => " << Reg[ESP].u << '\n'; push(val); trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "ESP is now 0x" << HEXWORD << Reg[ESP].u << end(); trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "contents at ESP: 0x" << HEXWORD << read_mem_u32(Reg[ESP].u) << end(); break; }